Chapter 66

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*Chapter 66*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

After at least 45 minutes of talking about their job, I interrupt them, politely.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt but I should really go talk to Trent, is that okay with you?"

Mom leans into the table before responding.

"Yes, and might I say, you've got a handsome one, you know?" She said, grinning.

"I know I do," I smile.

"I'm sure he's a lovely guy behind all his moments," She said, softly.

"He really is. Just lately he's been acting really strange. It's frightening actually." I stand onto my feet to go see him.

"He's probably just going through a quick stage, do worry too much." She replied.

I feel bad because they've only seen Trent in his asshole attitude. I want them to meet the sweet, caring Trent I met 6 years ago but that doesn't seem like an option any time soon.

"I'll be right back," I jog up the stairs and stop in front of the door. I slowly open it and instantly regret it.

I shut the door behind me and yell.

"What did you do?!" His back is towards me but he doesn't turn around.

There is a huge whole in the wall and I bet all my money that he did that with his hand.

I stalk over to him, ready to give him a lecture about it but I don't. Not after I see what state he's in.

He looks up at me with a pink face and tears dripping out of his eyes. I scrunch my eyebrows together before stepping in between his legs.

"Babe," I use my thumbs to wipe under his eyes.

"Why?" I asked, running my hands through his hair, trying to calm him down a bit.

"You- th-think I'll hit y-you. You think I'm g-going to h-hurt you b-because of my a-anger," He sniffed.

"Because you do things like that!" I exclaimed, pointing to the wall.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scare you! I'm sorry I'm such a fucking horrible husband to you!" He raises his voice.

"Trent, stop it!" I cup his cheeks with my hands and make him look up at me.

"You have a problem," I admitted.

"You need anger help, seriously." I said, truthfully.

"But I don't want it!" He said, frustrated.

"Then prove to me that you don't need it," I cross my arms.

"Well I'm kind, I ta-"

"Not just today. Prove over the next few days that you don't need it. Prove it! Not explain." I said.

"Then you'll trust me again?"

"Possibly." I do trust him, I really do. It's just he scares me sometimes and to get him to clean up his act, I'm making him think I don't trust him.

"Okay, I'm sorry baby." He pulls me to sit on his lap but I hop off.

"Let me see your hand," I demanded and he obeys. I hold his swollen palm in mine and rub it, softly.

"I just don't understand Trent!" I exclaimed.

"Understand what?"

"Why you're so angry all the time. When we first met you were the sweetest, and now you still are but you've brought along some anger too. And I don't like it."

"People change," His defensive side starts to show. I roll my eyes.

"I just want my Trent back,"

"I'm right here," He uses his good arm to pull me between his legs again.

"No you're not," My voice cracks.

"Yes I am," He grabs the small of my back.

"I will always be the same Trent as before. But I've grown up, love." He stands up off the bed so that he's now like a foot taller than me.

Our height difference is weird but cute. I love it. He leans his forehead on mine.

"I'm tired of all this, I can't handle it. And on top of your actions, we have to deal with two 2 year olds, a 9 year old, and my parents being back." I sniffed.

"Please don't cry, please baby." He pulls me even closer to him so that my feet are on his and that every inch of my my body is touching him. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head on his chest.

"You're so small, babe." He pointed out, after a few seconds of silence. His arms can wrap around me and still have extra lengths.

"I'm so big. No wonder I scare you." He mumbled.

"You're my personal body guard," I kiss his chest through the shirt.

"Why don't you put those lips on mine, now, huh?" He jokes and I lift my head, hungry for his lips.

"Then why don't you be a man and kiss me?" I smirked. He rolls his eyes before pressing his lips onto mine.

He playfully bites my lower lip and I giggle, loudly.

"We can do plenty of that later, and more." He smirks as he pulls away. I roll my eyes before crashing his party.

"Sorry, babe. But none of that will be happening for a while." I said.

"Why?" He pouts, sticking his lower lip out and all I can think of is how just a few seconds ago they were on mine.

"Because this is how I'm punishing you," I chuckle.

"Punishing?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, for your anger. When I know you've actually put effort into changing your actions, then we can do things." I smile.

"Do things," He rolls his eyes.

"You act and seem so innocent but you really aren't,"

I scoff.

"I am innocent,"

"Whatever you say, babe."

I smack his chest lightly, while giggling because despite all of our issues, he is my husband and he does make me happy.

"I just wanna stay like this forever," He leans down and lays his head on my shoulder. My feet are still on his and my arms are still around his waist. I love this.

"So do I,"

"Where are we going?" I giggle when I feel him walking us away.


"But I haven't explained everything that happened with my parents," He comes to a stop.

"I heard everything,"


"I was listening from the doorway,"


"Yeah, they're not anyone I expected him ever to be nor did I even think Id meet them."

