Chapter 23

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Derek and I take a seat at the bar. The bartender serves us a glass of water and I immediately gulp it down. It has been a long day for me, but to see this calm and happy Derek makes me so happy. He hasn't even made a rude comment on me and I don't know the reason behind this change.

"So how is your date going on?", Derek asks me taking a sip of the water.

"Good. Somebody is really behaving well today", I say and pout funnily. Derek laughs and shakes his head. Who is this kid sitting next to me? Derek is so cute and so adorable right now.

"I need to", He says and I let out a light chuckle.

"You look good without your specs", Derek says. I thought it didn't matter to him. He did notice me many times without specs, but never acknowledged me about it. I am happy that Derek notices the changes in me even if we are always fighting.

"Lets dance", Derek surprisingly says reaching out for my hand. I wish we don't slip back and do the same things again while dancing. The thought alone makes my stomach flutter.

For the second time, we reach the dance floor and Derek begins to jump like a curious kid. The music is fast and loud and we both match our steps. Derek and I laugh and jump, I have never seen him this happy before and I have never had this much fun before. We stumble upon a couple and fall down on the floor, making us laugh even hard. Indeed this is the best night of my life ever.

After hours of laughter and happiness, we exit the club. Derek drives me back home and the entire time I am only looking at him. We finally reach the apartment and I climb out of the car. I lean against the window and Derek funnily lifts his chin up.

"Thank you for an amazing evening Derek Jeremy" I say in a funny tone and he chuckles.

"See you around", Derek says and drives off. I look at my phone and realize that its 1 in the morning! I was too involved with Derek that I didn't even realize the time. I have never been out this late in Texas. My mom would really screw me up if she was here right now. The thought of my family and Texas makes me miss my parents even more. I haven't spoke to them for a long time. I need to visit Texas, the next weekend.

I come back to my apartment. Aby is not back as I thought. I wonder how will she react when I tell her about my love for Derek. She had warned me days ago, but I just couldn't help, but fall in love with Derek. Probably he is the one for me. I had always imagined having my own Romeo one day and today, I found him. I found my Romeo and I will never let him go. I just want my relationship with Derek to be as perfect as Aby and Josh's. Even if I have to fight with the entire universe, I will never let Derek go away from me.

I am very happy today. It is the first time when Derek and I didn't fight after being intimate. I just love the fact that he neither smoked nor got drunk in the club. I could change him from all his bad habits and bring him back to normal life.

I pull out my favorite 'Romeo and Juliet' from the drawer. I am able to relate to it more than before. I am going through the exact emotions that Juliet feels when she first saw Romeo and fell in love with him. But only twist in my story is that I have to fight for my Romeo's love. I have to fight his own demons from the past. I could never imagine falling in love with someone like Derek. I hated him at the beginning, but now I love him deeply.

The lines,
My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late! - perfectly fits the situation. I read few more pages and unknowingly drift off to sleep.


The next morning, I am woken up by a small murmur. I blink my eyes few times, before I wake up. Is Aby back? I head to the hall and my mouth drops when I see Jennet standing across the hall, talking to Aby. When Jennet's eyes meets mine, her eyes widen and her smile grows. Quickly I walk across the hall and give Jennet a warm tight hug. Hugging Jennet feels so new and I realize how much I've missed her.

"Hey! how is my little cub!?", Jen squeaks and I pull away from the hug to look at her. I've missed her so much and more than anything I've missed her calling me 'cub'.

"I've missed you so much Jen", I say and she nods funnily. Aby is enjoying our conversation and I have no idea when did she come back yesterday.

"I brought your car. Hope your happy now", Jen says. I am glad to hear it from her. From now on, I don't need to depend on Aby or Josh for my travel.

"Jen came by early morning", Aby says crossing her arms over her chest. "And I came just ten minutes before her", Aby continues and laughs. Jen and I join her. Seeing my sister makes me feel beyond happy.

"I am staying tonight with you Jazz", Jennet says and I give her another hug.

"So.. what are we doing today?!!", Aby is beyond excited and I am happy to see that she likes being around me and Jen.

"Well, let's do something very crazy", Jen says. I need to tell Jen so many things. She needs to know about Derek and I cant wait to see her reaction. But Jen has been crazy and wild. She is so carefree and that's the thing I admire about her a lot.

"Let's go indoor skydiving at the iFLY Westchester and then some shopping and some pinball and some food!", Jen squeaks and Aby begins to jump. Only Jen can find some crazy ideas like this. I have never done indoor skydiving before, but I am sure it'll be fun. I nod and the girls become even more happier. Spending time with Jen, Aby and Josh is definitely a great idea.

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