Chapter 69

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*Chapter 69*

~~Annabelle's POV~~

"Hayley Ray, I swear if I hear you whine once more I won't hesitate to spank your little arse until you no longer have feeling in it!" I snapped, extremely pissed off at my younger sister.

We are pulling into our new home. We left London yesterday night and we arrived in San Diego a little less than an hour ago. Trent left our car at the airport last time we were he so we got to drive that home which was nice.

Well, not exactly.

Hayley has been a brat since we got off the plane and it doesn't help that I didn't sleep for even a MINUTE on that 14 hour plane ride. Two eight year old boys were sitting right behind us, kicking my seat and being as loud as loud gets for FOURTEEN HOURS STRAIGHT.

Trent mocked me by sleeping through it all and basically leaving me to take care of the twins and Hayley. I'm not quite happy with him right now, either. Not to mention the twins will not stop crying because Hayley keeps yelling at me and I keep yelling back.

"Annabelle, calm down." Trent says harshly, still recovering from when I smacked his head about 10 minutes ago.

And on top of all this, I started my period at the airport and my cramps are getting worse by the second.

"Trent, I don't need your fucking mouth right now!" I growled, turning back to look at Hayley who is now kicking my seat while whining.

"Hayley, stop it!" I screamed and she jumps. "I got enough of that on the plane! And since you're being a little bitch you can go to your room for the rest of the night!"

Did I really just call my 9 year old sister a bitch?

"I hate you!" She cries and for the first time, I don't care that she said that to me. I am too stressed and exhausted to care.

"Annabelle! Don't call her that, she's your sister! Am I going to have to ground you too?" Trent snapped and my adrenaline rises.

"I am not a kid! You will not ground me or even threaten to! You're being such an ass and that isn't helping anything." I yelled, my head throbbing from lack of sleep and all this yelling. By now Addy and Aidan are sobbing. Their little faces red as can be and soaked as ever.

Before Trent can respond, I'm out of the car, yanking my sister out as she screams and cries. "Sit on the ground right now!"

I unbuckle the twins and prop each on either one of my hips. Aidan lays his head on my shoulder and Annabelle stares at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Get up now, and go to your room." I instructed Hayley, watching her stand onto her feet.

"I don't know what room is mine." She muttered.

"The same room as we showed you when we first checked out this house. Your room is all set up." I explained, she nods and starts to walk away. "I'll be up there to have a word with you soon."

Trent comes around the car and in front of me with an angry look on his face. I'm beginning to feel like that's how he always looks. We've been married for a month now and I am so sick of him. Not to mention we've been dating for 6 years.

"Let me have Aidan." He demands, his face red and his fists balled up so the knuckles are white as snow. "Now!"

"Are you calm enough to hold a 2 year old?" I questioned. "Because you don't look like it and if you're physically angry, I don't want you anywhere near our children."

"Just give him to me," He steps closer and he begins to frighten me. "Before I do it myself."

Not wanting any more trouble, I hand Aidan over to his daddy and he quickly attaches to him, closing his eyes. "Wow, you actually have to ability to listen. Gee, I'm surprised."

"Trent I will kick your ass if you don't stop acting this way." I warned him. "I'm not afraid of you.." I lied.

Part of me isn't afraid of him and part of me is. I'm only afraid that he will hurt me but I know he wouldn't ever do that. So basically I am not afraid of him.. Anymore.

"I'd like to see you try." He smirks. "You have absolutely no muscles."

"I do to!" I snapped. "You're just saying that because I don't have muscles as big as yours. You're are nearly bigger than my head. That's an advantage!"

"Oh shut up, Annabelle." He snapped and turned around, heading for the front door of the house.

"Addy? Can you walk inside yourself? I've got a lot to carry, love." I look at her. She nods and I let her down.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

I watch her walk in before I open the trunk, grabbing the four luggages we have. With two handles in each hand, I walk on the concrete sidewalk and to the front door.

