Chapter 13

189 9 13

( Content advisory- This chapter contains bold scenes and abusive words. )

I tug at Derek's hair and he gasps, slowly his hands move behind my back to unclasp my bra. My stomach tightens and I moan into his mouth. Derek buries his head inside my neck and places a trail of kisses. I pull the shirt over his head and removes his metal hairband. His hair falls down on his face and he pulls up to look at me. Desperation is all that I can see in his blue eyes. He looks down at my bust and wets his lips and soon enough he pulls a small packet from the back of his pants. My chest raises and falls, I cant believe that we have come this far. From hating each other to this very intimate moment, Derek and I ,have come a long way together. 

"I have always wanted this", Derek says pulling his pants and boxers down. I take a look at his length and the familiar burn returns. He joins me back on the couch and leans in closer to me. He sucks at my breast and I moan louder. He pulls down my panties and parts my legs with his knees, slowly inserting himself inside me. I am lost in some other world with Derek, where there is only pleasure and joy. 

"Will you regret it tomorrow?", I ask. My voice is shaking and Derek's wild eyes stares at me.

He slowly moves his body and catches the pace. A moan escapes his mouth and my legs begin to shake. Our faces are only inches away and I repeat my question.

"I need answer D.. D.. Derek"

"No", he says increasing the pace. I moan louder and Derek groans. He sucks at his bottom lip and I come undone for him. My head falls back and Derek spills in his condom. His eyes is holding so much pain and so much sadness within them that I had never noticed before. We are looking into each other's eyes. Derek is panting and I try to catch my breath and come back to reality. I hope Derek doesn't regret this moment later. If he did, I will be broken into many countless pieces. He slowly closes his eyes as I slightly push his hair off his forehead. He looks so beautiful right now. His face is covered in sweat and his lips are a shade of dark pink. If perfection had a name, for me it would always be Derek.

After what feels like hours, Derek and I get dressed. I am happy that Aby and Josh are not home. The moment I had with Derek has changed everything. I no longer hate him. I want to be with him forever. Probably now there should not be any secrets between us. He told me about Venice and now I should tell him about my weekend plan of coming to his house.

"Well...", I begin. Derek throws the condom in the dustbin and looks at me. He is in a good mood so there should be no fear to talk to him.

"What?", He walks towards me, pushing his hair back. 

"I am coming to your house this weekend. Isha invited me so.... I just don't want to hide it from you", I say as calmly as possible. Derek brings his brows together. 

"Who the fuck are you to come to my house? My house is no fucking orphanage! You understand!?", Derek yells on my face. I can feel the pain growing in my chest. Nothing has changed between us. I was just one among other girls for Derek. He still hates me and will continue to hate me. After my most intimate moment with him, he goes on to call me an orphan! Can something be more hurtful than this?

"Stop it Derek please..", I practically beg him. My eyes are filled with tears. I have never felt this kind of pain before.

"You are fucking cancelling your plans and dare you step into my house!", Derek points an accusing finger at me. In all this chaos, if anyone needs to be angry then it is me. Derek lied to me about Cappadocia and now here he is shouting on my face. I need to gather all my pieces to fight back at Derek.

"No! Isha invited me and I am fucking going to her house. Derek why are you even bothered! Cappadocia is your hometown right? I am not going there as your friend, but Isha's. Remember we aren't friends?", Sarcasm is fully visible in my tone. I cant stand anyone shouting on my face, even if that person is Derek, who means so much to me.

"Bitch! shut up!", Derek moves back and forth. "Fuck I shouldn't have been here. I am already regretting it!", He says and walks to the door. Derek exits the apartment and slams the door behind.

My cheeks are soaked in tears. I cant stand to see Derek ignoring me like this. I am all alone in this apartment and I wish I had never applied to NYU. Nothing of this would have happened if I stayed in Texas.  

After an hour, the door knob turns, and Aby and Josh enter the apartment.

"I am so sorry Jazz. Josh and I had our projects to be submitted and the professor refused us to use our phones", Aby says pouring a glass of water.

"Its fine", I say. I try my best to hide my emotions from Aby. She doesn't need to know about things I am going through. I remove my specs and wipe my tears.

"Here", Josh hands me a small plain white box. I open it to find two transparent lenses.

"I had visited the eye specialist with my brother- Jeva, yesterday and the doctor gave you this. Now you can say a final goodbye to your specs", Josh says and I immediately lean in to give him a warm hug.

"Thank you so much for this Josh. Its so thoughtful of you", I say and Josh gives me a bright smile.

"And yes, who won the match!?", I ask eagerly. Aby and Josh shakes their head together and Josh frowns.

"Of course we couldn't win", Aby says and rolls her eyes. I hope she isn't upset with me and Derek.

"Let it go Aby", Josh says funnily and Aby laughs. I join them and feel refreshed for a while.

I am very lucky to have Aby and Josh in my life and I shouldn't be bothered with people like Derek. I need to see the good things around me, rather than being sad for someone who doesn't value my tears.

What do you all think- Is Derek a really bad guy or is there something good about him which is yet to be found?

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