Chapter 2

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I turn around to look at the door. A tall, lean boy with blond hair is standing in the doorway. He looks incredibly hot and handsome. His blue eyes are soft yet so wild. His lips are thin and pink. His long hair is so damn attractive and I feel instantly drawn toward him. He is wearing a brown hoodie with normal black pants and a zig-zag metal hairband is supporting his hair from falling on his forehead. Apart from this, I notice a group of boys standing right behind him, chuckling and making weird noises.
"Derek Jeremy, what do you want? Why aren't you in the class?" Professor Kenneth asks the boy. Derek? Does he belong to this class? Why isn't he attending then?
Derek and the small group behind him enter the class. As he comes closer, he looks even more attractive. Almost every girl in the class is staring at him. My mouth is slightly open and I honestly don't realize it.
"Here comes the Jerk!" Venice remarks from her seat and I instantly get a feeling that she knows this boy. Is he her friend? Or are they...? I shake my head clearing the unwanted thoughts. The boy is now looking at Kenneth and smirking.
"Professor, don't you get bored of teaching the same things every damn year?" Derek steps forward from the group, "I feel... value education should be replaced by sex education. It can at least be useful someday!" He laughs and everybody in the class joins him. He is a jerk. Who even speaks to a Professor like that? He doesn't have any sort of manners and is filled with cheapness. Maybe, I am too quick to judge this boy.
"Derek if you're not interested, better get out. Other students are willing to learn this subject." Kenneth raises his voice and the boy gang laughs at him and exits the room quickly. Derek is still standing in the room. His face is covered with a proud smirk and I feel like slapping him. Why am I overreacting so much? I should not be bothered about this boy. He can do whatever shit he wants. After all, this is NYU, and such things can always be expected.
"Get out Derek!" Kenneth yells and I flinch slightly. My first class is gone for a toss and Kenneth is completely pissed. Derek smirks again and then slowly turns back and exits the room. I avoid any eye contact with him. I had no idea that I will have to deal with such jerks at NYU.
As soon as Derek is out of the room, Kenneth awkwardly clears his throat. He continues to teach us about the topic and later on asks us to introduce ourselves. I like the way Kenneth behaves normally during the entire class even after facing such a disgusting drama put up by Derek and his friends.
"So students!" He smiles at us, "I need you to keep a separate book for this subject. It should be decorative and creative at the same time. Have a great day everyone!" Kenneth leaves the room.
"Hey, let's get a coffee?" Venice asks from my side and looks at me.
"Sure!" I smile, nodding at her.
Venice and I grab our coffees from the counter and take our seats. Venice crosses her legs in front of me and slowly sips her coffee. 
"Who is this Derek?" I ask taking a sip of my hot coffee. She shifts uncomfortably and rolls her eyes, "He is our college's Romeo!" She exclaims rolling her eyes one more time. Romeo? How can he even be compared to that iconic character! How can you even like a person like Derek? I wonder why I am so bothered by this boy. He is no one to me and it's better to stay away from such boys.
"Well... don't talk to him much because he is an unworthy son of a bitch." Venice throws her hands up in the air and I can tell she is beyond pissed. She is definitely having some sort of 'hate' against Derek. It clearly shows in her anger towards him.
"Okay just relax. I just wanted to know about him." I try to calm her down. Anyone could easily hate a guy like Derek. Probably he passed some sneaky remark at Venice and she's been angry with him since then.
We finish our coffees and I head to my biology class. So far, my first day is completely not what I expected it to be and I hope biology class goes on well.
As I enter the biology room, I notice a huge crowd gathered in the middle of the room. I walk closer to them and try to look as to what is exactly happening here. I slightly push a tall blonde girl and peek to find a small wooden table, on which many red-colored cards are placed. On top of each card, the words 'Kiss and Tell' are printed in dark black ink. The tall blonde moves away, giving me a clear view of the scene. Derek and a guy with curly hair give each other a high five.
"You are fucking good at it Derek!" The guy with curly hair pats Derek's shoulder. Probably, they were playing some stupid game and the entire crowd was cheering them. I expected at least biology to go on well, but now there is no hope. Derek is here too and I feel like just throwing him out of the room. Why does he want to spoil my first day? I always prefer my classes to go on without any disturbances, but I need to get used to this now.
Suddenly, I find myself wondering what could the game possibly be about. Kiss and tell? Whom did Derek kiss? The curly-haired guy praised him and I cringe at the thought of Derek kissing a girl in front of everyone. I am drained in my thoughts and I hardly realize that everyone in the class has already left. I turn around and my eyes read the words written on the green board- 'Its a holiday :) '
I literally scream in annoyance as I am not sure what is going on around me. I am beyond pissed and anger takes over my mind. Meanwhile, a professor wearing a black coat enters the room and is as confused as I am. He smiles at me awkwardly after reading the words written on the board and I return his awkward smile. He exits the room without even telling a word and it is all because of Derek. Why doesn't anyone have control over him? He can do anything, tell anything, and nobody fucking questions him or stops him. He can cancel an entire class and can disappoint the professor with such absurd behavior. What is it with him that makes him so interesting yet so hateful?

Hey guys, I know that the first few chapters are a bit 'slow' because I really want Jessie to hate Derek. I know she already does, but I promise the chapters will not bore you and will keep you engaged.

Thank you for reading :)
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