Chapter 19

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*Chapter 19*

Annabelle's POV:

Next day

I'm sitting on my bed being lazy. I've already taken my shower and got ready for the day. I lay back and smile as the memories of last night replay in my mind. Trent is literally the perfect guy. How did I get so lucky?

I unplug my phone from the charger and walk downstairs. I'm in a great mood today and hopefully no one ruins that.

"Hey, Ann." Niall greeted as I walked into the living room and I smile. I wave at the other guys and Hayley. Well, all the guys but Liam cause he's not in here.

"Hi." I replied as I take a seat on the couch next to him. I wonder where Liam is. I sighed tiredly.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired." I responded to Niall. He nods, understandingly and focuses back on the T.v. Typical, Derby is on and he is watching like a hawk.

"Is that Bells?" I heard Liam call while walking into the room. I glance up at him and smile,

"Why yes it is."

"You got something in the mail." He said and hands me a box. I take it and wonder what it is. I give him a confused look. He shrugs and sits on the other side of me.

"Open it." He told me.

I search around the outside of the box. "I'm looking to see who it's from." I said as I finally find the tag. "From Phenix, Arizona. Mailed from 12943 West Nigel St. Area code: 99256."

"It's from Theresa." I added as excitement rushes through me. I start to open it but the tape is really tough. I try and use my nail to cut it but that doesn't work either.

"Hold on, Bells. I'll go get a knife." Liam laughed and stood up. I look up at him briefly before focusing on the tape.

"No, I can do it myself." I replied while trying to use my nail again. I dig my nail in further.

"Stubborn." I heard him say quietly.

"Heard that, Li." I acknowledged and he snorts.

He replied, "You were meant to." I roll my eyes. After trying and trying to get the tape cut with my nail, it finally opens and I sigh happily.

"Finally." Liam exclaimed and I give him a glare. I lift up the flaps of the cardboard box. There is tissue paper surrounding things. I take one thing out and unwrap it. Its about 25 photos wrapped in a rubber band. There's a sticky note. I read it quickly.


Found these photos of you as a baby. I thought you'd like them. Miss you. Xoxo


After I read it to myself, I read it aloud to the guys. I take off the rubber band holding the photos. I gaze over them and laugh loudly. I can't believe she kept these.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed. I'm looking at a photo of me when I'm about 1 year old. I looked like a little boy! "Look Liam." I giggled. I hand him the photo and he looks at it.

"Oh my! It's my baby girl as a baby girl! You're adorable." He grinned, staring at the photos. "You've always been cutie, huh?"

"They're are more! This is one of me when I'm about 6!" I gushed while handing him another. He passes the old one to Louis. I keep passing photos of me to Liam who passes them to Louis and it goes all around until there are no more photos of me.

"There's more in here." I said happily. I reach in and unwrap another thing covered in tissue paper. It's another pile of photos. There is another sticky note, too.

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