Chapter 31

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"Thank you for everything Neil. I hope you had a great night", I say and Neil smiles at me. I decide to take the details of the night from Aby. I glance at Aby, to find her sleeping on the bed. She looks so innocent in this state, but then I wonder how will I carry her to the car.

"I think I will get you a drink. You looked tired", Neil offers and I shake my head. Why is everyone so bothered to offer me a drink? 

"No thank you", I say and Neil's face frowns. This guy is confusing. Surprising me, Neil takes a step closer to me. I am completely caught off guard by his move. 

"What are you doing Neil?", I stammer. 

"You look so beautiful and I feel like tasting you", Neil says coming closer to me. I move backwards. What is wrong with Neil!? Why is my judgement on people always wrong? I thought Neil to be a good guy, but he is trying to misbehave with me. First it was that man and now it is Neil. 

"Neil are you crazy!? What happened to you suddenly!?", I yell and Neil licks his lips. I try to reach the door and step out as quickly as possible, but when I look at Aby, I drop my plan of running away. 

Before I can think, Neil grabs my waist and I try hard to push him off me. Neil leans in and I close my eyes. I don't want to see him gaining control over me. Suddenly, I can feel a lose of contact. Neil's arms are no longer on my waist and his breathe is not felt against my lips. I flutter open my eyes. 

Neil is on the floor. My mouth drops when I see his nose bleeding. I turn to my left to find Derek moving his hair off his forehead. He is dressed in all black and his knuckles are busted. 

"How dare you lay your hands on her!?", Derek kicks Neil very hardly and I cover my mouth in fear. Derek pulls Neil by his collar and blow a punch on his stomach. 

"You were fucking messing around with her!", Derek slams Neil's head against the wall. I flinch and remain frozen on my spot. Neil's head bleeds and drops of blood covers the floor. 

"Derek please!", I yell and tears roll down my cheeks. 

One last punch on Neil's face and he falls down unconscious. I quickly take a step closer to Derek. His blue eyes are filled with anger and frustration. 

"What are you doing here in this fucking time!?", Derek yells at me. I gesture towards Aby and he sighs. I hold Derek's hand and take a look at his busted knuckles. 

"Thank you", is all that I can say. If Derek wouldn't have saved me, I would end up in a big trouble. Derek cups my cheek with his hand and I can feel all my worries and fear dissolve. 

"I will never let anyone touch you Jazz", Derek says and I smile at him softly. His words are so effective and I feel like I am falling for him all over again.

I look at Aby and Derek lowers his hand. He walks towards the bed and slightly lifts Aby off the bed. He carries her in his arms and indicates me to lead the way. I grab Aby's handbag and slung it over my shoulders. I am happy that Derek is helping me by carrying Aby. Soon enough, we exit the club and I open the back door of my car. Derek slowly lays down Aby on the seat and closes the door. 

"I will drive", Derek says stretching out his hand for the keys. 

"I can manage I guess", I say and Derek being Derek grabs the keys from my hand. I shake my head and climb into the passenger seat and Derek pulls onto the highway. 

"What were you doing in the club Derek?", I ask and his face tenses. I hope he wasn't doing the thing which I am thinking. 

"I was with Nick", Derek says. I rewind back to my deadly night. The thought itself makes me scared. "I know that", I say back at Derek. He looks at me and bring his eyebrows together.

"Oh then why didn't you come by to see what we were up to?" Derek says concentrating on the road. 

"I was worried for Aby. This man was hitting on me and then It was Neil's turn I guess. In short, my night has been worst", I say and Derek looks at me. I didn't want my night to be even more worse. How would I react when I saw Derek drinking?

"A man hit on you?", Derek asks me unsure. He is not looking at me now and I mentally slap myself for even letting out that information. I just hope Derek doesn't go back and break that man's head. 

"Yeah nothing serious", I say quickly, before Derek turns around. You never know when will he take a U turn and go back to the club.

Neil's behavior did throw me off guard, but how will Aby react when she gets to know about all of this? I doubt Neil to be responsible for Aby's condition, maybe he forcefully made her drink, so that he could take advantage of her, but unfortunately she was too drunk and passed out and Neil found his new prey in me. 

"Never step out this late ever again Jazz. I really mean it", Derek says and I smile at his concern for me. I love when he is so open about his feelings, his care, his worry and his concern for me.

"What are you doing this weekend?", Derek asks, concentrating on his driving. The mention of 'weekend' brings me back to reality. I am supposed to convince Derek to come with me for the family dinner at Kay's house. I need to bring this up to him, unless he agrees to it.

"We are going to your house for this weekend. There is a family dinner organized and I really want you to come with me", I say and watch Derek's jaw tensing.

"Damn it Jazz! Could you please stop bragging about the same old things! please!", Derek yells as I knew he would. You cant have any conversation with Derek without screaming at the top of your voice. But I am too exhausted now to fight with Derek.

"Please Derek. Just for me?", I ask. I know he will do anything for me. Will he?

"Who do you think you are Jessie!? You don't just fuck with me! Your no one to me. I have always hatted you from the beginning and as far as I care for you, I even care for the beggars", Derek says. All my assumptions and wishes are scattered. How can I be so stupid? I should have known him better, after all he is the Derek Jeremy. Why would he like somebody like me? An unpopular girl, who never gets noticed. I was the one who cared for him way too much and really loved him. But for him, I am just an ordinary girl in the college.

"I am so sorry. I really thought I meant something to you", I say softly. He has drained every energy in me and I feel heavy. What was I thinking? Derek loves me? Of course! he loves me only when we have sex! I feel like an complete idiot for letting him get into my pants.

"You mean something to me!? Are you serious!? Miss Jessie... you are just some bitch who messed up with me at the beginning of the college", Derek says and my heart is no where found inside me. 

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