Chapter 52

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*Chapter 52*

Annabelle's POV:

Next morning

"Trent!" I whisper/shouted. He groans but doesn't open his eyes. I giggle before siting on his waist and placing my hands on his bare chest.

"Annabelle, go away." He whined but doesn't open his eyes. I move my hands to his cheeks and run my fingers all around.

"Babe, it's 9:30am. We have things to do before the dinner rehearsal." I said. He groaned.

"Let me sleep." He said, groggily.

I giggle. "No, I let you sleep in an hour later than I wanted. Get up or I will pour water on you." I said, with amusement in my voice. He doesn't move, he just keeps his eyes shut.

Until he quickly pushes me over and gets on top of me. I gasped, shocked. "Trent!" I giggle. He places his hands at either side of my head, supporting himself to position that way.

"You wouldn't dare pour water on me." He said while grinning.

I smirked. "Yes, I would." I said. He chuckles before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

"Where are the kids?" He asked after he pulled away.

"I made Liam watch them so I could wake you. We were chilling in his room earlier. He's an early bird and I was bored." I said.

"More time with him." He muttered. I can't help but smile at his jealousy. His jealousy towards my brother.

"You get to have me all to yourself during our honeymoon." I said, happily. His frown turns into a smile.

"I can't wait." He exclaimed and I giggle.

"Me either. Just you and I babe." I grinned. He pecks my nose.

"You and I against the world." He said.


"Can you help me zip this up?" I asked Trent. He turns around and grins, cheekily.

"I'd love to." He said while walking over to me. He places his hands on the zipper of my black skin tight dress and zips it up, slowly.

"Oh come on, just zip it up." I exclaimed. He chuckles before zipping it up quickly. "Thank you." I start to walk away.

"Damn, babe." He said and pulls me back. He turns me to look at him. I raise an eye brow.

"What?" I asked, already kind of knowing how he is going to respond.

"That dress makes you look so beautiful." He said, eyeing my body. He gently runs his hands up and down my curves. I push my freshly curled hair behind my shoulders and lean my head on his shoulder. He pulls me closer to him, still rubbing my sides. "Trent, you're still in your boxers." He chuckles a little.

"I was changing but you needed help with the dress." He replied. I nod against his chest.

"I want more times like these." I said. He makes an 'mhm' sound.

"So do I." He sighed. I pull away from him, much to early for my liking but we have things to do today. It's noon now.

"Get dressed." I instructed. He grin, showing his one sided dimple that only appears on some occasions.

"Yes ma'am." He replied before walking over to the dresser. I don't forget to smack his bum before he walks away. He turns back and gives me a cheeky grin.

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