Chapter 4

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*Chapter 4*

Annabelle's POV:

After I slam my door, I take a look around my new room. Its actually pretty nice! There's a queen size bed with a pink and black blanket, a big TV, a nightstand, bean bags, a mini fridge, a dresser, a radio, and my own bathroom?! I've never had my own bathroom!

I take a seat on my bed. I open up my purse and take out a picture of my parents in their uniforms. I place it on my nightstand and I just stare at it. I start to cry because I miss them so much! How am I gonna live the rest of my life without them? My children won't have my parents as grandparents!

I crawl up into a ball in the middle of my bed and sob. If they hadn't died I would still be with Theresa and I wouldn't be here! I already hate it here! I must of been crying really loud because someone knocks on the door. I chose to ignore it and keep crying. A minute later I feel a hand on my back. I jump up onto my feet and see Liam. This only pisses me off even more.

"Why the fuck did you touch me?!" I yelled, still crying.

"Because you were crying. I was trying to comfort you! And you need to cut it out with the cussing." He said, comfortingly but sternly. I don't want to look him in the eye, so I look towards the ground.

I hear shuffling until I see feet in front of me. I then feel Liam's thumb under my chin softly, bringing my eyes to look at him. I try to pull my head out of his grasp but he keeps a firm hold of my chin. This only makes me more frustrated. I look at him for what feels like hours until he speaks.

"I know you don't like the guys and I but can't you at least give us a chance? At least give me a chance? Please?" Liam pleaded. I think about it and I'm to tired to fight right now so I answer.

"Fine." I gave in. I try to smile but I'm still heartbroken about my parents. Thinking of them brings more tears to my eyes.

"Come here." Liam said with open arms. At first I was very hesitant, but then I thought you know, I need someone to lean on, too so I go over to him and hug him.

I've been spending so much time worrying about Hayley, and about how she's coping with the death of our parents that I totally forgot about myself. I've been her person to lean on and I've just been doing nothing about myself. So finally I have my person to lean on and that's Liam.

"I-I just miss them so much!" I sobbed into his shirt. He rubs my back and whispers comforting words into my ear. I hold on to him, tightly.

After crying for about 10 minutes, I start to feel light headed, my legs start to feel wobbly, and I start to fall to the ground. Before I hit the ground, Liam picks me up and holds me bridal style. I hide my face into his neck as he walks us out of my room.

"W-where are we going?" I ask, sniffling. He looks down at me and replies.

"I'm taking you to the kitchen so we can get you some food and water. I know you're hungry because I heard your stomach growl while you were hugging me." Liam said with a slight smile. I try to smile back, but it just doesn't feel right.


Liam's POV:

I'm holding Annabelle in my arms and as I'm walking down the stairs. Once I enter the living room, I notice the guys and Hayley aren't in here anymore. Niall probably made them all go in the kitchen and eat. I chuckle lightly at the thought.

I walk into the kitchen with Annabelle still in my arms. I see the guys and Hayley eating Pizza. It gets quiet when I, well we, enter. Harry looks at me and mouths what's wrong with her?

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