Chapter 31

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*Chapter 31*

Annabelle's POV:

"I can't believe I just did that." I told Trent, still in awe of what just happened. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to have a baby and I just had two! It was painful but I am so glad I did it because now I have two little babies.

"Did what?" He asked, confused. Hello Trent? Ya there? Did ya not just see me give birth? I thought sarcastically in my head.

"Gave birth." I said, still trying to get it to register in my mind. "It's crazy to think about it." It only happened moments ago. . .

"Me either." He replied, grinning. Trent is sitting in a recliner chair right next to my hospital bed. It folds out into a bed. He's sleeping here with me tonight.

Liam went out to the lobby where everyone's at, including Trent's family. Trent called them one our way to the hospital.

"I want my babies." I whined, smiling because I can't stop thinking of them.

"So do I." Trent replied.

"They took them over 20 minutes ago. I hope they're okay." I started to panic. I just want them to both be as healthy as they can be and to be happy.

"They are, babe." He smiles at me.

"My stomach is still huge." I giggle, changing the subject. It's probably half the size it was but it's still huge.

He laughed, "We can go to the gym together to work it off." He smiles and I nod.

A little while later, a nurse walks into the room. "Hello, Mrs. Annabelle. Sorry for the wait on your babies. They should be here any minute." She smiles. I nod and thank her. She walks out of the room.

A few minutes later a nurse walks in holding both of my children. She hands me the girl and Trent the boy.

"Awh." I cooed, quietly. She's awake in my arms with a pink onesie and a little pink hat on.

"He's so beautiful. Even without his little arm." Trent smiles at him. I look down at my baby girl.

"Hey Addison Marie. I'm your mommy." I cooed with tears running down my cheeks. I'm so happy. Her eyes study my face and I get a warm feeling inside. This is absolutely insane.

"I love you." I kiss her forehead. She seems calm and she's just staring at me. She has blue eyes which she gets that from Trent, obviously. She also has brown hair. That's from me.

"Trent, she has your eyes." I told him. He grins and stand onto his feet with Aidan still in his arms. He walks over to me and looks down at Addison.

"She does and so does Aidan. But they both have your hair and lips." He smiles.

"You're right."

"Wanna switch?"

"Sure." I started to hand him Addison but she starts crying. "Awh, my baby." Trent takes her from my arms and hands me Aidan. Once Trent gets a good, firm hold of her she stops crying. It's almost like she knows exactly who we are. I look down at my son and smile. His little nub is cute. He's going to be just fine.

He's wearing a blue onesie with a blue hat. "I'm your mommy." I grinned. I kiss his forehead. "You look so much like daddy." Trent chuckles.

"Knock knock." I heard someone say. In walks Dani, Perrie, and Eleanor.

"Liam said only three at a time." Perrie smiles. She looks down at my baby. "Oh my goodness." The girls walk over to me.

"This is Aidan Drew Ceader. And she is Addison Marie Ceader." I smile while pointing to each baby.

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