I open the door and walk in, only to get stuck with the luggage in the door. I look around for Trent but he isn't in my sight so I just keep pulling and pulling as much as I can but they won't come through the door. So I pull two in and the do the other hand to pull the other two in.

Not seeing what's in front of my feet, I trip, falling into the wall, hitting my head and slamming onto the floor. I cry out in excruciating pain in my head. Not to mention I am still recovering from fainting and hitting my head on the rock hard floor at Liam's when I found out my parents were alive.

I stay laying on the floor with two of the luggages on top of me, sobbing my eyes out. I'm exhausted and I've had a headache days and now it's worse. Trent, Hayley, and the twins are all cranky and I feel like they were taking it out on me only.

"Annabelle!" Trent shouts from a distance. I hear thumps on the ground until he's kneeled down in front of me, taking the heavy luggages off of me.

"I-I hit my h-head really b-bad." I sobbed, loudly. All of this stress, pain, and exhaustion is coming out all at once and I don't know how it's going to end.

"Babe, wrap your arms around my neck." He instructed, lifting me off my face so I'm sitting on my bottom. I do as he says and he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist. I sob into his shoulder, pain throbbing in my head and a little on my wrist from the impact.

He rests his hands on my bottom, holding me in his arms and walking us somewhere.

"Shh, I will get you some ice, okay? And some aspirin." He sits me down on the couch. I lay back as he walks into the kitchen to find the medicine cabinet.

I continue to sob with my hands close to my chest. Why does everything bad happen to me? I can barely keep my head up straight because it's spinning and I feel like I am drunk.

"Here you go," Trent hands me some aspirin and a glass of water. I quickly swallow the pills and hand the cup back to him. He places the cup on the end table and then hands me an ice pack covered with a cover.

"I put the twins to bed." He informs me and I nod, tears still spilling out of my eyes. "I would leave you alone but I can't. I need to take care of you."

"P-please jus-t-t hold me." I begged. "Please."

He nods and sits down on the couch, helping me onto his lap like a baby. I nuzzle the side of my head into his chest and place the ice pack on the other side where it hurts the most.

I hear the sound of the tv turning on. Trent must know the house pretty well. This is only my second time being here since we moved but he has came and set things up multiple times.

"I'm sorry for being such an ass." He muttered. "I'm trying to be better, even though it may not seem like it. I am trying."

I don't respond, I just keep myself attached to him in silence.

"I was doing good for so long." He explained. "Well, not exactly. It was only 2 weeks with doing my best. But I am only human, Annabelle. I'm still trying my best and I guess today isn't a good day for me."

"Maybe you should sign me up for anger management. I'm a fuck up anyways, I guess professional help would do the trick, yeah?" He asked, his voice is filled with hurt.

"Just shut up." I said. "I know you're trying to be better and that's all I need from you."

He kisses my hair before he responds. "I just want you to know that I don't want to be this way towards you. I can't help it sometimes."

"Can we stop talking about this right now?" I asked. "My head is killing me and thinking a lot makes it even worse."


I kiss his chest and close my eyes. I've had enough today and I deserve one thing.



The first thing I see when I wake up is his neck. He smells of sweat and his cologne. It's not the most amazing smell, but it's him and I would be willing to smell it for the rest of eternity. His smell, look, and voice(when he isn't angry) makes me feel safe.

Our legs are tangled together and one of my hands is laced with his and the other is close to my chest. The blanket hovers over us like a turtles shell and I feel safe. Perfectly safe, like nothing bad is ever going to happen again.

I take my hand out of his and untangle our legs, trying not to wake him up. I'm not very good at that..

"Belly?" His morning voice is attractive. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a shower, I smell." I responded stretching my back until I hear it pop 4 times in a row. Trent leans up in his bed, one arm propping him up.

"How's your head doing?" He yawned, putting his full attention on me. I shrug.

"It's better, it still hurts though." I responded. "Thanks for taking care of me last night when I fell."

His lips curve up into a grin before he responds. "I would do anything for you. Even if I'm in a piss mood. You know that right?"

"Yes I do." I smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I walk towards and into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and shutting the door behind me.

