Chapter 74

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"Explain what!?", Aby raises her voice at me.

"What do you want Derek? I told you many times Jessie is not like the other girls. Please leave her alone!", Aby yells at Derek.

"Aby.. please", I try to reach out for her hand, but she jerks away and looks at me.

"Jazz, I don't want him to break you. This is not going to end well", she says and her eyes are filled with anger and worry. 

Aby turns to face Derek, "Tell me why are you here Derek? I know you better and I know you don't date anyone. I know how you are. You know Jessie has some feelings for you, don't you? and that's why you want to break her just like the other girls. Right?!"

I hold Aby's arm and try to calm her down, "Aby its not like what you think. I am not like those girls..", Aby looks at me, "Believe me", I say and sigh.

"Send him out. Now!", Aby yells at me and I flinch slightly. I've never seen her this angry before. I can understand her worry and concern for me, but she should also know how much I love this boy who she despises so much. 

"Fuck you bitch!", Derek yells back at Aby and heads to my room. 

Aby walks towards the couch and sits down. I hate to hurt her and I know she is hurt. I've broken her trust on me. Before she was gone, I had fought with Derek, but now I am not even able to stand up for myself.

After few minutes, Derek comes out of the room fully dressed and walks towards the door, without even looking at me. "Derek...", I follow him, but he quickly steps out and closes the door behind. I can feel the tears building in my eyes. I feel so miserable right now.

I turn around and come near Aby. I sit down next to her and she places her hand on my shoulder. "I am so sorry Jazz.. I don't want to lose you", she sighs. 

"I am sorry too. I shouldn't have gone so far with Derek", I say softly.

"Don't be sorry. I know you love him", Aby turns towards me, "Jessie, I want to know if Derek loves you too, if he does, I promise I will be by your side. I just need a guarantee that he will not break your heart."

"I still have to convey my feelings to him", I say.

"Do it on the night of the Prom."

"Yeah?", I ask.

"Yes. Don't delay it anymore Jazz", Aby says and tugs a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How was your holiday?", I ask, changing the topic.

"Good. Mom was really happy seeing me after so long"

"How is Josh?", Aby asks me and I look at her, surprised.

"I haven't seen him at all. I've spent all my time in BB", I say and smile.

The rest of the day passes by. Aby and I order noodle and fill our stomachs. We talk about my new work, Bobby and Shane. I also tell Aby about Derek helping me with my event. She is happy for me and wishes me best of luck. I try contacting Derek few times, but he doesn't respond. I know he is hurt by Aby's words, but I cant help it. 

The weekend comes to an end. I've done nothing but complete my college projects. Derek neither responds to my calls nor to my texts. At BB, my training period goes on well. Shane and I make our bond stronger and he offers me to help me with my work.

Days passes by and finally the students of NYU are back from their trip to New Jersey. I wonder what must have Derek done for so many days, all alone in his apartment.


Its 9 on the clock and I head to my first class. Aby and I are attending classes after such a long time. It felt weird to drive to the campus all by yourself and to be honest I really missed Josh. I don't know how will Aby face Josh again. She is emotionally strong, but I hope her day goes on well. The feeling of coming to NYU after so many days, makes me feel nostalgic. However It feels good to be back after such a long time. 

When I come to Value education class, I find Venice sitting in her normal seat. Immediately, I join her and she gives me a warm and welcoming smile. 

"Hey! long time!", Venice greets me.

"Hey", I say and sit down on my seat.

"I missed you in our trip", Venice says.

"Well... I was busy actually in BB", I say and tell Venice about my new work and my time in BB. She congratulates and tells me the details of her trip. Meanwhile, Professor Kenneth enters the class and we wish him good morning. 

"Hello folks!", Kenneth exclaims and we chuckle.

"I hope everybody had a good weekend! Well... we're almost at the end of the academic year. So you are all very well aware of the must-awaited Prom night!", Kenneth squeaks and the entire class begins shouting in excitement. 

"You have just one week for the big night. Prepare well!", He says.

The entire day, I am not able to concentrate on my classes. I constantly think about Derek. He wanted me to be his date at the prom. Will he stand by it? Or did he already forget about it? My eyes keep searching for him, but he is found no where in the campus. 

The day comes to an end and I wait for Aby near her car, in the parking slot. Within few minutes, she joins me and we both climb into the car and drive off the campus.

"Did you meet Derek today?", Aby asks not looking at me.

"No", I say and sigh.

"Who is your date at the prom?", I ask Aby and look at her. Talking about Derek makes me feel terrible.

"I am going with Richard Freddie. He has already asked me out" Aby winks at me. I try to hide my discomfort at the thought of seeing Aby with somebody else than with Josh. How quick the time changes! The only perfect relationship I thought was, came to an end that was so unbelievable. However, I've realized that no relationship is 'perfect'.

So we are back to normal now.. College, Derek, Jessie and Aby. I know the prom night is going to be one of the must-awaited part of the story. I am really trying hard to make the storyline as interesting as possible. So tell me how did you like Aby's reaction of seeing Derek in her apartment. Did she overreact? or was it right? Do let me know in the comments!! 

Thank you for reading :)

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