Chapter 62

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"You're...I...", Derek utters the words and falls down on the floor. He is passed out and I don't bother to wake him up.

Tears fills my eyes and I can feel a strange pain building in my chest. My heart aches for Derek. I try to grasp his words... Did Bessie leave him? Why?

Without any further thoughts, I start walking back and step out of the apartment. I cant see Derek in such situation. I am angry at him for being so weak, and for relying on drugs to escape reality. I need to warn him that next time if he touches those toxic things, I will never come near him again.

I climb into my car and drive away from the apartment. My cheeks are soaked in tears and I try not to cry more. How could I fall in love with such a boy, who has such toxic practices! I will never like people to know that my boyfriend is a fucking drug addict!

My poor heart can't bear it anymore. So I head straight to my apartment. Its the only place where I can feel safe right now.

Once I close the door behind me, I can actually feel how lonely I am. No one to comfort me, no one to hold my hand and drive me to the light. I don't know if I will ever be happy. I was happy though few hours before, but now I am pushed into darkness again. I try hard not to call Aby and tell her to come back. It is so difficult to stay alone without no support.

I spend my entire weekend sobbing and crying. I didn't eat anything and I haven't left the apartment at all. My phone is switched off and I don't answer any of the knocks on the door. I don't know if it was Derek, I hate him anyways.

My body feels exhausted and I feel like puking. I didn't even bother to take a shower on all these days. I've been doing nothing but sitting on the bed and thinking about my problems with Derek.

Tomorrow is monday and I had promised Bobby to start my training period from tomorrow. But there is no hope now. No way I am going like this to the office and sitting here will fetch me nothing.

At the beginning of the weekend, I was happy that Derek didn't go to the trip leaving me alone, and then I realized if he had gone, I wouldn't be like this now.

I stand up from my bed and walk to the living room. I've watched Romeo Juliet, more than twenty times during the weekend. The laundry bag is filled with my clothes and I feel like a complete shit. I feel like doing nothing at all.

I turn on the television and start to browse the channels. Nothing seems to interest me, so I switch it off again. I open the fridge to stuff myself with some food. I pull out a loaf of bread, eggs and a small milk bottle.

I make an egg sandwich for myself and gulp down the entire bottle of milk. Finally, I feel alive after days. I need to come back to reality and start fresh. Bobby Build is important to me and I shouldn't let the opportunity go.

After hours of cleaning the apartment and laundry, I finally sit down on the couch and turn on my phone. It just won't stop buzzing. Of course! Derek's apology is still remaining right?

Loving Derek has not gotten me anywhere and it never will. Loving him causes me only pain and I hate being in pain. I need to move on from him and should stay away from all his problems.

I keep my phone aside and gather my things for tomorrow. I am very excited and I hope my excitement doesn't get spoilt because of some unnecessary distraction. What is Derek going to do tomorrow? The college will remain closed. Will he go to Manhattan? I mentally slap myself for even thinking about him. He has completely ruined my happiness and I have no right to think about him.

The next morning, I get ready for my first day at BB. I am nervous as hell, but I know its going to be fine. I hope I make some new friends at work.

I quickly put on my jeans and sneakers. My pink T- shirt is perfectly ironed and I feel proud at myself. I settle with light makeup and draw a thin layer of eyeliner under my eyes. It looks like its not even there. Good.

The drive to BB is actually fun. I listen to my favorite songs at a high volume, without bothering about others. I park my car and hurry up.

When I reach the reception, a lean boy with brown hair is standing. His back is facing towards me and he is talking to Veronica. I walk towards them and the boy turns to look at me. His hazel eye color matches mine and his dimples are way too adorable. He is not so tall and he has a similar smile like Bobby's.

"Hello, Ms. Damon", Veronica smiles at me and I give her a firm look.

"Ok.. sorry Jazz", she corrects herself and I chuckle lightly.

"Hi, I am Shane", the boy standing next to Veronica stretches his hand out to me.

"Hey, I am Jessie", I say and shake his hand.

"Mr. Royston will be happy to see you both. You both are required to go to the conference room", Veronica says looking back and forth between me and Shane.

"Sure", Shane rolls his eyes and leads the way. I follow him quietly. Has he been here before?

Immediately, Shane opens a door for me and I look at him in confusion.

"Its the conference room", he says and gestures me to enter. I come inside and look around. The room is empty and a long wooden table is placed in the middle of the room with chairs neatly placed, surrounding the table. It is the conference room, but how was he so sure about it?

"Dad can be a bit late sometimes", Shane says and takes a seat.

"Dad?", I ask him with a startled expression.

Ok so.. I know I am introducing many characters to the story. I had to do it for the story to proceed. Derek and Jessie's moments will be coming soon!!!
Thank you for reading!!
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