Chapter 25

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*Chapter 25*

Annabelle's POV:

"No! Oh my gosh! What have I done?! I didn't realize we didn't use a condom! I didn't pay attention! I wasn't more careful!" I sobbed, my stomach turning.

"Calm down! We will get through this!" Lottie said, softy. I shake my head 'no'. You try finding out you're pregnant, Lottie. See how it makes you feel, I thought.

"How am I going to tell Trent? Liam? Niall? Louis? Zayn? Harry? My other friends? My teachers?" I sobbed, seeing absolutely no future at the moment.

"We can do this together! We can go tell the guys right now. We will be with you! I'll come out here every weekend to help you. Lottie and I both will." Fizzy said trying to encourage me but it doesn't help.

"Everyone is going to judge me." I cried.

"So what?! It's actually quite common for pregnancy at this age." Lottie tries to cheer me up. Unfortunate for both of us, it doesn't make me feel even slightly better.

"I'm not ready to be a mom! I'm not ready! I'm scared." I sobbed, shaking crazily.

"After 9 months, you'll be ready." Lottie said, trying to see the bright side. Nope, still doesn't make me feel better.

"I'm only 17! I'm almost 18! That's too young! Everyone is going to hate me! Trent is going to leave me!" I yelled, sobbing still.

"If he really loves you, Annabelle, he won't leave you! You will make it through this." Fizzy said comfortingly.

"Let's go tell the boys." Lottie said and stands up.

"No! Please!" I cried, scared for the guys' reactions.

"We have to tell them, Ann!" Fizzy said.

"No we don't! Please!" I begged for mercy.

"Yes we do! Come on." Lottie said. I shake my head no. They have no idea how this feels!

"Ann, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Fizzy said and I shake my head no quickly.

"I can't tell Liam. He will hate me! Hell, they all will!" I choke on another sob.

"He will never hate you! Now come on!" Lottie said but I refuse to get up and go. Lottie and Fizzy give each other looks. Then they each grab one of my arms.

"No!" I screamed. "Stop! Please!" They pull me out of my room. "Please!"  They pull me down the stairs and into the living room. I look at all the guys. Good thing Hayley spent the night at one of her little school friends house.

"Let me go!" I screamed at Lottie and Fizzy.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, noticing my tears.

"No." I fall onto my knees and pull my hair. He is going to absolutely hate me.

"Bells!" Liam runs over to me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I cried over and over. Liam starts to pick me up but I protest.

"No! You're going to hate me! You're going to make me leave!" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I could never hate you! Tell me why you're so upset." He said and sits me on the couch.

"No." I cried. I look at all the guys and they give me worried looks.

"Bella. Tell us what's wrong." Harry said, sadly. He hates seeing me cry. I am too afraid to tell them.

"It's bad." I sniffed.

"Lottie? Fizzy? Do you know why she's crying?" Louis asked his sisters. They both nod.

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