Chapter 43

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"Who is this fucking Roy!?", Derek face twists in anger. 

"Don't call him like that, he is my childhood friend!", I defend Roy. I don't like anybody talking ill about my friends. Especially Roy.

"Ohh now your fucking defending him!?", Derek yells. I hate when he is like this. He seriously needs some anger therapy sessions.

"Yeah because he is my friend!", I yell back. If there would have been any yelling competition, Derek and I would have topped the charts.

"Shut the fuck up!", He yells and I shake my head.

"Can we talk about this later? I don't want to cause any scene over here", I say quickly and look away from Derek. I don't want him to start yelling again, so I start the engine and continue on our way back to the apartment. I am happy that Derek doesn't tell anything further during the entire drive back. 

"Where should I stop?", I ask once we are on the busy streets. Its already 5 in the evening and the college is already closed. Time passes even more quicker when I am with Derek. I can collect my car tomorrow, so I think its better I head to Derek's apartment to drop him, and then maybe I can walk back to my apartment.

"Stop the car at my apartment. You are staying with me tonight", Derek tells me firmly. There is no request in his tone rather than order. 

"Was that a request?", I roll my eyes.

"I cant stay with you", I say looking at him. I just cant stay in an apartment full of drug addicts and drunkards. I know Derek will not let anything happen to me, but I don't trust him enough. What will I tell Aby? Probably its not a good idea to stay with Derek tonight.

"Ok.. then to your apartment", Derek says and rolls his eyes. Derek staying in my apartment is even more worse idea. Aby will never be able to tolerate his mood swings and it will be awkward for both of us.

"No, yours is fine", I say and look away. Maybe I can adjust for one night. After all Derek will be with me and I don't need to worry much. I still cant figure out why he wants me to stay with him tonight.

I pull up the car in front of Derek's apartment and we both climb out. I come near Derek and cross my arms over my chest, looking at him. I am still not sure if going inside is a good idea.

"I don't have anything to wear and my apartment is just two blocks away from...", I am cut off by his lips against mine. I loosen my hands and grip his arm. He pulls away and look straight into my eyes.

"You're mine", Derek says and I feel like draining into his arms. His words are so soft yet so effective. I have been wanting to hear these kind of words from him for such a long time, but I know Derek is only sexually attracted to me. That's it.

Derek leads me to the apartment and I try to keep quiet. As we reach door no 23, Derek pulls out the keys from his pocket and opens the door. To my surprise there is nobody inside the apartment and its neat and clean. No loud music, no white powder sashes, no cigarettes and no beer bottles. I smile looking around and Derek notices it.

"What's wrong?", he asks looking at my smile.

"I like your apartment like this", I say and pout funnily. The last time I was here, I was devastated, but now I feel good to be here. 

"Come with me", Derek says and closes the door behind. He holds my hand and leads me to his room and I cant stop smiling.

As soon as he opens the door, the familiar scent of the room fills my senses. I step in and he closes the door behind. I walk towards the bed and take seat.

"Where are others?", I ask.

"Out", Derek simply says. Oh so that's why he wanted me to stay here with him tonight. Is he scared to be alone? Who am I kidding!?

"Ok", I say. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten anything since morning and I feel sick. I am sure even Derek is starving from morning. Reading my thoughts, Derek answers.

"I will get you something to eat", he says and walks away to the kitchen. I look around the room to find a new lamp standing at the corner. The flashes of him slamming the old one against the wall still doesn't fail to bring back my fear. Everything else is kept in the same place as before.

"Here", Derek says handing me a plate full of fries. I shake my head to clear the thoughts and quickly take it from him. He lets out a little chuckle and I roll my eyes funnily. We sit against the headboard and fold our legs. I stuff my mouth with fries and Derek tries to fight a smile.

"Very hungry", Derek says in a mocking tone and I laugh. Derek's plate is filled with macarons and I reach out to take it from him. Surprisingly Derek holds it even more further from me and I cringe. It looks so delicious and my mouth waters looking at his plate.

"Not so easy", he holds even more higher and laughs. Its been quite a while I've heard him laugh like this. He looks so adorable and I slightly pinch his cheeks, making him laugh even harder. After several tries, I finally give up on the macarons. I know Derek is stronger than me and he will easily win every time.

Surprising me, Derek holds out a macaron and I try to grab it, but he pulls away. 

"Open your mouth", He says. I am overwhelmed and happy. I quickly open my mouth for Derek to feed me. As I had thought, the macarons tastes delicious and it also looks so colorful. I feed Derek some fries and he holds his hand up in excitement. I laugh swatting at his arm and he swiftly kisses the bridge of my nose. The adorable gesture makes me smile. I wish Derek was always like this. This is how I want him to be with me. I want him to be my perfect Romeo.

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