Chapter 68

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*Chapter 68*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

"I really enjoyed last night." I smile at Trent who is sitting across from me at the kitchen table. The guys are scattered around the table and my sister and twins are sitting beside me.

Trent smiles at me before taking a bite of his eggs. The guys were kind enough to make us breakfast before Trent and I start buying plane tickets to get back to California. We aren't leaving for a few days but we wanted to be prepared.

My parents came over last night and we got caught up a little bit. They explained how they're going to be going back to war for two years and then they're retiring. I wasn't really affected by that because they were never here anyways. But I'll miss them.

"What did you guys do? Multiply?" Harry smirks with a wink and I cough of my eggs.

"Are you okay?" Trent asked, concern filling his facial expressions. I clear my throat and wipe my eyes that were watering. I nod.

"No, we weren't actually." I huff to Harry. He sends me a cheeky grin.

"Don't feel like you need to lie. We are your brothers here. Tell us everything." His lips almost touch his ears as his grin widens each second.

"Harry!" I scowled.

"I would never tell you anything like that! And I don't need another baby right now. I've got two right here." I said. Harry chuckles and puts his hands up like he's surrendering.

"We could go and multiply right now." Trent sends me the cheekiest grin. I narrow my eyes at him for egging Harry on.

"No! My god!" I exclaimed, embarrassed that we are talking about sex at the breakfast table.

"I'd prefer if you didn't talk about having sex with my little sister," Liam said but it's not hard to tell that he's trying to hold in a laugh. "At least in front of me."

Trent chuckles while bring the cup of orange juice to his lips. He downs the drink in only seconds before setting the cup down with a click and letting out a breathy ah.

Will do." Trent replies to Liam but sends me a wink. I glare at him before rolling my eyes and taking another bite of my food.

"Great, now she's pissed at me." Trent said, a hint of humor is clear in his voice. I ignore him and put some more egg pieces on both of my children's mini table connected to their high chair.

"Hayley, are you glad it's finally summer break again?" I asked, smiling at her one seat over. She's been out of school for a while since the wedding. She's caught up and ready for next year.

"Yes! Holly and I are going to play the whole time!"

My heart breaks into tiny pieces. We aren't going to be here for much longer and she thinks she will be with Holly all summer. I look up at Trent.

"Can we talk for a second?" I asked him. He nods and stands onto his feet. I decided to quickly rinse off my plate and stick it in the dishwasher.

"You didn't eat very much." Trent frowns from beside me.

"Yeah I did." I said, walking out of the kitchen with him following me. I ate more than I usually do.

"You still had half the plate left or more. Baby, you're worrying me." He snakes his arms around my waist and looks down at me.

"You're tiny, I could squish you." He said and I frown.

"Would you stop making me feel even more insecure than I already do?" I push him away but he grabs me back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm just worried, that's all. Only because I love and care about you so much." He explained. I pull myself out of his grip and ignore the hurt look on his face.

"I just wanted to talk about Hayley and Holly." I look up at him and he takes a step closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist but leaves enough space between us so we can look at each other. He can never keep his hands off of me.

"What about them, love?"

"We are moving soon, Trent. They won't be able to be together all the time anymore." I said, worriedly. Realization hits his face and he opens his mouth to speak.

"Holly is going to be so heartbroken." He whispers.

"So will Hayley," I said, defensively and he rolls his eyes.

"I know that, don't need to be all defensive." He said and I try to get out my his grip because he keeps pissing me off. "No babe, stay."

"I was not being defensive!" I argued.

"Okay," He agrees with me. "I'm sorry," I'm completely surprised with his response. I step closer to him and let him keep his arms around me.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." I admitted, my stomach turning at the thought of my upset sister.

"Doesn't she know we are leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah just maybe she forgot, I don't know Trent. I'm just a worrier."

"I know that. And Holly knows we are moving. We've all just been so sidetracked that they probably forgot about that."

"Yeah." I frown.

"Hey now," He said softly. "Everything is going to work out. We can arrange weekends and/or breaks where they can meet up either here in London or in San Diego."

"I've been so busy with everything I was too inconsiderate to think about how Hayley is going to react when she starts her first day of her new school in America."

"You're not inconsiderate, babe. You're just busy and stressed." He moves the hair from my face and presses his lips against my forehead. I shut my eyes, trying to relax myself, and lean closer to Trent so that we're touching more. His lips leave my presents and I lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and we just stand there for a little while.

"Everything will work out." He uses one hand to run his fingers through my hair. I breath in his smell and my body instantly relaxes.

"I know,"

We stand in silence for a few minutes until he speaks again.

"I'm not trying to piss you off but we really need to talk about how skinny you are." He runs his fingers down my back. I pull my head back and look up at him, trying to hold back my glare.

