Chapter 59

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Jimmy' words play behind my mind, You just want to prove her that everything is real...None of this fucking real Jessie! you'll be fucked up at the end!...

Derek did tell me that I mean so much more to him and I mean more than his life, but still I feel uncertain about things. Why is he always shutting Jimmy's mouth? I need to hear what he has to say about me.

I reach my apartment. Derek has tried to call me so many times. My inbox is filled with his messages, but I choose to delete everything. I knock on the door and Aby quickly opens it. Her eyes are bloodshot and I can tell she is drunk.

"Aby?", I say as I step inside. I look at the table to see empty wine bottles placed on it. Aby's eyes are puffed and her eyes are shiny.

"Why did you drink so much?", I ask with a concerned look. I know Aby is going through an heartbreak, but I cant see her like this.

"He cheated on me", She sobs and I quickly pull her into a hug.

After making Aby sleep comfortably on her bed, I go to my room. I look at the consent form kept on my drawer and realize that tomorrow is the deadline for submitting my consent for the trip. I cant go to New Jersey, when Aby is in this condition. Even if I did go, I wont be able to enjoy the trip.


The next morning, I don't bother to wake up Aby for college. She needs her space and I know how annoying it can be for her to think about others in this condition. So, I lock the apartment myself and drive to the campus.

I make my way to the value education class. I smile when Venice waves at me. My respect for her has increased. I know Derek broke her emotionally and she can never forgive him at all. I wouldn't have forgiven him if I was Venice. Its just so obvious.

I take my seat and Venice's smile grows.

"So ready for New Jersey?", She asks me and I feel terrible.

"No, actually I am not coming", I say and look at her. Venice is shocked. Of course!

"Is everything ok?", She asks me and I nod at her casually. I cant tell her how stupid I am to love a boy who has destroyed her completely.

"Yeah", I say and try to fake a smile.

"I thought It'll be fun together", Venice says softly and shakes her head. I give her a small smile. I don't want to ruin her happiness by having Derek around us during the entire trip.

The class comes to an end. Kenneth gives the travel instructions to the interested students. Almost all are up for the trip and I am happy about college being closed for the next ten days.

I give Venice a warm hug, before she heads to her next class. I don't know when I will be seeing her again. I just hope her trip goes on well.

I am not in a mood to attend biology, so I head straight to the library. I grab a copy of 'The Great Gatsby' and begin to read.

Whenever I read this novel, I am taken a back emotionally. Jay Gatsby is definitely one of the inspiring characters I've ever read.

"Hey", a voice startles me. I turn to my left to see Derek pulling a chair to sit next to me. Derek in library? Did the sun rise in west today?

"You weren't in biology lab", he says as if I asked him his reason of coming here.

"Oh", I simply say. I don't want to create a chaos in the library. Its the only place I find peace and I don't want it to get ruined.

"Talk to me Jazz", Derek says and pushes his hair back with both his hands. God..Why does he keep doing that!? Doesn't he know how sexy he looks doing that?

"Would you mind leaving me alone with my Gatsby? Please?", I say and roll my eyes.

Derek lets out a chuckle, only to earn stares from the people sitting across the tables. I shake my head at him and continue to read.

"New Jersey is going to be fun", he says softly. I glance at him and I hope he doesn't make a scene here.

"You're coming right?", Derek asks and I take it as my cue to leave the library. If I don't, then its soon going to turn into a war field.

"No", I say and stand up immediately from my chair. I gather my things and tuck the novel inside my bag.

"What?", Derek stands up and faces me. I walk past him and come out of the library. I've really got too much guts to ignore Derek, but I am glad that we are in the hallway.

I try to walk as fast as possible, but Derek catches up with me.

"Why aren't you coming?", He asks. I can tell that he is frustrated.

"Because I don't want to", I say and continue to walk. I look around me to find people staring and gossiping some shit. I know exactly why they're doing like this. They are all thinking I am the one who is going to jump off this building next. Ha ha.

"Of course you want to!", Derek's tone is weird. Why is it bothering him so much anyway?

"Derek please!", I almost yell at him. Its so embarrassing to fight in the hallway.

"Why wouldn't you come with me?", His voice is soft and I stop on my way.

"Because I like it better in New York", I try not to look at Derek.

"This is about Aby and Josh right? You don't want to come with me because you want to be there for your stupid flat mate!", Derek raises his voice and
anger fumes inside me.

"Derek! Don't dare to tell anything about Aby. You know she means so much more to me than just a flat mate", I take a deep breath and continue, "and you're right. I want to be there for Aby, so its better we stop arguing now. Hope you enjoy your trip", I say and sigh.

"I had so many plans for us! You ruined everything like always! Aby Aby Aby.. why are you even bothered about others!?", Derek yells at my face.

"Because I am not you Derek! I do have feelings for others! And what about Us!? We're always fighting with each other!", I yell back and walk away from him. I am happy when he doesn't follow me again. I never thought love would be so difficult yet so different.

The day comes to an end and I head back straight to the apartment. I will miss Derek for the next ten days. Will he go to the trip without me?

When I come to my apartment, I see Aby sitting on the couch and browsing channels on the television. I smile at her and close the door behind me. Aby looks better now. Her eyes are soft and her face is no more covered in a frown.

"I missed you", Aby pulls me into a hug.

"I missed you more", I say into her neck.

"Did you see Josh today?", Aby surprisingly asks me. I look at her and she gives me a small smile.

"", I stammer.

"Don't worry. I just asked", Aby says assuring me.

"I am going to visit my mom tomorrow. She lives in San Francisco and I spoke to her this morning. You can come with me Jazz..", Aby suggests.

"No, I have plans", I lie. Aby needs a break from her regular life and I need to give her that space.

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