Chapter 86

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"None of this was ever real?", I weep.

"Are you out of your god damn brains!? I told you that I fucking hate you! There was nothing between us at all. You told me to come to your house today, I did. But you know for what.. the saying goes like this- When somebody trusts you and you let them know that you care for them, they automatically fall in love with you and when that same person breaks their heart, it breaks even more harder. I have successfully broken you, so now gather your fucking shit and leave!", he demands. I look down in embarrassment and I cant believe all this is happening. Derek must have told the same insulting things to the rest of the girls. Its so obvious that they couldn't bear it, but I am not like those girls.

"I enjoyed fucking you Ms. Damon", he mocks and everybody behind laughs.

I turn around and begin to walk away. Venice was right. He was going to break my heart into millions of pieces. It happened with her and still she is not able to recover. I had warning signals all over me, but I was too much in love with him to even notice them. I have finally become one of those fucked up girls of Derek. I feel shit and my heart cries inside me. I should've know better. I should've never come to New York. I was happy and simple in Texas, but now I don't even want to exist. I don't know what am I going to do with my broken heart. Where am I going to go with it? I am not going to die because I am already dead from inside. No one could bear such insult, but I won't end my life. Not for Derek at any cost. 

I can still hear laughs and giggles from behind. It feels like the universe is laughing at me from above. I fucked up everything and now I don't know how to fix my soul. Will I ever be able to move on? Like Venice and the other girls, will I be always emotionally void? My first love got ruined and now I don't feel like believing in love. He has removed and trashed my trust on him like it was never mine. I feel empty inside and I don't even know if this emptiness will ever get filled again.

All my time spent with Derek seems so useless. I can feel the time rewind, and I am still standing alone. Mom and dad were so happy to see Derek and he took them in his lies and won their trust. I feel betrayed and blown. There is only pain inside me and I need it to leave me as soon as possible. I stand near the campus gate, unsure where to go. Aby has already left and I cant walk back home, not now. I cant face Aby at all. The only friend who I can trust enough is Shane. So, I immediately dial his number on my phone and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello..", Shane's voice is heavy and raspy.

"Shane..", I cry over the phone.

"Hey, Is everything ok?", He asks.

"Can you please pick me up from my college?, I ask.

"Yeah, yeah sure", He says in confusion.

"Thanks", I say and hang up quickly before Shane can ask me any further questions.

I did call Shane, but am I going to stay with him tonight? I am going to stay in my Boss's house? I think that is a very bad idea. I don't know what else to do. Derek was right, One lie can just fuck up your entire world... I lied to myself that Derek would love me some day and that's why I fell too deep for him and now it hurts so bad.

After fifteen minutes, a red Skoda stops in front of me. I look up and Shane rolls his window down. I let out a sigh seeing him and quickly climb into the passenger seat. He starts the engine and drives off the campus. 

"Are you ok?", he asks looking at my condition. 

"Yeah", I say softly.

"No you're not", Shane sighs, "Tell me what happened", he demands.

"I said nothing", I say. The more I think about Derek, the more I feel terrible. I don't even want to take his name from my mouth anymore.

"Look at you Jazz! and you're telling me nothing happened?", Shane raises his voice at me. I slightly look at my side mirror. My eyes are puffy and dark. The mascara has smudged and a dark layer of black ink is formed beneath my eyes. My cheeks are shiny and soaked due to tears and my lips are dried and my face looks pale. It is the contrast version of myself which I had seen few hours before.

"Now will you tell me?", Shane looks at me.

"Derek is not my boyfriend..", I begin.

"What?", Shane is confused. 

"Yeah, Derek isn't my boyfriend. He never was. But I really loved him and today I found out that he wanted me to fall in love with him so that he could break my heart. It was all a game for him and I was so stupid to give him a chance", I say and sob. "I was just another girl. A stupid girl who fell for his lies. Fucking college Romeo!", I cry.

"I never felt that he didn't love you Jazz. I saw that love and affection in his eyes for you. I didn't think it was fake", Shane sighs.

"Stop it Shane! Don't talk about that bloody rascal! I hate him! I hate him!", I scream inside the car and cry.

"Ok.. hey.. relax", Shane comforts me.

"Where do you want me to drop you or else you can stay in my house tonight", He offers.

"No, you can drop me off near my apartment. Anyway I don't want to be sleeping in my Boss's house", I say casually.

"Ok", he slightly chuckles.

Hey guyssss... so all the loop holes and confusions in the story has been sorted out. If anything is left out you can just let me know. This big revelation was very unexpected. So I've decided to include one chapter only for Derek's POV during the entire time. Wow I cant wait for u all to read and give your views on it. Thank you!!

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