Chapter 29

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"What's wrong?", Aby asks looking at me and I let go off her hand.

"I thought you and Josh are breaking up", I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"We what!", Aby remarks and I feel confused. If she is going to hang out with a guy tonight, then definitely she is going to break up with Josh.

"You are hanging out with a guy tonight?", I ask and Aby shakes her head. I don't want Aby and Josh to break up. Josh loves her so much and I just know it. I have always wanted to have the perfect relationship like Aby and Josh. There is no more better than Josh, for Aby.

"Jessie its not like that. I am not going to break up with Josh. Neil is a great friend of mine and I am just hanging out with him tonight. That's it. Josh is insecure and I don't know how to make him understand", Aby says.

I am relieved at Aby's words. I knew she would never break up with Josh. Hanging out with a friend is not a bad idea anyway. Why can't friends go on a date? Probably I was unaware about this side of relationship and love, where your partner is just so insecure about you hanging around with your friends. I will never like to be in control of somebody else. Its my wish to choose my friends and spend time with them. Freedom does matter after all.

"I was so worried when I saw Josh sitting alone in the canteen today", I say and Aby sighs. I feel terrible for Josh, but Aby is not that typical girlfriend where she will only spend her time with boyfriend and ignore her all other male friends.

"I understand", Aby says and smiles. I am happy that Aby is not angry with me.

Aby is sorted out, now it comes Derek. I need to talk to him clearly, no yelling, no abusing. The only place I can find him is his apartment.

"Help me with my date?", Aby shows a green frock and raises her eyebrows at me. I nod and smile at her. Of course I will help her. I know Josh will feel bad when he gets to know about me supporting Aby, but I have no other option.

Quickly I help Aby get dressed. She whines when I suggest her to wear black tights under her frock. I apply a thin layer of green eyeliner under Aby's eyes. She looks gorgeous and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You sure he is just a friend right? I mean you look so beautiful and I thought it was only a friendly date", I tease Aby and she swats my arm.

Aby takes a look at the mirror and bats her eyelashes confidently. I chuckle. "Miss Abigail is ready for the night!", Aby squeaks and I funnily cringe my nose at her.

My phone chimes and I choose to ignore it. Aby too presses the ignore button upon seeing Josh's name. I give her a stern look, but she rolls her eyes at me. 

"Aby I think you need to talk it out with Josh. I am sure he will understand", I say and Aby turns to look at me.

"What if Derek was in place of Josh? Would he let you be with some other guy? I don't think so", Aby shrugs. I know she is right, but Derek is not Josh. He is way too moody and rude than Josh and he wouldn't even allow me to complete my sentence. Before I can tell him that its just a friendly date, he would have smashed something against the wall.

"That's different", I defend. Aby huffs and grabs her handbag. I ignore everything and give her a bright smile.

"Your looking gorgeous. Hope you have a great night", I say and pull Aby into a tight hug. She kisses my cheek, before opening the door and leaving the apartment. 

I sigh and sit down on the couch. My phones chimes again. I open my inbox to re-read  Isha's message. I remember her sending the message during my first class, but I haven't responded to her.

* Hey... Long time! I hope your fine Jazz. Kay just told me to invite you for a family dinner this weekend. She would be really happy to have you here *, the message reads.

I am happy that Isha invited me for their family dinner, but I don't want to go there alone. Even if I did, Derek will surely ruin it. That's the reason I had requested him to come with me to Kay's house. But now, that remains unsolved. I don't know how to convince him.

* I am trying to get Derek with me *, I reply back. Truth never hurts and I don't need to hide anything from Isha. Within minutes, my phones chimes again.

* I don't think that's a good idea. He will never come here Jazz *

I know he will not come with me so easily, but I am adamant too. I will be behind Derek, until he agrees to go with me. 

* I will let you know before the weekend *, I type and close the message. 

I had already made up my plans to visit Texas this weekend, but now when Kay wants me to be there this weekend, I need to cancel my plans. I can visit Texas the next weekend and probably can take Derek with me. Ok.. whom am I kidding? I really wish Derek could be a normal guy, all sweet and all happy. None of this would even happened if he was 'normal'.

The turn on the television and keeps switching channels. I have no idea how am I going to take Derek with me. He would just throw insults at my face and escape the situation. No matter how much courage I gather, when Derek says those insulting words, I break down miserably.

I decide to watch Romeo and Juliet. It is my only medicine when I am sad or worried. Romeo's face just lights me up as it does to Juliet and instantly I can feel my worries dissolving. I need to be emotionally stronger for tomorrow. Derek is unpredictable and I need to be ready for any type of situation.

Not your RomeoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin