Chapter 62

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*Chapter 62*

~~Trent's POV~~

"Annabelle!" I screamed when her head hits the floor. Her face is pale and her body is stiff.

"Call 911!" I screamed at Liam as I lift up my unconscious wife. Niall takes a screaming Hayley upstairs.

"Babe, babe!" I pat her cheeks as tears fall down my mine.

"Who are you?!" I yelled at the couple standing before me. They're trying to touch Annabelle but I jerk her away from them.

And that's when it hits me.

Annabelle has the same eyes as the women and same facial shape as the man.

"Are you her...par-ents?" I stuttered, completely and utterly shocked.

"Yes, we are." The man replied and my heartbeat quickens.

But they're dead...?

"We have a lot of explaining to do but first we need to help her!" Her mom is on her knees beside me in tears.

"She has a heartbeat but it's slow," I feel just under her ear.

"Belly," I whimpered, more focused on her again.

"Wake up!" I yelled, impatiently, not intentionally at her but at the position she is in at the moment.

"Yes we are at 100445 east London road. Yes, okay." Liam said and walks over to the front door. He opens it and walks back over.

"Yes, thank you. Buh-bye."

"They're on their way. The door is opened and ready for them." Liam said and then runs over to us.

"Bells, lovely." He shakes her in my arms.

"She isn't waking up!" I cried.

"It's okay, she's going to be okay."

"How do you know that?" My vision is blurred by my tears but I know it was her father speaking.

"Because even though we've been gone for years, I know my daughter is tough."

I nod and bring Annabelle up to my chest and hug her.


I shut up when I hear the sirens right outside the house. The sound of a fire truck fills my ears and about 5 paramedics run inside.

"Get a gurney!" One yells and that one runs outside again.

"Sir, you're going to need to lay her on the couch and step away so we can help her."

"No! I need to stay with her." I shouted.

"We need to help her, it's important that you let her go so we can help her." A women about 30 years old said.

"No!" I cried.

"Trent!" Liam pulled me.

"Stop it! No!" I sobbed.

I feel Annabelle fall out if my arms and into a paramedics arms. She took her away from me. Liam forcefully yanks me back and holds me as I squirm in his grip.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"Trent!" He growled while pushing me up against a wall.

"You better calm yourself down unless you want to be taken down to the police station instead of seeing Annabelle!" He yelled. I push him off of me and punch him square in the jaw.

He groans and falls back but Louis holds him up.

"What the fuck man?!" Louis screamed. Everyone in this house is insane.

Now that I'm free, I run over to Annabelle.

"Sir! You need to back away!" A man yelled at me.


Once again I feel arms pulling me back. I grip my fingers together, ready to punch Liam again and I go for it.

I hear a deeper groan from behind me where I punched.

Wait, that isn't Liam....?

"Sir, you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer," His voice rings out and my stomach drops to the base of the earth. I assaulted one of my kind. So much for being a professional police officer.


~~Liam's POV~~

"Get ice! Get ice! Hurry!" Louis yelled to Harry. Louis guides me to the couch and I take a seat.

I groan loudly as the blood drips down my chin. He shot me square in the nose and chin. I can't even move my face.

3 paramedics run through the door and over to me. Someone must've called them to help me.

"Gauze!" One yelled to another. My head starts to fall forward.

"You, hold his head up." A women said to Louis. Louis places his hands on both sides of my cheeks.

"Ow," I mumble, trying to speak but it isn't working. Tears drip from my eyes in emotional and physical hurt.

He's one of my best mates and he punches me. I was only trying to prevent him from getting arrested but that didn't work. Trent was taken outside and put into a police car cause he's a dumb ass.

God Annabelle is going to flip. Even more...

"Just drive to the hospital. She will be there soon." Zayn said to her parents. Her mom who I think is Christina nods, still crying.

They lift Annabelle on the gurney and roll her out of here. I can't even process what's going on at the moment. My baby girl is passed out, her parents are alive, Trent punched me, I probably have a broken nose, and Trent got arrested.


What the hell is this?!

