Chapter 15

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*Chapter 15*

Annabelle's POV:

1 week later, 1 month and 3 weeks into the tour

I close my lap top after just finished my online schooling for today. I lay back on my hotel bed. I don't really feel good. I've had a headache, a throat ache, an ear ache, and a stomach ache all day. I frown and rub my belly, seeking relief.

"Hey, Bells. How are you?" Liam asked while walking into the room. I turn over on my stomach with my face in my pillow.

"Horrid." I mumbled. I feel his hand on my back and he rubs it in silence for a little while.

"What's wrong?" He asked sadly and i I turn to look at him. I frown and so does he.

"I don't feel good, Li. Everything hurts!" I whined. He takes the back of his hand and feels my forehead and his face instantly pales.

"What?" I asked, tiredly.

"I think you have a fever. Here get into some pajamas and get under your covers." He instructed.

"Li, I'm tired! I don't want to get up. If I do I might throw up." I start to cry. He looks at me worriedly.

"Here I'll grab you some. Are sweats and a t-shirt okay?" He asked and I nodded, feeling the heat behind my eyes. He goes to my suit case and grabs them for me. He hands them to me and I don't move.

"I feel helpless, Li." I whined and he starts to take my jeans off. I instantly freeze and kick him away.

"What are you doing?!" I growled.

"Calm down, I'm just changing you. I don't look at you in that way, so it doesn't matter to me. I just want you to feel better." He said quietly and I groan. He takes off my jeans and slips on my sweats. Then he takes off my shirt and puts on a t-shirt.

"Even though that was awkward, thank you, Li." I try to smile. Then I get that horrible feeling. That feeling you get when you're about to puke. I get up and run as fast as I can with this boot on, to the bathroom. I throw up and feel Liam hold my hair back.

After I'm done I brush my teeth. Liam is right next to me. He gives me a sad look. I cry because I hate being sick.

"Awh baby, it will be okay. You'll be okay. I'm going to get you medicine for that fever." He cooed and tries to bring me into a hug. I push him away.

"I don't want to get you sick." I sobbed. He still pulls me into a hug. I can't get out of it so I just hug him back.

"I don't care if I get sick, Bells. I only care about you." He mumbled. I cry into his shirt and feel my legs leave the ground. Liam carries me somewhere.

"I'm putting you in bed, okay. We have a concert tonight. I'm going to take Hayley so she doesn't get sick. I'll have someone come up and check up on you while we're gone. I'm sorry I have to leave you but I'll be right back after the concert." Liam said as he pulls the covers over me. I nodded, sniffling.

"I'll have a someone from room service bring you some Saltines and Sprite as soon as possible." He said and I nod again.

"Here is some water I want you to take these pills to lower your fever." He tries to hand me water and the pills.

"No Li. I can't." I whined and he sighed.

"You need to, Bells. I don't want your fever getting worse." He mumbled, sadly. He looks so tired all of a sudden.

"Please. No. I can't!"

"Just do it really fast!" There's no winning in this for me.

"Okay." I sighed, defeated, He hands my the water and pills. I get water in my mouth and swallow my pills.

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