Chapter 67

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*Chapter 67*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

A date I thought.

Well this was a bit unexpected. Where is he taking me? What should I wear? He said to wear casual but what type of casual? Sweats and a t-shirt? Yogas and a sweater? This familiar kind of anxiety fills my body. This is like our first date all over again.

I'm scanning my closet, like a fourteen year old girl who had just been asked on a date, looking for something nice to wear.

I compromise with myself when I get stuck between two nice outfits. Yogas and a nice sweater or dark blue skinny jeans and a like blue nice top.

I choose the yogas and sweater and promise myself I'll wear that other cute outfit the next day.

Noticing how horrible I smell, even though I just took a shower this morning, I realize that I need another one.

I lay out my clothes on our bed, wondering where Trent went when he went upstairs, where I am right now.

I shrug before stripping completely naked and wrapping a towel around me. I place my dirty clothes in the hamper. Hopefully I don't forget that dirty outfit when we leave to go back to our home in America.

That reminds me, we are leaving to America in a little less than two weeks.

I sigh as I step in the shower, letting the warm prepared water run in my back.

I've lived in America before, most of my life actually. But it's going to be so weird living there again, after living in London for so long.

We were just in America for the wedding, yeah, but I was too busy and stressed to even realize how weird it would be to live there again.

San Diego, such a beautiful sight. I'm so excited to be living there and working part time at Sea World. I haven't been accepted for the job quite yet, but they want me to come and work for a week to see how I am and I am thrilled!

When we get back to America, hopefully Trent will be unsuspended from working so he can help pay some of the bills. I still cannot believe he did that, punched a cop..

His own kind...

I roll my eyes behind my eyelids and rinse out the remaining drops of Shampoo.

"You're gonna hear me roar," I sing, softly as I massage in some conditioner.

About 10 minutes later I am done showering, including shaving, and I step out onto another towel, ready to dry myself off with the one hanging up on the railing.

I scream when I hear Trent's voice through the door after a two beat knock.

"Babe, are you done?" He asked and then chuckled when he heard my scream afterwards.


"What?" He used the same tone as I did.

"You scared me,"

"I know." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes before wringing out my hair and placing the towel around my body. I step out and send Trent a little glare and he grabs my arm as I'm walking away.

I squeal, using my other hand to hold the towel that almost fell, up and he grins down at me, knowing he did that on purpose.

"Why don't I take your other hand too, huh?" He said and my cheeks flare.

"What?" He notices.

"It's not like I haven't seen everything before,"

"Shut up!" I flush.

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