"Don't be mad, love. I'm worried about you." His thumb finds it's way to my cheek and onto my lower lip. He gently pulls away but keeps his eyes focused on mine. I don't reply, I just look down, embarrassed that I'm not the right weight to satisfy him.

My head doesn't stay down for long because he uses two fingers under my chin and lifts my head to look at him.

"You're so beautiful," He said. "I'm just worried about your health."

"I'm not too skinny, I am fine." I said, defensively. I am fine, right?

"Look at your legs babe. Their so skinny." He said.

"Because I'm skinny there is something wrong with me?" I asked, my feelings hurting.

"No, it's just you could know.. Anorexic." He said the last word very softy and I smack his chest, hard. I pull out of his grip as he groans in pain from the impact from my hand.

"I am not!" I snapped. He places his arms by his side and I look up at his face. His cheeks are red and his eyes are narrowed..but only for a second until he softens his look.

"That is one of the most mean things you've ever said to me, Trent." My eyes watering. Being called anorexic is just like being call fat. Fat can be anorexia but that's not the case right now.

"Baby, I am so sorry." He frowns at my watering eyes. "I'm just worried about you so much."

"No you're not! You just want to make me feel bad about myself!" I yelled, on the verge of tears.

"No, babe, no. I never wanted to make you feel that way." He tries to take my hands but I smack him away.

"Then why did you?" My voice cracks and I cry. Panic rushes to his face and he tries to pull me in for a hug but I push him away.

"I didn't mean to!" He raises his voice and I cry a little harder. I don't need him yelling when I feel like shit about myself.

"Oh god, Annabelle. I am sorry." He breaths trying again to hug me but I don't let him.

"Stop it!" I cried, not wanting his embrace right now. His eyes show hurt but I don't care! I'm hurting more.

"What's going on?" Liam walks in. "What's wrong?" He asks when he sees me crying. I'm to sad to explain so I head for the stairs.

"Woah, woah, woah." Liam called. "Come back here!" I start to run a little towards the stairs but someone grabs my waist.

"Bells, stop it." Liam demanded. I'm still sobbing like a mad man and he turns me to look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned about me.

"Nothing!" I yelled.

"There is something wrong, that's why you're crying. Now tell me what's wrong, babe." He wraps his arms around my waist is a brotherly way.

I wait a second before spitting it out. "I am ugly!"

Liam stares at me for a few seconds before opening his mouth to speak. "You are not!"

"Did Trent tell you that?" He looks over at Trent. "I will kill him!"

Trent puts his hands up like he's surrendering. "I didn't call her ugly. I would never."

"Why do you think you're ugly?" Liam asked me.

"I am too skinny according to Trent." I sniffle, my stomach turning as we speak.

"Too skinny?" He looks down at my body and I can tell he is thinking hard.

"Stop staring at me!" I scowled, feeling very insecure. Liam frowns at me and pulls me in for a hug. He doesn't respond and I don't know what he is thinking. Am I too skinny to him too?

"Stop picking out her flaws, Trent." Liam scowled. What's that supposed to mean? I thought. Is he saying that I am too skinny but in other words?

I decide to not comment on that.

"I am not! I am just worried about her! It's because I love her!" He yelled. "What do you want me to do? Not worry and watch her die if she does have this disease?"

My eyes widen and tears spill from them once again. Here I am, acting like a total hormonal teenager. I have an excuse thought!

"Trent!" Liam let's go of me and walks towards him. "I will not hesitate to punch you multiple times until you can no longer speak correctly!"

"I don't have anorexia!" I cried out, causing the doors to open revealing the rest of the family.

"What's going on?" Hayley asked, her eyes growing sad when she sees me crying.

"Take them away right now, guys. This is no matter for them to be a part of!" Liam demanded the guys. Immediately they're carrying the twins and a crying Hayley out of the room and upstairs.

"Go ahead, punch me." Trent eggs Liam on. "I deserve it, don't it? Payback?"

"You sure as hell deserve it!" Liam growled. "For that and hurting my sister!"

"She's my wife, for crying out loud! Stop acting like I'm some sort of monster!" Trent snapped and all I want to do is go and rub his arms and back to try and calm him down.

"She's my sister! We're closer!" Liam, immaturely remarks.

"We've had sex, we're closer!" Trent argued and I suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Stop it!" I cried. Seeing the two most important people in my life fighting because of me hurts my feelings.

"This is my fault!" I snapped. "You too shouldn't be fighting because of me!"

"This isn't your fau--"

"Yes it is, Liam! I'm too skinny and I apologize!" I said, exasperated. "Someone bring me ice cream and Chinese so I can gain some damn wait so my husband can be satisfied with my appearance!"

Trent's face falls and he walks towards me. I only take a step back. I don't want his shit right now.

"The only time I want you near me right now is if you're handing me shit food so I can get fat." I snapped.

