Chapter 65

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*Chapter 65*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

"No, Trent. I'm not ready for this," I said while taking a seat on our bed after we just got back from seeing our babies before they fell back asleep.

"We need to go and find out why they put you through shit when there was no point!" He raised his voice, not at me, but at the thought of me in so much pain for absolutely nothing.

"I don't even care anymore! They lied and killed me inside! That's that! I am done with them." I said, louder by each word.

"But babe, you at least deserve an explanation,"

"I don't want one! I don't even want to know why they'd do such a thing!"

"Yes you do. Liam even said it was a good reason."

"But he also said that it was preventable," I added, proving my side of this conversation.

"Come on, they're waiting downstairs."

"I'm afraid to see them again,"

That's true, I'm afraid I'll faints again. The last time I saw the was right before I fainted.

"It's all going to be fine," He assures me while standing me onto my feet.

"How do you know?" I challenged.

"I just do,"

"You always say that," I groaned. He rolls his eyes before taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the door. I don't fight because I know this is for the better. To be honest, I'd rather know why than not.

"What?" Trent asked as I stopped walking. I stand at the top of the staircase.

Instead of replying, I just look at him. It doesn't take him too long to realize that I'm crying again.

"Oh baby," He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Hop up," He pats my bum, softly, and not in an inappropriate way. I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso.

"I'll carry you down, lovely." He cooed in my ear as I lay my head on his shoulder like a baby. I nod, slowly and he walks down the stairs, carefully.

"Is she okay?" I hear Liam's voice say as we enter to what I think is the living room.

"She's hurting," Trent said.

"Her head? I've got her medici---"

"No, her heart. All this shit that's happening,"

"My head is hurting," I speak up.

"I can get you some medicine," Liam offered.

"Please," My head is still on Trent's shoulder.

"Who's all in here?" I asked, keeping my eyes shut, afraid of the answer.

"I think you should look for yourself,"

"Am I going to faint?" I questioned.

"Not in my arms, you aren't." So my parents are in the room. Well, um, awkward.

They're seeing a moment between my husband and I and I didn't even know.

"Okay," I lift my head and Trent drops me to my feet, but keeping a good hold of me by my waist.

When I see them, I immediately shut my eyes. I can't take this. This is too much and too hard.

"Love?" Trent asked.

"I'm okay, this just is really hard."

"Let's sit," He pulled me and I feel something squishy and comfortable under my bum. I keep my eyes shut for a few seconds until I open them.

The first thing I see is my mother, staring directly at me, with tears streaming down her cheeks. She's changed so much. She's...older.

But still beautiful as ever.

"Mom, why?" I asked, my voice cracking, loudly. She covers her mouth with her hand and the tears don't quit coming.

My dad wraps his arm around her and rubs her shoulder. He's still that perfect daddy that is so caring.

Until they left...

"I wanna start by first saying that you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world. My goodness, look at her Tim!" Mom exclaimed, and I try to smile.

"I second that," Trent said from beside me and I crack a grin.

"There is a meaning for everything," Dad started. Hearing his voice makes my heart jump.

I was always a daddy's girl.

"As you know, our jobs were very serious. But there were some things we didn't share with you,"

"Wow, there's a shocker," I said, not intentionally. Trent scowled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, we wanted to tell you sooner but we didn't think you were old enough to understand,"

"We aren't just veterans," Mom spoke for him. What?

"We are with the CISAF Criminal injustice secret agent facility." Dad said, slowly.

{a/n lol that's not even real but who cares just go with it (: }

"What the hel-"

"Heck," Trent scowled again. What is his deal?

"What is that?" I asked, ignoring Trent's remark.

"We are involved with the most dangerous criminals in the world,"

"We work in so many different countries all around the world on many different cases,"

"I don't understand!" I shouted.

"You're secret agents?"

"Like Perry the plateaus," Trent snickers and I smack his arm.