"I don't know what I should do," I admitted.

"Forgive them,"

"What? So quickly?" I asked, bewildered.

"Yes, it's the right thing to do. They were only protecting you, love."

"I know," I admitted.

"When did you become so wise?" I give him a slight squeeze with my hug.

"I want to become better for you. I've realized that I'm not being the best husband and we've only been married for 2 weeks." His breath is warm on my neck as he keeps his head planted on my shoulder.

"Awe," I use my nails to rub his back and he moans.

"I love when you do that,"

"Let's go down stairs," I said. He walks us in silence and to the staircase.

"Is this safe?" I giggle.

"I don't know but what I do know is is that when we are together, nothing is safe." He laughs and I join him.

"Hold on tight," He said, looking at the stairs below us.

"I'll never let go, Jack." I giggle, remembering the titanic. He chuckles lightly before walking slowly down the steps with me on his feet.

"Well good thing you're light," He points out about halfway down the stairs.

"Too light," I muttered.

I know he heard my comment but he ignores it like it didn't. I'm grateful for that because I'm tired and I don't feel like talking about that topic right now.

"And we made it safely," He said and he keeps me on his feet still. As he keeps walking, I hear chuckles from the main room, signaling that people are watching us be weird.

"That's adorable," A familiar voice squealed. I literally jump off of Trent and run over to her.

"Eleanor!" I wrap my arms around her, tightly.

"It's so good to see you!" She gushes.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too! When I heard about everything that's been going on, I had to come visit! And I needed to see my Lou."

"Might I add, Louis explained everything with your parents to me and I shared it with Perrie and Dani. I'm so sorry. This is super confusing."

"I know, I have no idea what to think right now," I said, truthfully.

"Let's not talk about this at the moment. Where are the babies?" She squealed and I smile.

When I look around the room, Liam is laying with his head back on the couch, probably in so much pain from the broken nose. I almost snarl at Trent again for doing that but then again I don't need any more issues.

Hayley is sitting on Harry's lap, he back against his chest. The way her chest rises slowly shows me no doubt that she's sleeping. Louis is sitting back, watching the football(soccer) game on the tv. I have no idea where the other guys are.

I'm pretty sure Liam rented my parents a hotel so they're there now. The house is quite peaceful, I like it.

"Yeah, they're upstairs. They should be waking soon. You can go get them if you'd like."

"Okay!" She cheers and runs up the stairs like a little child and I smile.

"Do you need anything?" I asked Liam, speaking of his nose.

"I just took some Advil but thanks." He said but it comes out more as a groan.

"Awe, Li." I said, softly. I walk over in front of him and frown.


"Your nose," My frown deepens.

"It's okay,"

"No it isn't. Here," I smile before kissing his hurt nose. His lips curve up and he grins as well.

"Thanks Bells."

"I'm really sorry Liam. I'm such an asshole." Trent runs his fingers through his hair with his non bruised hand. His other one is okay now it's just probably painful for him.

"It's okay, really." Liam lied.

"No it isn't. I deserve a punch to the nose." Trent pouts.

"No you don't," I said.

"Yes I do,"

"Trent," I said, sternly.

"Annabelle," He mimics and it pisses me off. But being the mature women I am, I shake it off.

"Seriously stop it," I directed.

"No, I seriously deserve to get hurt. I hurt him, a cop, you(emotionally), and all your family members."

"Why are you bringing this up? It's just going to cause more issues." Liam mumbled.

"Great, now I'm an issue starter."

"Trent, go away if you're going to act like a child."

"No," He stated.

"I thought you were going to act better for me?"

"Act better for you?" Liam questioned and I mentally punch myself for saying that in front of him. It's our business..

"It's nothing," Trent gushes.

Nothing, gee Trent.

"Okay?" Liam said but it came out more as if it were a question.

"Belly," I look over at him.

"Are you mad at me again?"

"Trent, we will talk about this later,"

"Belly will you go out with me?" I scrunch my eyebrows together as I look at him as he has that grin on wider that his whole face.


"Besides of honeymoon, I haven't taken you on a proper date in ages."

"I want to take you out on a date," He smiles, suddenly changing his whole mood.

"When?" I try not to show him the grin that's slowly rising in my lips. I know it comes out because Trent's grin gets wider.



"You'll see if you agree to go with me,"

"That rhymed," I giggle.

"Will you go with me?"

"Yes, of course I will."

"Good, wear something sexy,"

"Trent," Liam growled and I laugh.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Wear something comfortable but casual. It's chilly today by the way."

"Okay," I smile up at him before he runs up the stairs, cheering like a little child.

"He's a weird one. But he is good for you, even through his anger." Liam said.

"You're right,"

"He's my psycho,"


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