Chapter 47

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"Yeah.. it all just happened even before I could think", I say. I feel slightly embarrassed to talk to Venice after knowing that she saw the video.

"I can understand", she says and smiles at me. I am happy that she is not judging me maybe because she knows how irresistible Derek is. I mentally slap myself for even thinking about it.

"So, how is everything going on with Derek? You both are dating right?", Venice asks me and I shift uncomfortably. I like the way she is concerned about me even if she had a past with Derek. But Derek and dating is like north pole and south pole. They both don't go hand-in-hand. What if we were dating, he would take me on date and then I would try to speak to him about something which he wouldn't like and then boom! he leaves me there stranded and will drive back home happily. Bad idea! 

"We are only friends I guess", I say not looking at Venice. I don't know what else to call our relationship. We crave for each other and then shout at each other at the same time. I cant even call it a friendship. 

"I doubt that", Venice chuckles and I smile at her awkwardly.

"I know Derek will never do anything like that for just a friend. You mean more to him than you think Jessie", she says and I nod slightly. I don't know what to say. What did he do for me? apart from making me cry all the time? Half of my problems are only because of him. 

"You know right? He warned everyone against you. He told no one should hurt you anymore regarding that video. I was there, when he said all this", Venice says and I sigh looking at her. The situation is so ironic that it makes me laugh. The person who warns others not to hurt me is the one who is constantly hurting me since the day I met him.

I don't tell her anything. The awkward silence between us is making me uncomfortable. 

"I need to go I guess", I say and stand up. Venice joins me and pulls me into a hug.

"Even I was just about to leave. Take care", she says and walks away from me. I turn around and walk back to my normal spot. Aby is not found anywhere around me. The thought of finding her with Derek and his friends playing Kiss and Tell, makes me sick. I wonder where Josh is. Probably Aby will be with him.

I come near the table again and pick up a green glass. Without even looking at my drink, I take a sip from my glass. The liquid runs down my throat making it burn. My tongue feels warm and I wonder what did I drink just now. It feels good though, so I take another sip feeling the familiar burn down my throat.

"It's vodka", a male voice from behind me says. I don't bother to turn back and look at him because I already know who it is. I can never mistaken Derek's voice even in my dreams. 

I continue to take another sip of the drink ignoring him. The burn drives me crazy each time I take a sip from my glass and its becoming my favorite. I go to take another sip and somebody snatches my glass from my hand. "Stop it!", Derek exclaims. 

"You're so bossy", I say reaching out for my glass. But he holds it higher from me.

"You will get drunk Jazz", He says with a concerned look on his face. Who is he to tell me this? Which part of stay away did he forget now? 

"Shuttt uppp", I say dramatically and he laughs. Shit! Am I already drunk? Derek laughs. I didn't intend to make him laugh. He should cry because he makes me cry every time.

"Give back my glass", I slur. What the hell!

"You are drunk!", Derek says and tosses the glass onto the floor. The glass is almost empty, even though I took only few sips from it. I look around to find many glasses fallen down on the ground where I was standing earlier. Ok... so I've been drinking way too much than I thought. I was so carried away by the taste of Vodka that I didn't even realize I have been drinking it glass after glass. I don't exactly remember the last time I actually got drunk, but it was a long time ago.

"Fuckk...", I groan. The last thing I wanted is to get drunk. I am just wasted and I don't trust Derek in this state. He holds my hand, but I jerk away. "Why wont you talk to me?", He asks me and I burst out laughing. I ignore the stares and giggles from the people around me, but I just cant stop laughing. 

"Derek Jeremy....", I laugh and sit down on the ground. Derek looks at me with confusion and shakes his head. 

"Jazz...I", he opens his mouth to say something, but keeps quiet. Why don't he dump me somewhere and get lost? He must be really busy fucking people. 

"Don't fight with me Jazz", Derek says and I look up at him and smile. This boy has good sense of humor. Oh God, I should never drink again! 

"Stay away, stay away, stay away..", I keep chanting the words and Derek looks away from me in shame. Oh. This is even more fun than I thought. 

"Jazz...come with me", he says trying to pull me up. I give in and stand up on my feet. Derek hooks his hands around my arm, pulling me closer to him. I push him slightly and I stumble.

"Jazz!", he raises his voice at me.

"Which part of stay away didn't you understand Derek?", I ask and immediately giggle. He really forgets his words quickly.

"I'm sorry", he says firmly and I stop smiling. For Derek 'sorry' is like his middle name. He fucks up each and every time and then throws a 'sorry' at my face.

"Why do you always break me Derek? Am I that bad...?", I sob and tears just wont stop rolling down my cheeks. I hate this. I hate to cry in front of him. The drunk part of me is beginning to vanish as pain thrives into my chest.

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