Chapter 59

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*Chapter 59*

Liam's POV:

"Hayley, stop it." I groaned, obviously annoyed at her actions. She's been bugging me for the past 10 minutes about when Annabelle is going to be home. It's quite annoying and I'm so close to yelling at her but I know she only misses her sister.

"Liam, when will she be here! Why can't you just tell me?" Hayley yelled. I narrow my eyes at her before pulling her waist over in front of me. I'm sitting and she is standing so he stands between my legs.

"Don't you dare yell at me." I said, sternly. She rolls her eyes before keeping them shut.

"I want my sister, not you."

"You're not going to want me even more in about 2 minutes." I said, referring to spanking her if she doesn't quit.

"You wouldn't," She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I would, you can even ask your sister." I challenged and her eyes widen before narrowing again.

"How am I supposed to ask her, IF I DONT EVEN KNOW WHEN SHE GOING TO BE BACK!" She snapped.

"Cut it out, Hayley." I demanded.

"No! I just want to know when my sister is coming back and you won't tell me!"

"Ive told you! I don't know when she's getting back! For God sakes Hayley, you need to listen!"

She crosses her arms at me and gives me a stern look. I almost chuckle but then I realize I need to set boundaries for her.

"Your attitude needs to quit before your bottom is red." I said, looking her directly in the eyes.

"Okay," She said, flatly. Then she pulls out of my grip and stomps away.

"Just go to the guest room if you're going to act like a brat!" I called after her.

She and the twins have been staying at the guys and my house in London. Annabelle and Trent are coming back to London and visiting until they start to move into their new house in San Diego. I'll miss them but I know I can fly out to them any time I want.

"Bubb," Addison giggles. I look down at her and Aidan.

"Stwop," Aidan remarked and I chuckle. It's hard to believe that they're two years old now!(in 4 days)

"Bubby!" Addy pokes Aidan again.

"Nwo!" Aidan shouted and that's when I realize I should put this to a quits.

"Hey, now." I lift up Addy and sit her on my lap.

"Stop bugging him, love." I said, softly.

"He doesn't like it,"

She just sits and stares at me having no idea what she did wrong. I place her back down before lifting up Aidan and sitting him on the couch.

"Liam!" Harry shouted from the backyard.


"Come shoot some hoops with me!" He replied.

"I'm watching the twins!"

"So? Bring them out here. They could use the vitamin C!" He said, referring to the sun.

"Okay okay." I said before lifting Aidan and standing Addy up. I take Addy's hand and walk us out to the back yard.

"Here, sit here." I place Aidan on the swinging bench and his sister beside him.

"Catch!" Harry shouts as the ball comes towards me. I catch it and stand about 10 feet away from the middle of the basketball hoop.

I bounce it to Harry and he passes it back.

My defensive side kicks in and I turn my back to Harry while making my way towards the hoop.

"Is that the best you can do Harry?" I chuckle after I made a shot.

"No, I was going easy!" He said, defensively and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say.."

"Start me," He said and we continue to play for who knows how long.


~~Hayley's POV~~

When I color outside the lines of my coloring book, I growl and rip the piece out. I'm not in a very good mood anymore.

Liam is so stupid! Why won't he just tell me when my sister will be back?! I just want her!

He said he didn't know but I'm sure he probably does because old people lie all the time.

Does 25 count as old? Well who cares, he's old compared to my 9 year old self.

I sigh as I stand up off the ground and throw my coloring book and materials on the bed. Liam always gets mad at me for 'attitude' so I just go to the guest room instead of getting yelled at and told to go anyways.

I plop onto the beanbag by the window. I roll my eyes when I look out and see Liam and Harry.

I'm so bored, maybe I should invite Holly over..? I decide to do so because of my boredom and I send her a text.

I really miss Annabelle. She's like my mom and takes care of me. She's so fun and happy and that makes me happy too.

Being without her reminds me of the time she was taken. Ever since that happened, whenever she isn't here, I get nervous and anxious.

*Ya let me ask*

Holly responded to my text. I send her a quick 'okay' before standing to my feet and walking over to the radio. I turn it on and a song plays.

"Mom said I can C u soon.*

*Ok, is she drivin u over here or r u walkin?*


I place my phone on the desk and walk into the bathroom. I fix my hair and change into sweatpants and a tank top.

I grab my phone again and jog down the stairs, making sure I don't touch every other step.

The doorbell rings just as I walk towards it. Yay she's here!

I open up the door with a smile until I see her.

"Oh my gosh Holly!" I screeched at the appearance of her.

"Hayley!" She cries.

It's pouring rain and she has a huge scratch on her face. Blood is pouring out of her cheek along with tears.

What the hell? It was just sunny and warm an hour ago! Now it's freezing and pouring like no other.

