Chapter 6

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No one seems to be affected by Derek's words at all. Aby and Josh are laughing and the entire crowd is cheering Derek. This is how he feels important.

"My turn", Aby says. Josh is curiously looking at her and I wonder if Aby too has written something awkward like Jimmy's. 

"There is this boy whom I love and with whom I want to get married...", Aby begins and I know she is exactly talking about Josh. "We both have been dating for two years now. But the girl regrets of not losing her virginity with him." Aby says and the crowd laughs. I am not sure how to react to this scenario. So I stay quiet.

"That's fucking bullshit! Aby this is a game of Kiss and Tell. I hope you remember that!", Derek yells throwing his hands in the air. Why is he overreacting so much? Aby's scenario is must better than Jimmy's.

"From which angle is this scenario sexy?", The girl next to Derek remarks. Her voice is full of sarcasm and I feel like taking the beer bottle and smacking it on her face. The strange thing is that Josh doesn't even tries to defend Aby, instead he is laughing at her.

"Next", a tall boy standing near the couch says. Its Derek's turn now and I really want to know what is written in his card. I know it is definitely going to be some filthy and cheap scenario, but still I want to hear it from him.

"A boy is standing on a bridge and then a pretty girl from behind him hooks her hands around his waist. The boy turns to look at her and then she places a small kiss on the boy's lips... seconds later she removes her jacket...", Derek stops. He is lost. The small frown on his face instantly tells me that this scenario is from his own life. The way his eyes slightly gets teary, indicates me that he is very emotionally attached to the scenario. I have never seen this side of Derek and all my anger for him slightly dissolves.

"Ok! I'll carry on the story", Jimmy rubs his hands and the crowd cheers him. Why is no one paying attention to Derek? No one even realizes that this is now beyond just some fucking game. Derek immediately recovers from his state and starts laughing along with the others. What the hell is wrong with him!?

"The girl removes her jacket and then slowly removes her jeans and then.....", I cover my ears with my hands and no one actually seems to notice me. I don't want to play this game anymore. Before my turn comes I need to leave. I could probably sit somewhere else in the club. Derek's eyes meets mine and I quickly remove my hands from my ears. He smirks and that innocent side of him that I noticed few seconds before is completely vanished.

"Its Jessie's turn", Jimmy says and winks at me. I hate this fucking guy, but now I have all the attention on me. I turn the card to read what I have written.

"A new girl in the city is always crossing her paths with a handsome, yet disgusting boy in the college. Somehow they end up being around each other and she is terrified from the boy's absurd behavior", I say and Derek's face is covered with a huge grin. Shit! he knows that I am talking here about 'us'. Aby rests her hand on her chin and is thinking. The crowd stops their loud cheerings. I am happy that no one wants to continue with my scenario but I feel like an idiot for exposing myself in front of Derek.

"The girl needs to stop interfering in the boy's life. He can fuck when ever, where ever and whom ever who wants to. She should stop acting like a slut!", Derek remarks and my dissolved anger returns. How dare he abuses me!? I was stupid for even thinking that Derek can be a nice guy from inside. No one in my life has ever spoken to me like that and I am not going to keep quiet! Not now!

"You were acting like some fucking lunatic in that mall! And you know what, the mall is not owned by your father!", I yell at Derek. He is equally pissed and angry as I am. The people around us are looking with a worry in their eyes and confusion on their face, but now I seriously don't care what people think about me.

"You fucking bitch stop yelling! Look at you.. you look like nothing but some fucking whore! Don't fuck around me or else I won't mind destroying you forever", Derek points a finger at me. I am already in tears. Why is he overreacting like this? it was just some random scenario. He called me a whore! How dare he!?

Aby tries to hold my arm, but I jerk away. I cant lose in front of Derek. He fucking threatened me! Now I am not even going to see his fucking face after this. I plan for a comeback.

"Whore... is it me or is it you!? you were fucking making out with some sales girl in the trial room and now you call me a whore! Look at you Derek. Look at you! you look like some abandoned puppy roaming around with no aim!", I yell. I am out of my breath. I have never spoken or abused anyone like this. But Derek is the worst human I have ever met in my life. 

Surprising me, Derek laughs out loud. I would have adored his lovely smile, if I was not this angry. I have never been this angry or pissed at anyone in my entire life. 

"Shut up or how about I shove my shoes into your mouth! Oh God I can't even see your face", Derek says laughing. It feels like I have stopped breathing. Derek is not worth of my time and my words. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. I knew he is toxic right from the beginning, but still I just kept wasting my time thinking about him. 

"Shut up Derek!", Aby yells. I stand up from the table and turn to walk away from the crowd. My cheeks are soaked in tears but who cares. I had never expected to lose my self respect in such a disgusting manner. His words definitely has a bigger impact on me than I ever thought it would be and I never realized it until now. I feel so hurt and so angry at the same time. I feel like going back to Texas and never come back, but that would be a win for Derek.

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