I watch as the ones who caused this walk out of the house in silence.

They had a good reason to leave but it doesn't mean they should've. I'm talking about how they left them 6 years ago.

They didn't even get to explain this to Annabelle nor Hayley. They're beyond confused not to mention unconscious..

"Don't speak, son." A male police officer said.

"You'll make your injuries even worse," He added. I nod in response.

"We are taking you in as well."

"You're going to be checked for head injuries as well as broken facial bones." A women said. I groan.

"We will meet you there," Louis pats my back.

Two paramedics help me onto another gurney and we make it out and into the ambulance.


~~Hayley's POV~~

"Let me go!" I screamed, with tears streaming down my cheeks like it's my job.

"Calm down, Princess." Niall cooed while holding my waist onto the bed.

"Let me go to my sister!" I sobbed, scared of what's happening. My sister fainted...again and this time she hit her head hard.

"If you calm down, I will let you go to the hospital with the guys. But if you don't, you're staying here with the twins and I." He reasoned. I decide to listen to him but only for my sister.

"C'mere love." He pulls me into him and I sob into his shirt.

"I'm so scared!" I cried.

"I know babe. So am I." He rubs my back, softly.

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, noticing him walking with me in his arms.

"Check on the kids."

I lay my head on his shoulder as he walks into their room.

"Aw Addy." Niall chuckles and I lift my head. She's sitting quietly while looking at us through the crib.

"Let me down please." I said and Niall does so. I walk over and lift my niece.

"Hey Addy," I try to smile.

"Bebe," She smiles showing her itty bitty teeth. She started calling me Bebe when she was little. It's cute, I think.

"Niall!" Louis voice yelled up the stairs and my heart stops.

"Stay," Niall instructed. I nod, lying.

I follow Niall out of the room and into the hallway.

"Shh," I said to Addy.

"Annabelle is being taken to the emergency room. Her parents are following the ambulance. Trent is a dumb fuck and he got pissed and punched Liam in the nose. He's going to the hospital as well to get checked up." Louis said and my heart stops.

"Aw fuck." Niall's inner Irish shines.

"Trent couldn't control his anger and he punched a police officer as well."

"He was arrested."

"That kid is in some deep shit." Niall curses.

"Trent is arrested?" My voice is dry and raspy. Niall whips around to look at me.

"Shit Hayley! I told you to stay in the room." He yelled. I jump but keep a good hold of Addy.

"Why did he do that?" I asked, speaking of Trent.

"Go in the room with Aidan."

"You're staying here now. Next time don't disobey me." Niall said, sternly and I walk in the room, ready to cry until I get what I want..

To go to see my sister.


~~Trent's POV~~

"Get in there!" My dad yelled at me. Wow, one of my own kind is putting me in jail.

He's the chief, remember.

"Dad you don't understand!" I cried, afraid to lose my job and embarrassed to be in this situation.

"Shut up son! Stay in here until I let you out so you can apologize to the one you injured! You are in a heap of trouble, Trent!" He yelled.

"I'm going to lose my job dad!" I cried.

"No you won't but you'll he suspended from being in office for 2 weeks, I know that for sure." He said, not as loudly.

"Please let me out," I begged.

"You punched my co-chief, Trent Ceader. You're staying in here for a while."


"Trent, you're lucky I spoke my fucking ass off to get you to keep your job! They were going to fire you! I couldn't let that happen so the least you could do is spend the night in this cell as a punishment along with being suspended." He shouted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I though it was Liam! I didn't mean to hit him either. I'm so worked up! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"My baby is hurt! I need to be with her!" I added.

"You can see her tomorrow son. I cannot believe have immature you are right now." He walked out of the room and I sit here, trapped behind a jail cell paying the price of my stupidity.



Ayeeeeee I updated! Yay!

Love y'all so much!

I'll try to update sometime this week but this weekend I'm going to this place called youth front with my church. It's like a camp for 3 days and I'm excited! I won't have any time to update so bear with me!

Tweet me @paparazayn_ !


-Mackenzie xoxo

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