Chapter 35

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*Chapter 35*

Annabelle's POV:

1 year later

Annabelle_Lee3599: I cannot believe I am now engaged!! Xx

I stare at the photo of my hand entwined with Trent's. The ring on my left hand is extremely visible.

I made a twitter a little over 6th months ago and Liam found me. He's followed me but I haven't followed him back. He tweets me almost everyday asking how my babies are.

Not once did he ask how I was. So I did what I do best. I ignore him.

I press send to my tweet so now the world can knows what's happened. Well, not the world. Only my 900,000 followers. Eventually everyone will find out, though.

Anyways, Trent did someone really special for the proposal. It was a walk down memory road. He took me to our high school, to the diner where we had our first date, to the movies where we went afterwards, to the place where we had our first kiss, to dinner in the abandoned place we went for our 4 months, to the lake where we spent our 3 years and lost our virginities, and to the hospital room where I gave birth.

After that, he took me to a ballroom dance room. We slow danced for what felt like hours before he got on one knee and took me off guard.

"Will you, my love, Marry me?" His voice replayed in my head. That was one of the best days in my life. This happened yesterday.

Soon Liam will know. Then he will tell the guys. They're not invited to the wedding.

Addison and Aidan are 16 months old. Aidan took his first steps a months ago. He's getting better at it but he falls a lot.

Addison has too. They both peep out words every once in a while between there gurgles. Addison's first word was Cereal. Funny huh?

I was talking to her and I asked her if she wants some cereal, not expecting an answer. She said crel. After I was done laughing I congratulated her.

That was one of the coolest days of my life. I called Trent at work to tell him. Well, after I was done laughing.

He's a police officer now. He went to a 10 month program at a local college. They accepted him as an officer, immediately. He was experienced, too. His dad is a police officer.

His dad happens to be the Chief of officers so his dad use to teach him about those kinds of things. It's pretty cool. He's like my body guard.

Guess what I do as a job?

(Drum roll please)

I work at a bakery. I've always loved to bake so this is what I'm doing. We make Cupcakes, bread, muffins, anything you can think of. It's like one of my dream jobs.

Speaking of work I have to work this afternoon at three o'clock. It's currently 1:30pm. That reminds me, Trent has to pick up Hayley from her first day of first day of 3rd grade. She's 8, almost 9. She's getting so old.

I remember when we just got to the guys house and she was 3 years old. That was a strange day.

My thoughts are interrupted by cries from my babies bedroom. I groan and get up off our couch. I put them down for a nap at noon. I guess they're not tired.

I walk into their room and see Aidan on his feet crying while using his one hand to hold the side of the crib for support. Addison is sitting at the edge of the crib. She wraps her hands around the bars of her crib. She looks like she's in a little prison.

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