Chapter 67

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"Jazz, you can ask me anything and I promise I won't get angry. But remember, no family", Derek says and nods.

"Have you ever been in love?", I ask, taking a sip of my water.

"Yes.. I guess", he says and look away. I just knew it. He has been in love before. 

"Why aren't you both together?", I ask, ignoring the pain in my chest. I know Derek doesn't love me, but whoever he loved, is very lucky though.

"Her name was Bessie. I don't know where is she now. I guess love never existed between us at all", Derek says with a calm tone. I am happy that he is not angry and is willing to tell me about Bessie.

"Bessie and I met, when we were in high school. She looked very pretty and I always wanted her to be mine. Rose taught me how to behave with her and how to gift her presents. Then, finally after so many months, Bessie agreed to my proposal. When we were in our senior year of high school, one day Bessie told me to meet her at the George Washington Bridge at 1 in the midnight...."

I cant believe I am actually talking about a girl with Derek. Shouldn't I be jealous? But I am curious.

"I went there to meet her. As soon as she saw me, she wrapped her arms around me and then she wanted to give me a surprise, so she closed my eyes from behind and I waited impatiently. After few seconds, she removes her hands and when I turned back, I saw a boy next to her. She smirked at me and I understood the entire situation. She was cheating on me the whole time and then she wanted to show me how big of a loser I was. That's it! End of the story!!", Derek says firmly and looks away to hide his tears.

I cant think straight. How can a girl reject Derek over somebody else?  Bessie is the reason why Derek hates love. She fucking cheated on him. If I ever see her again, probably I will kill her.

I look at Derek and his eyes are filled with tears and pain. He has gone into his past and I hate to see him like this, all broken and sad. 

"Derek?", I say and place my hand on his.

"Don't leave me Jazz...Please", He cries. My heart aches for him. "No never", I say and his face lights up.

I stand up from my chair and move towards Derek. I cup his cheek and wipe his tears. He closes his eyes under my touch. I slightly push his hair over his forehead and he rests his head against my stomach. I wrap my fingers in his hair and gently caresses him.

I am not bothered about my surroundings at all. People can think what they want and I really don't care.

"Can we go please?", I ask softly.

Derek looks up at me and stands up. The waiter comes near our table with the bill. I dig into my purse, but suddenly Derek holds my hand. 

"I am paying for us", He says quickly and pulls out the money from the back pocket of his jeans.

After paying the bill, we immediately walk out of the restaurant. Derek is in a better mood now. 

"You earn?", I ask him, as we climb into the car.

"I need to live. Of course!", He says and laughs. I giggle and put on my seatbelt.

"What do you do?", I ask.

"I work in an architecture company in Manhattan. Usually my work is only to design sketches", Derek says and funnily shrugs. I laugh at him. I wonder when does he have time to do his work. He is either in the college or is with me.

"Where are we going now?", I ask him.

"To George Washington Bridge", Derek says and looks at me. George Washington Bridge? Is he also going to show up with some other girl there? I shake my head to clear the thoughts and concentrate on the drive. Derek looks hot when he is on the driver's seat and I cant help but stare at him.

"Which outfit are you wearing to the prom?", Derek asks me. I am surprised at his words. Prom?

"Prom? aren't they for high school students?", I ask. I had attended mine with David Gigger, but it turned out very bad. 

"NYU has a prom night every year. We're almost in the half of the first semester so after two weeks a prom night is organized", Derek explains.

"Oh Ok", I simply say and Derek looks at me.

"Will you be my date for the night?", He asks me. Derek's date? I would love to be his date, but he cant have me that easily. I am like those typical girls who wishes and prays to be somebody's date, but once you have it, the overdramatic girly side of you just pops out. 

"Well... I will be your date only if you come home and pick me up", I say and pout. 

Derek chuckles, "I will come to pick you up from your apartment", he says.

"Nope. I am talking about Texas. I will be there with my parents, in my house, and only if you come there and pick me up for the prom, I will be your date", I say and smirk at Derek.

"Oh my my.. Jessie Damon is turning to become this spooky girl, huh?", Derek mocks. I shrug proudly and bite my lips to stop blushing.

"Ok", he finally says and smiles.

I am surprised when Derek agrees to come home and pick me up for the prom. I know the prom is two weeks away, but you never know how and when the situation will change afterwards. It would be great to introduce Derek to my mom, dad and Jen. They would be so happy to see him and probably he will start loving his family, seeing mine.

We reach the bridge. Derek parks the car in the front of a small house and we climb out of the car. The sun hits against my skin and the warm breeze makes my hair fall onto my face. 

"The sun is just about to set", Derek says and I look at my watch. I cant believe it is almost 6 in the evening. How can time fly when I am with Derek? Its strange as well as overwhelming.

We walk towards the bridge. Derek holds my hand and I can tell that all the flashbacks of his past is coming right in front of his eyes. He is feeling them and he tightens his grip on my hand.

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