Chapter 42

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*Chapter 42*

Trent's POV:

"We know where Annabelle and Lily are!" He yelled into them phone. My heart stops and does 5 backflips. Is he serious? Am I hearing correctly? Most importantly,  am I not dreaming?!

"What?!" I screamed, waking up Addy. I am awake, I'm not dreaming. This is true, they know where they're at!

I lift her up and hold her. "I'm sorry." I cooed. I hold the phone close to my ear and listen to my dad talk.

"Yes! They're in an abandon house, about an hour away." He told me and my stomach flutters. I'm so excited to see her again.

"How'd you guys find them?" I grinned wider than I ever have.

"We got a signal from the cellphone who has been sending you 'updates'. I guess the thing keeping us from finding them broke or expired!" He said sounding satisfied. "I'm on my way to pick you up. There are about 15 police cars and a bunch of FBI agents on their way over there."

"Okay, see you." I said before hanging up. I lay Addy down, earning a piercing scream but I ignore her.

I run into Hayley's room.

"Hayley!" I yelled and she jumps awake. "Oh my god, guess what?!"

"What?" She asked, groggily.

"They found Ann!" I lift her up out of bed and spin her around and she gasped.

I place her on her feet. "Are you serious?!" She squealed and I nod with a huge grin plastered on my face. "Oh my gosh!" She smiles.

"I'm gonna call Chloe and Gracie to come watch you guys. I don't want you being there when we get her. But I promise, we will be home soon." I said

"But I wanna go!" She whined.

"I know, but it isn't safe for you." I use my thumb to rub her cheek.

"I don't care." She pouted.

"Well, I do. And you're staying here." I peck her cheek before walking out. She follows me.

"Can I go just this one time?" She begged.

"No." I said, walking into the living room.

"Please!" She begged again as I walk over to a crying Addy and pick her up. "Please let me go! She's my sister! We're more related than you'll ever be."

"No, you're not going." I told her, growing annoyed.

"Come on! Please! Please!" She begged.

"Go to your room."

"No, I wanna go." She said. "Please! Please!"

"Go!" I yelled, causing her to flinch. Her eyes fill with tears before running out of the living room and into her room. I roll my eyes and take out my phone.

I dial Chloe's number. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, can you come watch the kids? I have an emergency." I said.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Thank you, see you." I said before hanging up.

I quickly change Addy's diaper and then place a baby pair of keys in her grasp. I left up Aidan off the floor and place him next to Addy on the couch. I walk into Hayley's room to see that her room is a mess. It was not like this 10 minutes ago.

"What did you do?" I asked her sternly. She looks up at me in shocked. . . she probably didn't expect me to come in here. "Did you throw a fit?" She looks down.

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