Chapter 70

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"Why do always make male friends?", Derek says in annoyance.

"Don't tell me your angry? Shane is just so good", I defend myself. Derek cant tell me who can be my friends and who cannot.

"If I was angry, I would have just left you here and gone back", he says and I roll my eyes at me. Of course Derek would do that. No doubt!

"Derek, I don't want you to cause any scene today. Please? Just be in your best behavior", I plead him. If Derek causes a scene, then I have to forget about my must- awaited job.

"Ok", he simply says.

We finally reach Bobby Build. I climb out of the car and the mouth drops looking at the vast decorations. BB looks so huge and so bright today. Blue decorations cover the building and the crowd is way too much than I expected. The security guard guides Derek to the parking slot to help him park his car. A soft music can be heard from inside and the flashes of camera is seen scattering across BB. Media is also invited to the event and it looks so massive and so magnificent. After few minutes, Derek joins me and I lead him inside Bobby Build.

The decorations inside are purple and I look around to see many people dressed in branded suits and hair perfectly gelled. Derek holds my hand and I smile at him. The office is really crowded. Tons of people are there in BB today and the thought of seeing them after two months again, makes me whine. I lead Derek to the reception in thought of meeting Veronica. Yes, she is standing right behind the desk. Her blonde hair is tied into a high pony and her smile is bright as ever. She is also dressed in a black frock and the moment her eyes meets mine, she smiles at me.

I come near her and wrap my arms around her. Derek whines when I remove my hand from his, but I guess he can understand the situation. 

"Oh my God! You look beautiful", Veronica says and I wink at her. She laughs and her eyes catches Derek, standing right next to me.

"Who is he?", she asks, looking at Derek. What do I say now? I should have come more prepared for this. I mentally cry at my condition.

"I am her boyfriend", Derek says, on behalf of me. I choke on my breath and look at him. Boyfriend? Like seriously?

"Oh.. hey! I am Veronica", she stretches her hand out at Derek.

"Uhm.. This is Derek", I say and hold Derek's arm. I knew he wouldn't shake his hands with Veronica and greet her. She smiles awkwardly. Of course she might be thinking how ill- mannered my so called boyfriend is.

"Where is Bob?", I ask to change the topic.

"He is with the clients in the conference room. He wanted to see you though", Veronica says and nods. "Ok", I say and literally pull Derek with me.

"Why does Bob wants to see you?", Derek asks, as we make our way in the corridor. I loosen my grip on his arm, "Bob is my boss, so of course there will be a reason if he wants to see me", I say and shrug.

"Did you tell you were my boyfriend?", I ask not looking at him at all.

"Yeah, so?"

"I though I was just an ordinary girl....", I stress the word ordinary. He has never proposed to me and I hope he remembers that.

"Jazz.. don't make a big deal about it", He says casually. What was I thinking? How could I even imagine that Derek really meant it when he said that he is my boyfriend. Poor Jessie!

"You didn't behave well with Veronica I guess. It is normal to shake hands and greet people", I say and look at Derek. He rolls his eyes at me, "I don't do normal things."

I am at a loss of words. I can never win an argument with Derek. Moreover, this is not a right place to start fighting. I open the door and step inside the conference room. Bob is standing and talking with the clients and his back is facing towards me.

"Mr. Royston?", I call him out. Immediately, Bob turns to look at me and his eyes widen. I look around and Shane is not here, I wonder if he is even present at the event or not. Bob walks towards me and Derek holds my hand. Why is he so insecure?

"Where is Jessie Damon?", Bob asks and looks around dramatically. 

I chuckle, "I am right here Sir!", I say proudly, making Bob laugh.

"You look mesmerizing", He winks at me. I let out a small chuckle, "Thank You."

"Where is Shane?", I ask.

"Oh well.. he is near the florescent design section and you need to be near the beige section", Bob says and points a finger at me. 

"Ok. Sure", I say and smile.

"Who is this handsome man here?", Bob asks and smirks at me.

"This is Derek..", I look at him- " boyfriend", I say. Derek smiles at me and Bob clears his throat.

"So, he was the reason you bunked your second day", Bob grins.

"Hey man!", Bob shakes his hand with Derek and I am glad Derek didn't refuse. 

"You've got a nice choice", Bob says and pats Derek's shoulder. I can feel Derek getting annoyed and I pray that Bob quickly leaves us alone.

"Ok... I got to go. See you two love birds later!", Bob squeaks and leads his clients outside the conference room.

After Bob and the clients exit the room, Derek leaves my hand. "Is he really your boss? I don't think so", He says and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Even you are not my boyfriend", I say and face him.

"Why do you want to fight with me always?", Derek raises his voice at me. What is happening here? His insecurities can definitely be a threat for me. Is he jealous of Bobby? 

"I don't want to Derek. But why are you behaving like this? I need freedom and I think you're becoming over- protective about me", I say.

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