Chapter 48

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*Chapter 48*

Annabelle's POV:

6 months later, few days till wedding

"There she is!" A familiar voice squealed from behind me. I turn around with a huge grin playing on my lips.

"Theresa! Jim! Nick and Josh!" I exclaimed as I run over to Theresa. I wrap my arms around her. I haven't seen them in years! Since the kids were born. They came and visited for a weekend so they already met them.

"I missed you. Look how much you've grown! You're beautiful." She smiles once our hug is released.

"I missed you too! And thank you!" I grinned. I walk over to Jim and stand in front of him. He does something I would've never expected. He lifts me in the air and hugs me while my feet aren't touching the ground.

"Jim!" I squealed. His laughs fill the lobby. We're in a hotel. A hotel in. . .


Trent and I decided that we should have our wedding in my home country. We're in San Diego, California. It's beautiful here.

Jim places me on my feet and I walk over to Nick and Josh. "Wow, you guys have grown so much! Look at you! How old are you? 14?" I asked.

"Yes! We're 14! How old are you now?" Nick asked. My birthday was just last month. It's April now.

"I'm 20."

"Wow, I remember when you were our age and picking on us all the time." Josh smiles. I roll my eyes.

"More like you guys stealing my things!" I giggle.

"But there is something different from back then." Josh smirked.

"What is that?" I asked, curiously.

"You're a complete babe." He checks me out.

"Hey! She's mine!" I heard Trent yell from the Lobby couch. Eavesdropping or really good hearing? The world may never know.

"We're like siblings!"

"Not blood related." He winked ans I roll my eyes. This is gonna be a long week.

"Hayley Rae, come here. People are arriving!" I shouted across the lobby. No one is in here except Trent, My foster family, and the twins so I'm not bothering anyone. Well, hopefully.

"Theresa, Jim, Nick, and Josh are here!" I told her and motioned her to walk over to them. She gets up off the couch. When Hayley comes into Theresa's view, she gasps.

"Look at you!! The little baby is so big now! How old are you now?" Theresa exclaimed.

"I turned 9 in December." She said as they go into a hug.

"Wow." Is all Theresa said.

"You're a beautiful young lady, Hayley." Jim said with a grin.

"Thank you." She pulled him into a hug. I smile.

"Dibs!" Nick punches Josh's shoulder.

"Hey, no dibs on my sister! You're 14! She's 9!" I said, protectively. Nick just smirks at me.

"Age is just a number." He winked. What is up with these boys?! Puberty must've hit them hard.

"I've got my eyes on you, boy." I almost growled.

"Not 24/7." He chuckles and pulls Hayley into a hug. I roll my eyes. This is going to be a long few days. . .

"Hayley." I called. She pulls away and looks at me.

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