"This isn't a joking matter!" I scowled. He immediately shuts up and nods.

"Yes, we are. We both, are two of the most powerful and important agents in the agency."


"So every criminal knows who we are! They know to look out for us," Mom answered.

"Okay..?" I'm being rude because I don't understand.

"So we are just as wanted as they are. They want us dead." Dad said.

Before I could make a snotty remark, Trent squeezes my leg just above my knee, letting me know not to say anything rude.

"But you were dead," I said.

"We never were,"

"So you mean that us family and friends were the only ones who thought you were dead?" I asked, disgusted.

How could they do that? They tricked the ones they love most for their'd think we'd be more important.

"No, one of you knew." Dad remarked.


"Geoff," He stated.

"My god dammed dad?!" Liam stands to his feet. They must've not told him when they told him this story earlier.

"How could he?! He lied to my face 6 years ago! He even cried!" I yelled, standing to my feet also.

"I can't believe this!" Liam shouted, bringing his hands to the back of his head with his elbows pointing out.

"Babe, relax." Trent tries to calm me down.

"No! you weren't there that day! You don't understand anything!" I snapped.

"I can't help not being there," He said, only making me more angrier at everything.

"Just shut up," I stated.

"God you're bipolar." He mumbled looking at the coffee cup on the end table.

"And you have anger issues!" I snapped back, starting another argument just because I'm angry about the first one.

His head shoots up and he sends me the ugliest glare ever.

"Would you stop saying that already?" He spits, standing to his feet also.

I should be embarrassed to be fighting in front of my parents..but I'm not. They were never here and then again, they're the reason we are fighting in the first place.

"Woah, now." Liam comes and stands in between Trent and I.

He and Trent are cool again. Apparently they made up while I was sleeping in the hospital. Although Liam's nose is broken and his jaw is fractured, he is mature enough to look past it and into the future.

"Let's not get too angry now. We don't need anyone else to get hurt," Liam said to us but I'm pretty sure he meant it just for Trent.

"I wasn't going to hurt her. Damn you all are so fucking annoying! I don't have anger issues and I would never hurt my wife!" Trent said and then looks at me.

"I would never hurt you! Why don't you understand that?" He asked, obviously upset and annoyed.

"Your actions speak louder than words," I admitted. He shakes his head before stalking over to the staircase.

"You can't fucking trust your god dammed husband! Fuck you," He jogged up the stairs and then I hear a door slam.

How many times are we going to argue today?! God, my parents are causing so many issues, I'm tired of it.

"I can't believe my dad would do that," Liam plops on the couch and I do the same right next to him. I try not I glare at the couple in front of me but it doesn't work.

"May we finish?" Mom spoke so soft if I had been a few feet away, I wouldn't have heard.

"Gee, sure. Go ahead, let's see how much more shit you can cause," My tone drips sarcasm. Dad ignores my smart remark before speaking.

"So we were never really dead, as you know. The reason we were never dead was serious," He swallows before speaking again.

"We were assigned to capture two Islamic(a/n I'm not being racist, it's a story. Please chill) predators who were after the queen of England,"

(A/N cliché, I know.)

"So?" I asked, rudely.

"Lose the tone, love." Liam whispered, still being the 'dad' he always was.

"They knew we were after them. Like I said, most criminals know who we are and they know to stay away from us. Either that or they try to kill us."

"Can you get to the point, please." I begged.

"The two predators knew who we are. They made it their mission to kill us along the way. But then inside of their stupid little brains, they realized that they couldn't kill us. We are too well trained and powerful." Mom spoke for him.

"So they thought of a new plan. They wanted to go after you. You and Hayley." The air leaves my lungs.

"Us?" I choke.

"Yes," Mom sniffed, making it obvious that she's crying.

"So we had our co workers tell them we died," Dad continued.

"But they didn't believe them. They wanted proof. They wanted to know for sure that we died."

"They said they'd keep an eye on you guys to see if we actually died," Mom croaked.

