Chapter 10

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Its 7 in the morning. I open my dresser to pick my outfit for today. I pull out a black denim and white plain shirt and immediately get dressed. Thoughts of Derek kissing me and cupping my cheeks flashes across my mind. I shake my head to throw them away. Derek was just carried away by the situation. The kiss didn't mean anything.

"Ahem!", Aby clears her throat. I look at her and she is dressed in NYU'S sweatshirt.

"Your white shirt is so transparent that your bra is fully visible to me", Aby chuckles. I take a look at the mirror. Aby is right. My blue bra is completely visible through the thin fabric.

"It'll work", Aby winks at me. I am not sure if I want to change my outfit. But I am running out of time. My first class is value education and I don't want to be late.

"I'll manage", I say trying to fake a smile. Aby shakes her head and holds up the apartment keys. In all this mess, I completely forgot about Josh waiting for us in the car and now, he is knocking on the door.

Aby and I grab our bags and leave the apartment. I am nervous. I am not used to wearing such clothes, but in NYU its just a piece of cake. I adjust my specs and wonder if my day will go well.

We reach the campus and I notice that most of the students are wearing NYU's sweatshirt. Aby and Josh are also in their sweatshirt.

"Is there some event today in the campus?", I ask as we walk to the canteen. Everyone around are staring at me and each time their eyes move to my bust. I feel like slapping myself for even thinking that I can manage in this outfit.

"Yeah. Today there is a basketball match conducted and Josh is a part of it", Aby says proudly and smiles. Now I understand. Aby is here to support Josh. Their little effort of making each other happy makes me love their relationship even more.

"All the best Josh", I say grabbing my coffee and Josh smiles at me.

We finish our coffee and I head to my first class. 

Venice is sitting in her normal spot and I immediately take my seat next to her. She is dressed in her normal attire. A black jean and a maroon tank top. As soon as I take my seat, Venice takes a look at my transparent white shirt. I shift uncomfortably and she smiles.

"Are you not participating in the basketball......", I ask wanting to take the attention from me. Venice cuts me off by shaking her head.

"Its better to not participate than being in Derek's team", Venice says calmly. The thought of being in Derek's team makes me sick too. Aby had told me before that Josh and Derek play basketball together. I can never imagine being in Derek's team and hearing his filthy words all through the game. In fact Venice and I have the same opinions when it comes to Derek. 

"True", I say and we both burst into laughter. Venice's smile is so adorable and I wish she would always be like this.

The value education class goes on pretty well. Professor Kenneth talks about the classic novel 'The Great Gatsby' and we discuss about Jay's feelings towards Daisy and how his emotions and love ruined him to death. 

"What's your favorite novel?", Venice asks me as we leave the class. 

"Well... I like Romeo and Juliet", I say and Venice frowns at the mention of Romeo. I really need to ask her more about Derek. What is it that has broken her so deeply and emotionally. Why is she so angry at Derek?

As we reach the corridor, loud cheering of the crowd is heard from the basketball court. Almost everyone around me are rushing towards the court and I silently watch them.

"The match begins within the next ten minutes", a person announces on the speaker. 

I have never been interested in sports. It was never my thing. But now I need to be there for Aby and Josh. I should cheer Josh and it would be really nice to see Derek lose.

"I think we should go and watch the tournament", Venice says and I am relieved at her words. I didn't want Venice to feel uncomfortable around Derek. 

Venice and I enter the court. The court is big and is surrounded by green colored, joined metal seats with huge palm trees at the corners. It looks beautiful and organized. The top and the middle rows are already filled. Having no other choice Venice and I take a seat in the bottom row. The entire court is visible from the bottom row and it feels like we are standing in the court along with the other players. 

All the players are dressed in their sweatshirts. I search for Josh, but I cant find him. Aby is also not to be found. I take a look at the surroundings. Almost every girl is holding a picture of Derek in their hands and is cheering for him. I find hardly any posters for Josh. A girl sitting right next to me is cheering for Derek and she is holding a paper on which the words 'The bad guys ' are written. It probably must be Derek's team name- The bad guys. I cringe at every aspect of his life. 

The referee blows the whistle and two different set of players enter from the two opposite ends of the court. As soon as Derek steps onto the court, the crowd cheers even more louder. My eyes immediately meets Derek. His blue eyes pour into mine and I can feel my body burn. Why does Derek always have this effect on me? His one stare and I am already panting. Josh and Derek are in the same team and now I wish their team actually wins.

Derek's eyes moves to my bust and immediately his eyes widens and his jaw tenses. His fist clenches at his sides and within seconds he barges towards me. He holds my hand and pulls me up the seat. His eyes are filled with frustration and intensity. The entire college is looking at us and I feel completely awkward and embarrassed. The coach calls out for Derek, but he stands unmoved. He is still holding my hand and I try my level best to loosen his grip.

"What are you doing!?", I yell at Derek. Venice stands up from her seat. Derek glances at her and then rolls his eyes. What is going on between these two?

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