Chapter 49

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"You're alone?", Jimmy asks. I don't understand why is he always behind me.

"Uhm yeah", I say and his face lights up.

"Can we go somewhere else?", He asks seductively. I look at him and smile. I need some entertainment tonight and everybody here is with their date. Maybe Jimmy can be my date?

"What do you want Jim?", I ask in a sexy tone. I am definitely flirting with him. 

"I want to fuck you Jessie", He says honestly and I giggle. The worst version of me is when I drink, but its so vulnerable and so sexy.. I guess.

"Hmm Hmm yeah? you do?", I ask and he nods innocently. I cant believe I am talking to him even after knowing that he wants to fuck me. 

"Yeah", he says softly. I feel like throwing my drink on his face, but that would result in a wastage of my drink. 

I stand up from the bench and take a sip of my drink. I feel like puking and my vision is going blur. I don't even realize that I am swaying back and forth, making my drink spill from the edge of the glass. Jim puts his hand on my waist and pulls me to his chest, making me drop my glass onto the ground. I look at it and frown. Maybe spending time with Jim wasn't a good idea. I would never let him touch me, but I am too drunk to even push him away from me. I try to shove his chest, but his grip on my waist is very strong. I feel my body becoming heavy and my head starts to spin. My throat burns and I feel sick. Suddenly, I can feel a lose of contact between Jim and I. I wipe my eyes and only thing I can see is Derek blowing punches on Jim's face. Within seconds, my vision goes completely blank and I fall onto the ground. 


The next morning, I slowly open my eyes. My heart aches so badly and I lift my body up from the bed. I look around and can see Aby coming near me with a glass in her hand. She opens the drawer next to the bed and hands me two tablets with the glass of water. I immediately take it and Aby leans against the drawer, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Are you ok?", she asks me with a concerned look. I nod at her and she sighs.

"Jazz.. why did you even drink so much?", she asks and sits next to me. 

"I just don't know.....", I say and wipe my eyes. The last thing I remember is Derek fighting with Jimmy. I also remember about Josh's proposal.

"Congratulations Aby, I saw Josh's proposal yesterday. It was just so perfect", I say and smile looking at her. She smiles back at me and pushes a hair strand behind my ears.

"What happened yesterday?", I ask and sigh. I am very ashamed at my behavior last night and I am thankful that Derek actually saved me from that jerk.

"Well... Jimmy is really hurt and Derek is very angry at you", Aby says and stands up. 

"Derek carried you till the apartment. He just wouldn't go home Jazz, until I made sure that you will be ok. I think you should really talk to him", Aby says.  I don't know how to react. Derek did so much for me yesterday and I am not sure if I can face him today. 

"I need to get ready for college", I say climbing out of my bed. I've never had an hangover since ages, and I feel terrible this morning.

"Today is a holiday Jazz", Aby says and I sigh in relief. I have definitely attracted a lot of attention this week and I just don't want to face anybody right now. 

"Every year, after the bonfire, we have a declared holiday", Aby says. So these things happen every year in NYU. It is actually fun, only when you have a date with you.

Aby leaves the room to get me a cup of coffee. I feel like banging my head on the wall to ease the pain. Thank God, today is a holiday. 

I take a hot shower which helps in reducing my hangover. Aby prepares chicken sausages for breakfast and it tastes amazing. Josh joins us later and we watch a movie. I try to call Derek, but it goes unanswered, he isn't even responding to my text messages. I know he is really angry with me, but I need to talk to him, no matter how hard he will hurt me again. Going to his apartment seems like a bad idea to me. It is better if I speak to him in college.  

The rest of the day passes by and Josh enacts the whole proposal scene again in front of me. I laugh at him and Aby joins me. We spend the night in the terrace of the apartment and the cold breeze feels so good against my skin. 


The next morning, I am very excited to be back to the college. It feels like years of not attending classes. I search for Derek in the entire campus, but he is not found anywhere. I decide to go on with my classes. Venice greets me with a pleasant smile and I tell her about my experiences last night. She laughs along with me when I tell her how I landed my hands on the Vodka. I am happy that nobody around me is staring or is passing any weird comments on me. Derek really has  great power in the campus. I find my car in the parking slot and cringe at its condition. It is covered in dust and I owe to get my car washed.

Days passes by, and finally tomorrow is the weekend. I haven't seen Derek the entire week and I have no idea where is he. All my calls and texts are unanswered and I worry if he is ok. I even visited his apartment during the week, but he wasn't there. I really hope he is with his family and is safe.

Tomorrow is weekend and I don't want to be alone in the apartment as usual. I remember asking Derek to come along with me to Manhattan, but he had refused it. Maybe I should just visit Kay and Isha this weekend. I couldn't go to the family dinner the previous weekend, but I can definitely compensate for it tomorrow. Kay and Isha will be surprised to see me and I will make sure they are happy. 

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