Chapter 76

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"Hey", a male voice says and I look up to find Jimmy standing above me. I roll my eyes at him, "Hi", I say. I don't understand why is this guy always around me. Whenever I need space, he just comes like a storm and blows everything off. 

"What do you want Jimmy?", I ask annoyingly.

"You can call me Jim", He says and grins. Idiot.

"Ok what do you want Jim?", I ask again. 

"Will you be my date to the prom?", he asks me and I choke on my breath. Is he serious!? After what happened to Jimmy at his party, I don't think any normal guy will ever dare to ask me out. 

"I will not make you uncomfortable. I promise", he says and I sigh.

"Does Derek know about this?", I ask and stand up.

"Uh no", he says. If I was in a good mood today, I would have definitely told Jim a yes, to make Derek jealous. But I am too moody and I can feel nothing but annoyance right now. 

"Yes?", Jimmy asks.

"I.. I... actually..."

"No!", a male voice yell from behind. I look to see Derek walking towards us from behind and I feel so happy to see him after so many days. I silently thank him for saving me once again from this Jimmy shit. I try not to laugh at my choice of words, instead a cough escapes my lips.

"Jessie is going to be only my date!", Derek says through his teeth. 

"Oh where were you man!? I guess Jessie really missed you", Jimmy winks looking at Derek. Quick enough he grabs ahold of Jim's collar and I can see his knuckles strain against the fabric. 

"Don't you dare tell her name!", Derek warns. Why will always my conversation with Jimmy end with a fight? 

"Ok man.. she's all yours", Jim says and jerks away from Derek's grip. I am glad he didn't jump back at Derek and chose to leave him alone. Good for Jimmy.

After Jimmy manages to walk away from us, I look at Derek, "Where were you all these days? Why didn't you respond to my calls and texts? Come on tell me."

"Why do you ask so many questions?", Derek remarks.

"Sorry", I say and look down.

"Why are you so dumb? Can't you see he wants to get into your pants!", Derek snaps at me. The people around us stops on their way and looks at us. I feel so embarrassed to stand here right now.

"Can we talk about this later please?", I say and look around.

"Fuck off", he spits and turns around to storm away from me.

I remain frozen in my spot. I am not able to process the last few minutes of my life. Why is Derek bothered anyway? He has forgotten his words. He doesn't want me to be his date now. So then why can't I be Jimmy's? Tomorrow is the prom and if Derek wants me to be his date, then I will have to fly to Texas tonight. But he doesn't care about it now.

The day comes to an end and Aby drives me back home as soon as possible. I don't tell her anything about today. Aby has here own problems to deal with.

Its 7 PM on the clock and I keep aside my college assignments.

"Tomorrow we've to be ready at least by this time, or else we will be late to the prom", Aby reminds me.

"I don't think I will make it up to the prom", I say and sigh.

"Jazz? Is everything ok?", Aby worries.

"I don't know if I will have a date for tomorrow", I say.

"Is Derek not going to be there?", She asks.

"I don't know anything Aby. He just doesn't talk to me", I sigh.

"Well call him and ask now!", Aby says and nods firmly.

"He will not pick up my call and what am I supposed to ask anyway?", I whine.

"Ask him if he is serious about you", Aby looks straight into my eyes.

I do as instructed and dial Derek's number. After the second ring, he picks up my call. "Hello", he says softly.

"Uh well Hi", I stammer. Aby keeps her hand on her forehead and sighs.


"Derek I want to make it clear if you..."

"Stop!", He cuts me off.

"I need you to meet me at this address. Now", he orders and immediately my phone chimes. Derek has sent me the address of a place.

"Where is this place?", I ask him over the phone.

"Just follow the map and don't forget I am waiting. Hurry up!", He says and hangs up quickly.

"What's wrong?", Aby asks me and I tell her the matter.

"You need to go", she says and stands up from the couch.

"Ok", I say and grab my car keys. I am dressed in a simple navy blue plain T-shirt and white jeans. I put on my shoes and step out of the apartment.

I have no clue where is the map leading me to. I have not been to many places in New York and I wish I knew the roads better. The traffic is light and the streets are less busier than usual. Finally, after an hour of driving, I reach a narrow pavement and continue to walk inside. I switch on my phone torch and look around. Where is Derek? I remember the map indicating me that I was already in Manhattan. I continue on my way and finally, I am out of the small pavement and my eyes adjusts to the light outside. I look around and my mouth drops when I see a big cruise standing right in front of my eyes. I take a step towards it and soon enough I can feel a pat on my shoulder. I turn back to find Derek standing behind and carefully watching me. His face is bright under the moon light and I cant help but stare at him. He is dressed in a black leather jacket and a metal hairband supports his hair back. He is dressed in all black and I can feel the familiar burn inside my body.

"Why did you call me here?", I shake my head and ask.

"How did you like my surprise?", he asks and smiles. I know he is eager to know, but what surprise did he give me though?

"That small, dark pavement was your surprise?", I ask and roll my eyes.

"Come on Jazz..", he gestures towards the cruise- "This is the surprise!"

I look back and forth between the cruise and Derek. Is he serious? He could possibly not arrange a date in here, could he? Derek holds out his hand for me and I quickly place my hand in his. There is a small ladder kept for climbing up the cruise and Derek leads me up. I still cant believe that this is actually happening. Once I climb up, I look around. The cruise is empty and I can see the captain approaching us. 

"Welcome board Miss!", he sees me and smiles.  

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