Chapter 57

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*Chapter 57*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

"I think you're a bit tipsy." Trent stares at me with amusement.

"Am not!"

"I think so." He chuckles before lifting me up bridal style and carries me over to our terminal. He already put our luggage in the baggage area for it to go on the plane.

He packed all of my things, which was necessary because he won't tell me where were going and I didn't know what to pack.

"I'm not tipsy, silly goose." I giggle while running my fingers around his jawline. He turns his head and playfully bites my finger.

"Yes you are," He chuckles after letting my finger go. I frown, and I think he noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"You're mad at me."

"No I'm not. What makes you think that?"

"You're mad at me because I'm tipsy."

"I'm not mad at you, love. It's our wedding day. It's a freebee day." He said and then a smirk appears on his lips.

"You admitted you're tipsy." He laughs, causing me to pout.

"Did not." I argue.

"Did too! You know it!" He exclaimed while sitting down in a chair with me still in his arms like a baby. I slipped on some sweats and a tank top before we got here so I could be comfortable.

"Did not." I mumbled, even though I know I did. Trent sighs with an eye roll.

"I can never win with you." He said and I giggle.

"You're not supposed to." I admitted, causing him to roll his eyes again.

"Can you let me go, I need to pee." I changed the subject.

"TMI." He chuckles.

"It's only pee Trent."

"I know, Annabelle." He said while standing me on my feet. I stumble over a little bit but Trent catches me by my waist.

"You're so not tipsy." He said, sarcastically. I roll my eyes even though it hurts my head.

"Do you need me to take you to the bathroom?" He asked. I giggle.

"I don't need to pee. I just wanted to get off of your lap." I giggle. He frowns.

"You don't like it when I carry you? When I hold you?" He said, sadly. Damn, this guys mood changes all the time.

"Trent, you know I love you and I love your embrace but I just needed to stand up."

"Good excuse." He mumbled, and I sigh. I look around to see if anyone is in this waiting area to board the plane. There is only a elderly couple who are both sleeping with there heads back. I guess no one goes on planes at one in the morning. We were supposed to get on a plane at 11pm but our flight got delayed.

I sit on Trent's lap, with each knee on each side of his waist, and lay my head down on his chest. I place my palms on his chest, softly.

"I love your embrace, babe." I murmured. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back.

"I love yours too."

"Trent?" I asked.


"Where are you taking me?" I asked, and he groans.

"Can't you just accept the fact that I'm not telling you until we arrive?" His voice is filled with annoyance.

"Don't get annoyed, Trent. It's just, the suspense is eating me alive." I admitted.

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