They were watching us?

"If we had been there or if they had seen you all normal and not depressed, they think we were alive and they'd kill you."

"They wanted to hurt us or someone around us," Dad said.

"So we had to make it look like we died. We had to make everyone believe we died just to keep you guys safe," Mom cried.

"Why didn't you guys come back after he quit watching us? Why didn't anyone catch them?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Because honey, he never quit watching you,"

What the hell?

"What?" Liam and I chorus.

"Until a week ago," Dad smiled, and it confuses me.

"We caught him. After 6 years, we finally caught him." Mom smiles as well.

"It may not seem that important to you but they were the two of the most wanted criminals in the world." Dad said.

"And we caught them, your dad and I." Mom grinned.

Should I be proud of them or should I still be angry.

"Why did it take so long? How did I not know they were watching me? They were around here?!" I asked, scared.

"Because behind their stupidity, they're smart," what?

"They installed cameras in Theresa's house and then when you guys left to come here, they installed them here as well,"

"What the hell?" Liam spits.

"How?!" He added.

"You guys were at the airport and Ann and Hayley were just arriving. The house was empty.." Dad said.

"How do you know all of this,"

"Well, after we finally caught them, I literally yanked it out of the before we put them in jail."

"Yanked it?" I questioned.

"Let's just say I'm pretty persuasive,"

"So you guys died but you didn't. It was a lie but to save our lives?" I asked, growing a headache.

"Precisely," Mom said.

I sit in silence for a few moments. So throughout all these years they were never dead.. They were acting dead to protect my sister and I. They were actually putting us first for a change..

"Where did you guys hide for all this time?" I asked, curiously.

"Here babe. Here in London,"

"But how?" I asked, bewildered.


"How could you make yourself look so different and be so sure that the bad people wouldn't pick you out?" I asked.

"We had different hairstyles, temporarily wigs, make up, facial changes. It wasn't permanent but it lasted years time. We had it professionally done by people who put their whole lives into doing this." Mom replied.

"What did you look like?" I asked, nervous.

"Oh, I thought you'd ask. Here, I'll show you a photo off my phone." Mom smiled.

"I looked quite odd, so don't laugh please." She searches for the photo for a few more seconds before handing me her phone.

I disobey her pleads and burst out laughing.

"Mom, you have fat rolls bigger than me!" I giggle, loudly. This photo looks nothing like her at all. My mom right now is a thin, medium length brown hair, brown eyes, and about 5 foot 9.

In this photo she looks 200 pounds larger and her height was taller, due to heals, and her hair is blonde and short.

"I said don't laugh," She frowns but ends up laughing with me.

"How did you deal with all that weight?!" I asked.

"It wasn't my weight, it was a put on outfit under the clothing." She laughed.

"Liam look," I showed him the photo as well and he laughed.

"She looks like a totally different person," He commented.

"That's the point," Mom smiled.

"What did dad look like?" I smile up at him, slowly letting all the hatred towards their lie, fade.

I'm not completely okay, but after hearing their story, I'm getting better.

"Show her the photo," He smiled down at me, probably happy that I'm not acting so depressed at the moment.

After a few seconds, mom hands me back her phone with a photo of my dad.

"How in the world?" I asked, and then I burst out laughing.

"I have no idea but it's genius right?"

In this photo, my dad is not only a different person, but he is no longer white. They made him African American. How?!

He is a tall, buff but slender man with no hair and a cane.

"That's gold," I clutch my stomach with laughter.

I toss Liam the phone with the photo and he bursts out laughing as well.

"These peoples are so talented!" He chuckled.

I lean back and sigh, feeling much better than before. Even though I was okay after a few weeks of grieving after they 'died', I was never okay. I never felt as happy as I could've been.

Not until now.

Until they came back into my life. Too stay..

I hope.



It's not over, lol.


I really wanna hear what you think because it makes my day!!!!

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