"Baby, please. I only was worried and now I am getting shit because of it." He breathed. "I guess I'll stop caring for you and worrying about you."

"You're such an ass!" I yelled. "That's not what I meant!"

"You know what? Forget I said anything. Sorry for being such a pain in the ass for loving and caring about you." He brushes past me, making his way towards the stairs but I catch his big hard, muscular arm in my small hand.

"Stop acting like a 14 year old," I demanded while using all my might to yank him back towards me. Trent turns around and sends me an ugly glare.

"I will when you stop acting like hormonal pregnant women!" He says and I let out a loud, throaty chuckle.

"I'm too skinny to be pregnant, remember?"

"It was a simile, go back to school. Did you ever learn what you missed while you were pregnant? No? You're dumb as fuck."

My eyes begin to water again. This is getting way out of hand and he's already started to say things I know he will regret later.

"That's funny because I remember taking online classes when you were right next to me." I said. "And I do recall graduating with a higher grade point average than you."

Trent glares at me for a few seconds. His eyes never leave my crying ones until Liam speaks and we both look over at him.

"I'll let you guys talk...alone." He said and jogs to the front door. "I'll be back soon. I'm going to get groceries!"

"Guys!" He called up the stairs and immediately Harry is standing at the top of the staircase. "Yes?" He called.

"Get everyone. We are going to the store to get groceries." Liam responded.

Not even 30 seconds later, everyone is down the stairs and out the door. I didn't make eye contact with Hayley. I don't want to see her crying right now. It breaks my heart. When the front door closes, I sit on the couch and lean over, placing my head in my hands. I can't take this anymore.

"Why did we even get married?" Trent's raspy, British accent speaks and I look up at him. He's standing over me.

"What? You want a divorce?" I start to cry again.

"No, of course I don't. I love you so much and I couldn't ever let you get away." He said. "It's just we fight all the time and I don't think it's healthy for either one of us.

"Tell me about it. I'm so close to vomiting because of it. My stomach hurts so bad." I admitted and he frowns.

"You give me headaches." He cracks a smile but I don't return it. I'm still sad and I feel really insecure around him now.

"I'm sorry for everything." He said and I stare at him.

"I'm just so worried about you!" He blurts. He looks like he is about to cry like I have been.

"I am not anorexic." I breathe. I place my fingers at the hem of my shirt and pull it up and over my body until I'm shirtless; only in my beak and pants.

"Look, you can't see my ribs like we used to." I look down at my stomach. He walks closer to me and gets on one knee. He brushes his hands against my stomach before he places his lips on it and kisses it.

He takes my hand and stands up so he is taller than me again. He lifts my shift from the ground and helps me out it back on.

"I'm sorry. You're just skinny, not anorexic. I am so sorry for hurting your feelings." He mumbled against my neck as he kisses it over and over.

"Please, cuddle with me baby." He begged in my ear and I smile. I feel my feet leave the ground so I'm up in his arms like a baby. He sits me on the couch while he turns on the TV. I watch him bend over, to lift the remote from the ground and I can't help but notice how sexy is ass is.

He grabs the remote and joins me on the couch. I take the remote from his hand, earning a playful growl from his lips.

"Have I ever told you how sexy your ass is?" I asked, my lips really close to his. I place each of my knees on either side of his and my hands running all over his chest.

"Not as sexy as yours." He smirks while squeezing my ass. I giggle in response while lightly brushing my lips against his to tease him. Every time he comes in for a kiss, I move my head back. He glares at me before forcefully pushing me on my back onto the couch and getting on top of me.

"Now I am in control babe." He smirks. "I can do whatever I want to you."

"No you can't. Remember our deal? No sex until you've learned to control you anger." I smirk back.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" He playfully pouts. "Get myself off with my own hand?"

"Yep." I giggle.

"Maybe I'll force your little hand to do it." He growls, leaning further down on me.

"Nope," I smile. "All we can do is kiss until you learn your lesson."

"We can touch each other, right?" He smirks.

"Through clothing I guess."

He slams his big lips onto mine, very quickly. I pull his ass so he's flat on top of me and not just hovering over. His hands wonder over my face and he traces fingers down my neck.

His fingers squeeze around my breasts for a few moments before he tries to pull my shirt up but I stop him. The kiss doesn't break, he just sticks his hands up my shirt instead of taking it completely off.

"Trent, no. Let's not touch. It will lead to other things." I pull away and he sighs. "I need to be inside of you!" He pecks my lips.

"It's going to have to wait. Let's just cuddle, please." I begged and he agrees. Thank god. I didn't want him to be able to get away with being angry all the time.

He sits and helps me up. I scoot as close as I can to him and lay my head on his side. He wraps his arm around me and scoots me even closer.

"Thank you for respecting my wish." I said and he pecks my hair in response.


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