I twist my soaking wet hair up in a towel so it doesn't get my clean outfit wet as well. I'm wearing yoga capris and a light purple skin tight shirt.

I love San Diego because it's warm and there isn't much humidity so you don't sweat much like you would in Florida or Texas.

Trent is no longer in bed but to my surprise, he made the bed neatly. I smile at that kind thing before taking my hair out of the towel and brushing it out.

I walk out of our room and over to Hayley's room. I knock on it lightly before opening it.

"Hey, babe. You took a shower already?" I asked, noticing her wet hair and the smell of apples filling the room from the shampoo.

"Yes, Trent told me to." She responded, grabbing the brush off of her bed and running it through her hair. "Are you still mad at me?"

"No, I'm just very disappointed. You knew how stressed out I was yet you still gave me a hard time." I said.

"I'm sorry." She looks to the ground and I feel like there's something else she wants to say but she isn't.

I open the door wider and walk in, closer to her. She drops the brush to the ground and sniffles. It didn't take me a second to realize she's crying. "Hayes, sweetheart, what's up?"

I stand on my knees, and wrap my arms around her small body. She leans her head on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I repeated.

"I miss Holly!" Guilt his my chest like a gunshot. Holly lives in London and now we live in America again. This must be hard for her.

"I know, hunny." I cooed, rubbing her back softly. "Since it's summer, maybe she can fly over here for two or three weeks."

Hayley quits crying and she pulls her head off my shoulder. "Seriously?"

I shrug. "Yeah, why not? I can talk to Trent and he can talk to his mother."

"When?!" She wipes her cheeks and a grin takes her her entire face.

"Maybe in like 2 weeks she can come, once we are more settled in." I smile, happy that she's not crying anymore.

"I love you!" She hugs me tightly. "Thank you so so much. I'll never be bad again."

"You better not." I chuckled. "Now let me brush your hair so we can join Trent down stairs, yeah?"

She nods and hands me the brush. Then she turns around and I brush through her hair, trying not to pull it much.

"Ouch." She said softly and I laugh.

"I'm sorry."

When we make it down the stairs, I see Trent on the couch with the twins. When he sees us, he smiles and welcomes us over to him.

"I thought since you don't start working at Sea World until tomorrow, we just chill and watch movies today. Is that okay?" He asked, grinning, standing to his feet. That's right.. I start tomorrow. I was ecstatic when they accepted me and I got the job. My dream is finally coming true.

"That sounds good." I replied.

"I put a pizza in the oven a few minutes ago. It should be done soon." He said. "I also rolled out some cookies and I'll put them in once the pizza is done."

"Yummy!" Hayley cheers and jumps on the couch onto her bottom. Just as I'm about to join her, Trent grabs my hand and steps closer to me.

"I love you." He presses his lips to mine for a second. "So much, and I plan on showing you that more often."

I smile and peck his lips a few times before sitting down next to Hayley with him on my other side.

"Aidan, come here boy!" I said holding my arms out to him. He gets up off the floor and comes running over to me. I lift him up and place him on my lap. I see Addy frown, still sitting on the ground where Aidan was sitting next to her.

"Aw, I think Addy is upset with you." Trent chuckles. I hand Aidan over to him and call for Addy. A smile creeps up on her lips as she runs over to me. I lift her and sit her on my lap.

"I love you Addy girlie." I kiss her nose and she giggles.

Although we are so screwed up in so many different ways, I love my family.



Hey guys, sad newwwwsssss.

This book is ending soon. Idk when, it could be next chapter, or two more. I'm thinking that I'm only going to have one more chapter and then an epilogue.

It's time to end this story or it's just going to keep dragging on and I don't want to make my story that way.

As of right now, I am not writing a sequel because what would I write about?

I'm sorry for short notice! I just decided today that it's ending extremely soon!

I just wanna thank you guys for all the support, constructive criticism, and sweet comments.


ily and thanks for loving this story!



Comment and vote please! It's simple, but effective!

-Mackenzie xoxo

A New Beginning (1D Adoption Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang