Chapter 16

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*Chapter 16*

Annabelle's POV:

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. I run up to Chloe and Gracie and squeeze them tight. I can't believe my eyes! I can't believe this! "I missed you both so much!" I hug them tightly.

"We missed you, too!" Chloe smiles. I released our group hug and run over to Theresa. I am so overwhelmed but in a good way.

"I missed you so much, too!" I exclaimed into her embrace. She rubbed my back comfortingly. I smile in pure happiness. This is the nicest thing anyone could ever do for me.

"I never went a day without thinking of you." She murmured into my shoulder. I smile and let go of her and go and hug Jim, Nick, and Josh, too.cI turn around and look at the guys.

"Thank you so much! I love you guys a lot!" I gushed and they smile. Liam sends me a little wink causing me to smile wider.

"Guess what?!" Gracie exclaimed, catching my attention. More excitement rushes through me.

"What?!" I exclaimed back.

"You know how we're originally from London?" She asked. Duh, her accent is totally british. Sometimes I forget that or don't even notice. "We're moving back in January!"

"OH MY GOSH!" I screamed with excitement. I hug them both again sp quickly.

"So now we will live closer!" Gracie pointed out, grinning.

"You can meet Trent! And my friends from school. We can hang out all the time! Gosh I'm so excited!" I gushed happily.

"Yes! I can meet this boy who is treating you so fine." Chloe smirked. I hear the guys behind us chuckle and I roll my eyes. I smile and walk over to Nick and Josh.

"How have you guys been?" I asked sweetly. Nick smiles and Josh smirks. What is going through that kids mind?

"Good." Nick smiled. The next thing I know, my phone is out of my hand and Josh runs away with it.

"UGH! Some things never change." I yelled while hopping(healing ankle here) after him. I hear everyone laugh and Theres ask Liam what happened to my foot. I finally reach him. I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder and I walk back over to where everyone is.

"Put me down!" He yelled and I laughed. I decide that I should do as he says, even though he won't like it.

"Okay." I giggled and drop him on the ground and grab my phone. I cheer in victory and dance around for a bit.

"Ow!" Josh cried.

"Maybe next time you won't take my phone, little punk." I smirked. He puts his hands over is face. Is he crying?

"Josh, are you okay?" Theresa asked worriedly. He ignores her and keeps his head in his hands. She looks at me in disbelief and I frown.

"He didn't fall that hard." I said quietly and she gives me a looks and kneels down in front of him.

"Josh?" She asked again. He lifts his head up and we all see his red eyes. That is fake crying! I can't believe this! Actually, I do believe this because this shithead always sabotaged me whenever I lived with them.

"Annabelle, why did you drop him?!" Liam snapped, angrily. Oh my god, Has Liam actually fell for his lies, too?

"I didn't drop him that hard! He is faking! He use to always fake cry back when I lived with him!" I defended myself since clearly, no one else wants to.

"No I didn't." He 'cried'. I glare at him and try to hold in my anger but that doesn't work.

"Tell them the truth, Josh!" I yelled. He gives me a fake 'scared' look. I'm so close to choking him. He can't seriously be doing this to me! Liam is already over protective and strict over me and now he's getting me in trouble.

A New Beginning (1D Adoption Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora