Chapter 5

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This chapter contains words and phrases which might be inappropriate for some readers. Kindly skip if needed.

I barely recognize myself in the mirror. The pink frock is just hanging on my thighs and my chest is barely covered by the dress. My face looks bright and the eyeliner is way too dark. To be honest, I really look sexy.

"Oh my God! Look at you!", Aby claps her hands like a small child. I tug at my frock. It is so short. I had assumed that it would at least touch my knees. Its all because of Derek! if he had stopped being a jerk and would have let me inside the trial room, nothing of this would have ever happened.

Aby is wearing a lavender colored plain shirt with white shorts. It looks simple yet so elegant. Josh is dressed in blue cardigan and black pants. His eyes go wide when he looks at my dress.

"Josh!", Aby warns him funnily. I smile awkwardly. I wonder how am I going to keep a straight face with this dress. How am I even going to stand in front of Derek?

"I can't wait anymore!", Aby literally jumps and I shake my head.


Aby, Josh and I enter the hall filled with people, dancing. The music is so loud that I cant hear what Aby is saying. People all around me are grooving to the loud music by taking a sip of their drinks. A girl trembles and falls on her face, right in front of me. Her drunk friends helps her to stand up and the girl laughs loudly. This place is so crowded and I am not able to breathe. Aby pulls my hand and we reach the spot near the corner of the hall.

Derek and his boy gang are sitting on the couch. The round wooden table is surrounded by orange leather couches. Many drinks are placed on the table and the same familiar red cards are also placed. Why did we even come here? I don't want to be spending my entire time with Derek in this night club.

The same guy with the curly hair stands up and hugs Josh. Aby smiles at him. Derek pushes the guy to look at me. He eyes me up and down and I shift uncomfortably. His cheeks are flushed and his blue eyes are intensely looking at me. My stomach flutters when he licks his lips to wet it. Why is he having this effect on me? I despise him so much but yet I am affected by his intense stare.

"How does Josh know Derek?", I whisper in Aby's ear. I really need to know this. Why didn't Josh tell me about Derek?

"Josh and Derek play basketball together. He knows Jimmy too", she says and points at the curly haired boy. A good guy like Josh shouldn't have a bad company like Derek and his friends.

"Join us", Derek says, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at Aby. She holds my hand and pulls me to sit on the couch, next to her.

Derek is sitting right in front of me. He is in a green hoodie and his hair is left loose. Why am I even here? In the entire club, why should Josh be friends only with Derek? The curl haired boy stretches out his hand at me, "I am Jimmy. Josh told me about you."

I shake his hand and say, "Hey I am Jessie". Derek is still looking at me with those blue intense eyes. Aby takes a drink from the table. Josh is talking to some blonde girl and within seconds the table is surrounded with many drunk girls and boys. A girl wearing a black hoodie scoots next to Derek and I look away.

"So all set to play Kiss and Tell?", Jimmy picks up the cards from the table. I notice Tobey sitting next to an unknown girl, completely drunk. It is so contrasting to see Tobey be such a sweet person in the class and now he is all wasted. I cringe at his condition.

Jimmy begins to pass the cards with a small blue pen, to each and every one surrounding the table. I have no idea what is this game about. The name itself makes me sick. Aby passes me a card and a pen.

"So ladies get ready to Kiss and Tell", Jimmy winks at a group of girls and they blow him flying kisses. I am already nervous regarding the game. One thing is for sure that I am never going to kiss anyone for some damn game.

"What is this game about?", I finally ask and the entire group is staring at me. I have never played such games in my entire life and I am proud of admitting it.

"Jazz you have to write any imaginary sexual scenario on that red card and then you will have an opponent who will continue on your story and make it ridiculously sexy. The one who makes the best sensuous story from your scenario will be the winner of the game and the best scenarios will go into the finals", Aby explains and takes a sip from her drink.

What dumb game is it! How will I create a sensuous scenario? I wont even be able to continue anyone's story forward.

"Ready? You have five minutes to write down your scenarios", Jimmy tells. This was the same game that Jimmy and Derek were playing the other day and Derek is really good at this one. I am not sure if I should play this game. Everyone around me is busy writing their imaginary scenarios. I am clueless as to what can I write and then suddenly I decide to write about my own situation. Derek.

"I'll start first", Jimmy smirks. I wonder what will be his scenario and who is going to continue his story? The girl next to Derek is slightly leaning on him. I don't know why but I feel like pulling her off him.

The crowd shouts and Jimmy begins to read his fake scenario.

"A boy and a girl are locked in a room. The girl is naked and the boy has no fucking condom with him. They both are desperately kissing and wants each other very badly."

Jimmy's scenario makes me shift uncomfortably. Who can even think something like that!? Why can't it be something sweet yet sensuous, just like novels?

"I'll continue it", Derek raises his hand. Who else could continue such a disgusting game!

"Well.. maybe they should just fuck each other until the room is open. The next day, the girl can go and check with a doctor if she had landed pregnant. If yes, she can fucking get rid of the baby", Derek smiles and everybody claps and shouts his name.

I am taken a back by his words. How can be he so bad and so cheap? He wants the girl to abort her child? It was her fucking mistake that she couldn't control her desperation. She doesn't even love the boy whom she fucked. Derek's words makes me realize that he is so heartless and so bad. Even if it is for a game, I would never say something like that.

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