Chapter 45

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Derek climbs out of the bed and quickly gets dressed. I try not to stare at him, but I am helpless. 

"I need to go back to my apartment", I say. 

"I will come with you", Derek says and grabs his car keys.

Derek's apartment is still empty when we come to the living room. "When will everybody be back?", I ask and he shrugs. 

"I don't know", Derek says reaching for the door handle and I follow him out of the apartment.

The streets are calm and quiet and I am happy that we reach my apartment really quick. As I open the front door, Derek hooks his arms around my hips from behind. I giggle and step inside the apartment. I take a look around and place my bag on the couch.

"So.. what about the promise?", Derek asks quickly. I try to recollect my words, Yes, I did ask him to promise me something and its the right time to ask for it.

"Yeah well I will ask for it now", I look at him and say nervously. I don't know how will he react to me, but I am ready for the worst.

"I need you to promise me that you will be there in Manhattan this weekend", I say and wait for his response. Derek's face tenses and his eyes fills with anger, nothing that I haven't seen before.

"What the fuck is your problem Jessie Damon!? Is your family strayed? because you keep poking your nose in my family matters!", He says and looks away from me. I would have tolerated if Derek accused me and yelled at me, but now, he went on to my family, which is absolutely not fair.

"Your family is like mine. I need you to be with them Derek. Please...", I beg. I hate the way Derek changes according to time. He was happy and adorable with me in his apartment and now this is the other version of him standing in front of me. 

"No, they're not! Your no one to me and my family. Just stay away from us! Just look at you Jessie, you look so pathetic and I feel sorry for you because your so empty inside! At least now if you know what I think about you, just shut the fuck up and stay away from me!!", Derek yells and turns back to leave. He walks to the door and pauses for few seconds before exiting the apartment. My cheeks are soaked in tears and I don't know why I feel so hurt and helpless. I knew something like this would happen, I was ready to face the worse, but still how much ever courage I gather, it just shatters when he speaks to me like this.

I sit down on the floor and cover my face. I have no one by my side now. Derek just ruins all our moments together. He cannot be trusted. There is nobody for me now. Again I am all alone. Even if I trust Derek once in my lifetime, I know he is going to leave me stranded in some place and walk away. 

This happens every time when we 'speak'. He just walks away from the conversation in the same way he walks away from his problems. I want him to change for the better, but you can only expect a change from that person who really want to change

I look at my phone and there is no reply from Aby. I told her to meet me in college and she must be searching for me, but thanks to my bad luck, my entire day is ruined.

I stand up from the floor and head to the shower. The cold water makes me shiver but I get adjusted to it. I get dressed and draw a thick layer of eyeliner under my eyes to hide the puffiness. I don't want to be sitting alone in my apartment. If I think everything from beginning, the root of all my problems is Derek. He made me stay in his apartment and then I woke up late and missed my college. I cant blame him for everything, after all I did enjoy each and every moment with him.

As I am drained in my thoughts, I can hear the door knob turn. I immediately stand up from the bed and walk to the front door. I hope and wish its Derek. I need him to come back so that we can sort our things without yelling at each other. The door opens and Aby steps in along with Josh. Their eyes meets mine and Aby's mouth slightly opens.

"Jazz?", Josh looks confused.

"Where the hell were you Jazz!?", Aby yells at my face. I've never seen her this angry before. I know she was worried about me and its my fault that I didn't inform her before going with Derek.

"I...I was with Derek", I stammer.

"I've been looking around the entire campus for you. I saw your car but you were no where to be found and then I thought maybe you are in the apartment so I came back searching for you!", Aby cries and I pull her into a tight hug. The fact that Aby cares for me so much makes me feel so happy and Derek wanted me to break this friendship!

"I am so sorry Aby", I say and cry into her neck. She pulls back and wipes my tears. Josh is looking at us and smiling and I feel very special to have them in my life.

"Ok... so no more crying, no more yelling. Guess what? Today there is a bonfire happening in the campus!!!", Aby squeaks and shakes me in excitement. 

"Yeah, its by 7 in the evening so don't worry, you've got enough time", Josh says and rolls his eyes at Aby. I giggle and she swats my arm. 

The entire day passes by. I tell Aby about the beautiful place Derek showed me yesterday and her face lights up when I tell her that Derek came to the girls' washroom to apologize to me. She is happy for me and I am relieved that she is not angry on me for being with Derek.

As soon as its 5 in the evening, Aby pulls me with her to get ready for the bonfire. I am not sure if Derek will be there, however he told me to stay away from him and I should not be bothered by his presence anyway. I've learnt my lesson well and I wont repeat my mistake of letting my guard down for Derek.

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