Chapter 21

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I impatiently wait for the clock to strike 7. I have looked at the mirror for more than hundred times now. The outfit looks even more sexier today and I am impressed by my makeup skills. After many failed attempts of applying the eye liner, I finally draw a perfect stroke. Meanwhile there is a knock on the door. My hearts beater and I cant wait to open the door.

I look at the mirror for one last time and grab my handbag, heading to the door. I quickly opens the door and eyes widen. Derek is dressed all black. He is wearing a black leather jacket and it makes him look even more sexier. His hair is supported by the metal band and he is holding a rose bouquet in his hands. 

I try to stay normal and not show my overwhelming joy on seeing Derek. He looks unbearably attractive and I cant take my eyes off him. Derek holds out the bouquet to me and I happily take it from him. His sweet gestures like this makes me like him even more. Like? 

"Your ready?", Derek asks and I smile at him, nodding. I lock the apartment and take a deep breath before heading to one of my best night of my life.

Derek opens the passenger door for me and I immediately climb in. I like the change in Derek. I like the way he is so calm and so gentle and this side of him is my favorite. Derek pulls the car onto the highway and my stomach flutters. I am very nervous that I thought I will be. Its Derek's presence, his looks and his blue eyes that makes me conscious about myself.

"Your dressed in the same way as before", Derek says without looking at me.

"That's because I want to replace that night with this", I say honestly and Derek laughs. A real laugh. His laughter fills the car and I wonder does Derek know how adorable he sounds when he laughs. I want this Derek to be there at all times, not that rude and hurtful one.

"This will be your best night", Derek says and I smile at him. I really wish this night be unforgettable and I enjoy every bit of it.

The streets of New York is busier than I assumed. We are stuck in a long traffic and I whine about it. Derek chuckles shaking his head.

"So... do you read books?", Derek asks and looks at me. I shake my head. "Well, I read only some particular novels", I say.

"Like?", Derek asks and raises a brow. He is curious and I am happy that he is interested in knowing these things about me. 

"My favorite is Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet. I have read it a thousand times and still feel like reading it again. I just love how Romeo never fails to love Juliet, no matter how hard the situation his, the family rivalries and differences doesn't matter to him", I say feeling very proud about my choice of books.

"I wont argue", Derek says and I am surprised. I assumed us to get into a fight, making this night worse. But Derek is happy today and I just love it.

"You have been staying in New York for a while now?", I ask Derek. I want to know the little things of his life, like his favorite movie, his favorite destination, the first time he fell off a bike... All these things do matter to me.

"Yeah and I know you live in Texas", Derek says. How does he know that? At first he knew my apartment address and now he knows my hometown? 

"How do you know that?" I ask Derek and he sighs. "I know each and everything about every girl in the campus. Its not a big deal though", He says and my heart aches. I want him to know only me, spend time only with me, not messing around with other girls. But probably I am taking things too seriously. I try to avoid annoying him and decide to let go of the information.

The traffic slowly gets cleared and finally we reach the Tom's. Derek leads me inside and I hold onto his arms tightly. The hall is filled with people dancing to the loud music. At the corner of the club, many couples are making out, group of boys are snorting drugs and taking their drinks. Derek pulls me to the bar and asks me for a drink.

"I don't drink often", I say. I am completely being honest with Derek tonight. I don't want to hide anything from him. Derek shakes his head and takes a sip of his coke. I am happy that he decided not to drink tonight and It means so much to me.

"Let's dance", Derek says and holds his hand out to me. I have never done anything like this before, but I can never refuse Derek, So I place my hand in his and we step onto the dance floor. The loud music seems so intimidating as soon as I step onto the dance floor. "I don't know how to dance!", I yell and Derek laughs.

"Just move with the song!", Derek yells back through the loud music and starts grooving to the song. I join him and he begins to laugh. His face glows beneath the bright color lights and to my surprise Derek really dances well. I am able to match my steps with the song and Derek cant stop laughing. 

A drunk guy stumbles upon Derek, but he laughs at the guy and I join him. This carefree side of Derek is something that I love the most. Suddenly the music changes, it becomes loud and fast. All the people on the dance floor are now with their partners. I look around confused and Derek waves his hand at me funnily.

"Its the time for the couple dance. Be my partner", Derek says and grabs my waist. I laugh and he joins me. I don't understand why Derek and I feel so ridiculous about the whole dance floor idea. Its so intimidating and we both just cant stop laughing. 

We begin to move with the music and Derek holds my hand with his and another rests on my waist. At a point, we both begin jumping on the floor, laughing till our stomach aches. Derek's hair sways back and forth as he jumps and it looks so good under the bright lights of the club. Suddenly I stumble upon my own feet and fall into Derek's arms. His arm tightens around my waist and we stare into each other's eyes.

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