Chapter 30

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My phone buzzes next to me and I clumsily rub my face and open my eyes. I quickly sit up straight, when I see Aby's name flashing on the screen. It is 1 o clock in the midnight and she still isn't back from her so called friendly date. Aby has an extra key, but I can sense some thing is wrong.

"Hey", I say. 

"Hi", a male voice speaks over the phone. I slightly pull back to see if it was really Aby's name on the screen. It is Aby's . Worry takes over me immediately.

"Well... I am Neil, Aby's friend", The voice says. Neil... her friendly date!

"I am Jessie, Aby's flat mate. Is she okay?", I ask, worried.

"Yeah, she is passed out in this club. Can you please take her back home? She just kept on telling me to call you", Neil says and I jump out of the bed. Aby passed out?  Should I inform Josh about it? 

"I am sending you the address. Please come soon", Neil says and hangs up. Why isn't he dropping Aby back home? 

I have no idea how to react to this situation. Aby drank so much that she passed out and the guy with whom she went on a date, refuses to drop her back. How ridiculous!

I quickly put on my normal blue jeans and a plain yellow T-shirt. I tie my hair into a bun and grab a brown jacket from the dresser. I take my car key and head out of the apartment. 

I turn on the car engine and switch on the map. I type the address that Neil sent me and the map shows me the direction. It is three miles away from the apartment. To be travelling alone late this night makes me scared. I pull onto the highway to notice the busy streets and open markets. It doesn't feel like midnight. The streets are filled with people and the traffic is lesser than I assumed.  

The thought of not informing Josh worries me. He needs to know in what condition his girlfriend is in. But that would be a bad idea, Josh would be very angry at Aby for drinking so much and probably that's the reason she asked Neil to call me instead.

After almost an hour, I pull up the car in front of a large building. The same night club, the same loud music, the same glaring lights and the same set of people dancing on the floor. It is no new thing to me. As I enter the hall, I glance around to find Aby. Probably I should check the washrooms first. Aby is passed out and I know how disgusting the situation will be. I look at the couples making out in the corridor and cringe. The thought of making out with Derek comes to my mind. So, all the other people who saw me and Derek making out cringed as well. 

I push aside my thoughts and make my way to the washroom. I glance around, not to find Aby at all. "Hey beautiful", a male voice from behind says. I hope it is Neil. I turn around to find a middle- aged man holding a bottle of beer in his hand. He is swaying back and forth and he stinks. I take a step back from the man. It is all Aby's fault and I feel miserable.

"Come to me beautiful", The man starts walking closer to me. Somehow I manage to push him aside and he growls in anger. I run as soon as possible and reach the dance floor. I try to hide in between the dancing couples in order to escape from the man. 

I pull out my phone and it refuses to turn On. Shit, the battery is dead. I look around helplessly. What do I do now? I push people out of my way and come near the small bar. Aby and Neil are found no where and my fear and worry increases as time passes. 

"Would you like anything Miss?", The bartender asks me, holding an empty wine glass in his hand. The last thing I want for tonight is to get drunk. 

"No thanks", I say and the bartender moves on to his next costumer. My eyes move to the small staircase at the side of the hall and wonder if Aby is upstairs. I immediately stand up from my seat and walk to the stairs. As I reach upstairs, I look around. There is no difference between the ground floor and the first floor at all. I make my way through the crowd and can suddenly feel somebody grab hold of my arm. I turn around to find Nick!

"Hey Jessie right?", He asks with a grin on his face. I can never forget Nick, he was the one who passed comments on me and Derek got really angry at him in his apartment. 

"Yeah", I simply say. If Nick is here, then I am sure Derek is here too. Where is he? Is he with some other girl? What are they doing? Are they having sex? I really need to calm down. I wonder why am I acting like one of those typical girlfriends.

"See you around", Nick says and I am relieved. I don't want to spend a bit of my time with Nick. I don't know why but I really don't like him. 

Nick walks away from me and again I am on my mission. The urge to see Derek is not important than finding Aby right now. So I continue on my search. The hallway has a number of small rooms at both its sides. I peep into some random rooms only to get weird stares from the people inside. As I reach the last room at the corner, I hear a familiar chuckle. Immediately I recognize it to be Aby and barge into the room. 

As I thought, Aby is sitting on the bed with her legs folded. Her eyes are bloodshot and she is holding Neil's hand. Her eyes widen when she notices me and I walk towards the bed.

"At last your here!", Neil sighs. I know he has put in a lot of effort to handle Aby tonight and I am very thankful for that. 

"Aby, let's go home", I say and stretch out my hand at Aby. She cringes her nose funnily and laughs. Oh God.. she is completely wasted! 

"Aby told me that Josh doesn't like her spending time with me and I don't even know if she would like me to take her home in this condition. Anyone could misunderstand our intentions. That's why I called you", Neil says and I smile at him. He is so thoughtful and I can tell that he really cares for Aby. Good thing that he called me here. I don't want Aby's image to get spoilt.

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