But What happened to her?!

"Oh my goodness come inside."

"I can't! My ankle!" She sobbed and my heart breaks.

"Hop on my back!" I said as I turn around. She jumps on, careful not to hurt herself and I carry her inside.

I carry her over to the couch before setting her down, not caring if she's still soaking wet. My back is soaked but I don't care. My best friend is hurt.

"I want my brother!" She sobbed again.

"I have no idea when he and Annabelle are going to be back because Liam is a dumb ass and won't tell me."

"I'm a what?"

My heart stops and I turn around to see an angry Liam with his arms crossed.

"Get your ass over here!" He snapped and I automatically run over to him. He is soaking wet as well. Oh yeah, that's right, he was outside playing basketball.

"I'm sorry Liam. Please don't spank me." I begged and he rolls his eyes.

He grabs me by the arm and turns me around. I feel his hand on my bum and I cry out.

"Liam stop!" I cried.

"Holly is hurt!" I sobbed as he keeps whacking my bottom.

"She's hurt? Holly is here?" He stops and turns me around.

"Y-yes sh-she," I can't continue because I'm sobbing so hard.

"She what?"

"H-her," I cried.

"Jesus Hayley just spit it out."

"Her a-ankle a-a-and face." I sobbed. Liam's eyes soften at my state before he wraps my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He lifts me and rubs my back.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"The-the couch." I sniffled and laid my head on his shoulder.

I feel him walking over towards the couch and he gasps.

"Holly, my god!" He exclaimed and tries to set me down but I hold on tightly.

"Hayley, get off, now! This is important!" He said, harshly. I let go as he places me on the couch next to Holly. I give Liam a rude glare before wiping my eyes and looking at Holly.

Her ankle is sitting up and it's purple like. This causes me to cry even harder. On top of being spanked and angry with Liam, my best friend is in pain.

"What happened Holly?" Liam asked, his voice filled with concern.

"It started raining hard and m-my bike m-made me fall a-and I hurt myself b-badly!" She cried.

"She needs to go to the hospital Liam!" I cried.

"The rain is so bad right now, love. We can go in a little though. I'll call her parents and why don't you go and get her something dry to wear, yeah?" He said.

"Okay," I said and run up the stairs. I run into my room and rummage through my drawer of clothing. I find her clean underwear, a One Direction t-shirt and grey sweats. I quickly find a clean and dry shirt for me and slip it on.

I grab the stuff including a towel and run down the stairs, carefully.

"I got some things." I said as I reach them at the couch.

"I can help her change Liam." I added.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen talking with her parents on the phone." He leaves the room.

"Okay. Stand up and hold onto my shoulder."

She does as I say and I lift off her light pink tank top. I dry her off with the towel before slipping on the shirt.

"T-thank you." She sniffed.

I smile at her before helping her take off her jeans and underwear. I don't care what I see, she's my best friend. I slip on her underwear and sweats, careful not to hurt her injured ankle.

I lean her down and sit her on the couch again. Then I take my hair tie off of my wrist before tying her hair into a bun so it doesn't stick to her cheeks.

"Thank you so much, I love you." Holly cried.

"I love you too and I'm so sorry that you're hurt." I lean down to hug her.

She doesn't reply, instead she pulls me down to sit next to her. I pull a blanket over us as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Her parents are on their way over to get her. They're taking her to the closest hospital possible." Liam explained as he walked in.

"But I wanna stay with her." I said, starting to cry again.

"When they get here, we can see if you'll be able to go. Though, you are still in trouble for what you said."

I take my focus off of him and scoot closer to my best friend.

Liam turns on the TV and spongebob comes on. I smile and watch.



"That must be her parents." Liam said as the doorbell goes off. I nod and look at my sleeping best friend. How is she sleeping when she's so hurt? She must be so tough.

Liam stands up and starts to walk over to the door.

"Don't forget to ask if I can go!" I reminded him. He turns around and nods before proceeding towards the door.

I watch as he opens the door.

"Hello, Holly is on the cou-" He gasped so loudly, I'm almost 100% sure all the air in the world disappeared.

"What the? You're huh? How? What?" He stuttered and I start to worry.

I push off the blanket and stand up. Them I walk over to the door, wondering why Liam is acting so strange.

I smile, ready to greet Mr. and Mrs. Ceader but boy was I wrong.

Those are the faces I had trouble remembering. The ones that I hardly knew.

How are they here? How is this even possible?!

I faintly remember seeing their faces in caskets 6 years ago.

But I thought they- they were--









I updated! Yay!

Read my other fanfic in my works please! I'd appreciate it a lot! Love you guys so much.

5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter? Yeah?

Kk thanks guys and hope you enjoyed this chapter!


-Mackenzie xoxo

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