Chapter 61

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*Chapter 61*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

"I'm kind of bummed to be back home, you know? I miss the nice beach already." I admitted as we step off of the plane and onto the hallway that leads to the airport.

We just arrived in London and I seriously couldn't miss the Bahamas more.

"So am I, love." He wraps his arm around my waist from the side and we walk up the hallway.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.


"Because I ruined our honeymoon."

"No you didn't, why do you think that?"

"Because we left earlier than we were supposed to..."

"So? That's not your fault. If it's anyone's fault, it's Liam's."

"I guess." I pulled away from him to go get our luggage from the luggage pick up.

"Babe," Trent called after me. I ignore him because I'm upset. I find our luggage and pull them off the revolving platform.

"We can go now," I said as Trent walks up to me. He frowns at me before nodding.

"Don't be upset, lovely. On the bright side, we get to see our twins and Hayley in about 10 minutes." He smiles. My heart instantly warms up at the mention of them.

I crack a little smile causing Trent's to grow wider, knowing he was the one who caused it.

"Here, let me." He takes the luggage handles and starts to pull them away. I smile again at his kind gesture before following him.


~~Hayley's POV~~

"Hayley, open the door, babe." Liam's voice booms from outside the locked door. I've been up here for a few hours so I suppose my 'parents' told them everything. I don't care though.

I don't even want them in my life anymore. They're liars, cowards, and stupid.

How could they do this to us?

This is beyond insane and I don't know how to cope.

I sit in the middle of my bed with my knees up to my chest and tears that never seem to end, streaming down my cheeks.

"Open the door now!" Liam said a little louder than before.

"Go away! I just want to be alone! Can't you respect that?!" I cried.

"Unfortunately, I can't. We are family and families are supposed to be there for each other. I want to be here for you."

"Go away! I don't want anyone!"

"Then why weren't they ever there for me?!" I added, speaking of my parents.

"That's not my business to tell. Let me in now, Hayley."

I decide to get up and open the door because I know I'm not going to win this and he isn't going to leave.

I unlock the door and see a relieved Liam. Then I turn around and run over to my bed. My bum plants in the middle of it and I bring my knees to my chest again.

"Hay," Liam cooed and I burry my head in my knees.

"I just want you to go away."

"But I don't want to."


"Hayley, babe." Liam lifts me up and I groan. He holds me like a baby and sits on my bed. He scoots to the backboard and brings the covers over us.

"I'm so confused," I cried into his chest.

"I know, love."

"I want Annabelle,"

"She should be here soon."


"Any minute."

My eyes widen and the tears stop for a few moments.

"What do you mean?!"

"I called her when your parents got here. I didn't tell her what was happening I just told her she needs to get here as soon as possible."

"Seriously! Oh my gosh!" I smile. My smile quickly fades.

"How do you think she's going to take all of this?" I asked, quietly. Liam doesn't speak for a few minutes and I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable.

"She's going to have a literal cow." Is all he says and I giggle.

How am I laughing in this sort of situation? God I'm going insane. All of this anxiety that a 9 year old should never have is getting to my head.

"She's going to flip. She fainted when she found out they 'died'. I remember that. I was crying my head off."

"She fainted? I never knew that."

"Yeah in a coffee shop. I was with one of her friends looking at books and I saw her fall after someone was telling her. I'll never forget that moment. Scariest time of my life."

"Wow," Is all Liam said.

"Now someone better stand close to her when she sees mom and dad. She was always much closer to them than I was. Then again she was older and she knows more about them. When she sees them I wouldn't be surprised if she literally died." I said in a joking manner.

"Don't you dare ever stay that again!" Liam yelled, and I jump in his arms. Hurt pangs in my chest and I move away from him to the opposite side of the bed. I glare at him.

"Never say that! Even if you're joking. Dying isn't something to joke about, Hayley Ray." He said and tears spring in my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I cried.

"I didn't mean it like that! It was a phrase," I added.

"It doesn't matter, never say that again unless you want to be spanked." He threatened.


Oops I cussed, inside my head and I'm only 9. Rebel, yes I am.

"Get out of my room!" I cried.

"You're stupid and mean!" I added.


"It wasn't meant like that and you're being so mean to me when I'm already having a hard day!"

My best friend got hurt and she left for the hospital, my parents are alive when I though they were dead, my sister isn't here yet, and Liam is hurting my feelings.

Before he can respond Harry calls up the stairs.

"They just pulled in with a taxi!"

I jump off the bed and run down the stairs, ready to greet my sister.

"Harry, put them in the kitchen. We will bring them out in a little bit." Liam tells Harry, speaking of my parents.


~~Annabelle's POV~~

"Thank you," I give the taxi driver 50 dollars before grabbing my luggage out and meeting up with Trent who already has his.

I ring the doorbell, and stand impatiently next to Trent because of how anxious I am to hear and or see what the emergency is.

The door opens and reveals my little sister. I smile at her until I realize she had been crying. She tries to cover it up but I know my sister.

"Sissy!" She hugs me before I can speak.

"Hey babe." I rub her back, soothingly.

"I missed you so much!" She exclaimed as she pulled away. She gives Trent a quick hug too before letting us inside.

"Why do you like you've been crying?" I asked as we make our way to the living room. 4/5 of One Direction (no Liam) are sitting on the couch with weird expressions. They look a mixture of sad, confused, and afraid.

"You'll find out." Is all she said.

"Why do you all look sad?" I asked them, slightly panicking.

"Annabelle, you're going to need to sit down for this." Harry mentioned and I run my fingers through my hair.

"Is it really that bad?" I questioned, nervously. They all give me big nods and I take a seat.

"Trent, please come here." I begged with opened arms. I'm so nervous I might be sick. I need some comfort.

Trent drops his luggages and walks over and sits beside me. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"Addy and Aidan are napping by the way," Louis piped up. I nod against Trent's chest.

Liam walks through the door with a blank expression.

"Can't believe this is happening," He muttered, ever so quietly.

"Hey Li," I greeted him. He looks over and smiles at me before it fades just like Hayley's did.

"Come here," He opened his arms and I stand up and walk over to him.

I wrap my arms around him as he does the same.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this." He whispered.

"Go through what?" I questioned.

"You'll see."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I sighed.

"Just go sit down and I'll bring them- just go sit down." He said quickly.

I turn around and sit down next to Trent again. I lean my head on his shoulder and connect my hand with his.

"I'm scared." I whispered to him.

"I know baby. Whatever it is, we will make it through." He assures me and I nod.

"Okay, this is pretty fucking confusing and insane, Bells. You're probably not going to believe it and or be able to accept it." He said, and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, are you ready?"

"Yes, Liam. I have been for a long time."

He walks over to the kitchen door and opens it.

"Come out now," He instructed before shutting the door again.

So its a person...

I head shuffling in the kitchen until the door opens. I stand onto my feet.

Before I can react, my legs lose consciousness and I fall to the ground, unready for what lied before me.

I hear Trent screaming just before everything goes black.

I thought my parents were dead....?







Hey guys, just felt like updating today!! Thanks a lot for reaching my goal!! Ily!

I'll update ASAP.

But school comes first so I must study for my Honors Biology test tomorrow! Ugh! Why am I taking this class, freshmen[grade9] year??!!

Oh well just wish me luck please! I am so nervous and the quarter ends next week!



Until next chapter! (:

Mackenzie xoxo

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