Note from the Author

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For new readers stumbling across this book, I feel the need to explain something important to me. Initially, I made this book to explore what would life be like if these characters were real in our modern time. Slowly but surely over the course of nearly seven years, it's evolved into something more personal despite still being a fanfiction. 

I've gotten attached to this book, because I want to have the main character slowly grow as a person through this. To do that, this book has the main character/reader going through struggles that I myself have gone through. That's why it means so much to me. This book has gone from a goofy thirteen-year-old's fantasy to almost a record of my life's trials, in its own way. However, that doesn't mean it still isn't a fanfiction. This still follows a plot with our favorite mercenaries y'know?

As I mentioned before, I started this book when I was thirteen. My writing style and skill has developed exponentially from that first chapter, thankfully. I have also finished editing the book, so this is its final version.

This book has been a journey for me that is still continuing in its own way. I expressed my - well - emotions in this book. I've cried writing it, because each character represents something for me. I've laughed at my foolish words, and I've gotten scared for the situations that I've created! (Surprisingly not uncommon for authors). 

It's hilarious and yet nice to connect with this character of the Strategist that represents me and my way of thinking throughout time oh so well. I understand that it might not be what people want or expect, because basing the character in almost a selfish way off of me might not be the thing people want. That's okay, because it's up to them and up to you whether or not you want to keep reading. Of course, being the author I would say to read my book, but I can't decide for you.

I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it. If you'd like to join our Discord, please follow the link below!

 Anyway, if you need anything, just message me or leave a comment!

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