Chapter 46

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I am dressed in a maroon sweatshirt with black jeans. Aby lends me her black sneakers and applies a thick layer of red lipstick onto my lips. My hair is tied into a high bun making me look bold and sexy. But I am way too much dressed for a normal bonfire. 

"Look at you!", Aby squeaks and I shake my head. 

Once we come to the living room, Josh is already dressed in his NYU sweatshirt and is waiting for us. Aby looks beautiful in her beige jumpsuit and minimal makeup. Josh looks at us and stands up from the couch. 

"Don't tell me that you are wearing this hideous thing to the bonfire", Aby cringes at Josh and he lets out a small chuckle. I nudge her shoulders slightly to tell her how mean she is.

"I am not going there to impress some chick Ok?", Josh says and gestures us to leave. Aby is annoyed by Josh's words. So, I giggle and hold Aby's hand pulling her with me out of the apartment. 

When we get into the car, I look at my watch. Its 7 already. I cant believe that we took two hours to get ready for the bonfire. However it was all worth it. Within ten minutes, we reach the campus. For the first time, NYU is filled with so many people. It feels like I am in some other place and not in my college. It is no less than any night club. As we walk inside the campus, I notice a small fire being lit up in the middle and everyone is sitting surrounding it. I look around to see many couples making out, drinking and playing cards. A light music is playing in the background and I am happy that it is not too loud. Small wooden benches are placed around the fire and I try not to search for Derek. 

"Welcome to the bonfire!!", Aby squeaks at me when we come near a table filled with drinks. I've never been to a bonfire before, but have seen many in the movies. I actually always thought that you're supposed to have a date when you go to a bonfire and then I immediately realize that everyone here is with their date, including Aby. Probably I am the only one who came to a bonfire alone, without a date.

"Here', Aby hands me a green class filled with coke and I happily gulp down the entire drink at one stretch. I was thirsty and I didn't realize it until the coke touched my tongue. Aby drinks three glasses of wine and slightly stumble upon her feet. I catch her and she laughs. "Oh come on Jazz.., I am not drunk", she says taking a sip of her wine. Josh is talking with his small group of friends and everybody seems to be nice people. 

"Let's go near the fire", Aby suggests and pulls me with her, before I can say something. 

The place closer to the fire is so warm and I instantly feel good and comfortable. To be honest, I am really enjoying the bonfire. "Hey", a male voice says from behind. Aby and I turn around to look at a curly haired boy holding a glass. I have seen him before but don't exactly remember his name. He was even there when we were playing Kiss and Tell at the Tom's. 

"Hey Jimmy!!", Aby squeaks and gives the boy a tight hug. Jimmy. Yes, he was the one who distributed the Kiss and Tell cards to us. I hated him then and nothing has changed until now. 

"Hey", he looks at me and I try to fake a smile. I don't want to create a bad image in front of him. 

"Come on guys.. join us for a game of Kiss and Tell", Jimmy says taking a sip of his drink. 

"No thanks", I say immediately before Aby opens her mouth. She gives me a weird and confusing look, but I choose to ignore it. I know Aby would never let go off a chance to play that stupid game, but that is the least thing I ever want to do. Stupid people and their stupid games. I sigh in relief when Jimmy shrugs and walks away from us. 

"It would have been fun", Aby says looking at me. I don't understand how can you play such ridiculous games even in college. 

"No", I say and she rolls her eyes at me. If there is a game of Kiss and Tell going on, then Derek will be the first one to jump in. I am sure he must be sitting next to some bitch and writing down some stupid stuff on the red card. I choose to ignore my jealousy and try to do something fun.

I look around the place, no one seems to give attention to anyone here. Suddenly, my eyes stops when I see Venice sitting across me bringing both her knees up to her chest. 

"I will be back in a minute", I say and walk away from Aby. 

As I come near Venice, she looks up at me and smiles. "Hey", I say and sit down next to her. I haven't seen her for such a long time and I hope she is fine. The strange thing between us is that I don't get jealous of her. Even if I know that she loved Derek once upon a time and she hates him now, I don't even feel angry towards her. This is so weird, but I cant do anything about it.

"I am sorry about all the things that happened to you. I didn't find you later though", Venice says and I give her a confused look. I don't know what she's talking about.

"The sex video?", She says and presses her lips into a thin line. Oh. I have actually forgotten the entire situation. It feels so long back. I wonder why nobody is passing any comments on me nor they are looking at me. Of course, Derek would've warned them or so, but I really don't care what he did. He told me to stay away from him and that's what I am doing.

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