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"I don't know what you're talking about,"


THERE WERE A LOT OF THINGS MIN YOONGI WOULD NEVER ADMIT. He didn't remember when the list started, but over the course of high school, he'd gradually began adding more and more things to the list. Here are just a few of the things Yoongi would never admit to.

1. He actually really hated the smell of cigaratte smoke. He hated the way it burned his lungs with each drag he took and how the smell of it could linger for days, making everything he owned smell like stale cigarettes. But breaking the habit was harder than it was made out to be, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the habit.

2. He really enjoyed the colour yellow. Yellow was warm and soft and reminded him of bees.

3. Bees were honestly super cute.

4. He loved kids. He wasn't the most approachable person in the world, and mothers tended to drag their kids in the opposite of Yoongi's direction, but he really did love the small humans. Especially Jungkook. He loved Jungkook with all his heart and some days he wondered who loved the kid more; him or Haneul. He could spend hours with the younger and not get bored, or feel bothered by him. Jungkook was a lot more energetic that Yoongi was, but he did his best to keep up with the younger. Besides, Jungkook was a chatterbox around him, and he never said much. He was more than happy to let the younger carry out the conversation, only speaking when he really had to.

5. Min Yoongi liked praise. This was certainly something he'd never admit to anyone, because he hated being perceived as someone who was soft and mushy. He didn't do the romance and cheesy shit. He liked having a mysterious persona. It was easier to control around others, but Haneul made him fall apart like glass shattering on the ground, and he couldn't help but blush or get fidgety every time Han praised him. And it didn't take the older long to figure it out. At first he hadn't noticed the way Yoongi's face had turned to embarrassment whenever he said, "You're doing so good," or "I'm so proud of you," when it came to school or Yoongi's determination to try and quit smoking. It wasn't until he jokingly told Yoongi how much of a, "good boy he was," in an attempt to tease the younger that he noticed how red Yoongi's face got. He was also positive that he heard Yoongi whimper almost inaudibly. Han quickly caught on to the fact that Yoongi enjoyed being praised for the slightest of things, and Yoongi caught onto the fact that Han knew it. Of course, his embarrassment only grew, but it didn't stop Han from whispering slight praises in his ear when they were out, or even when they were alone together. Han praised him for everything, mainly because he liked to watch Yoongi fall apart under his touch.

6. Min Yoongi also loved kissing. More specifically, he liked kissing Han. Yoongi would kiss Han every chance he got. In the morning before school, or while they waited for the train. He'd steal kisses when nobody on the train was looking at them, or in the hallways at school. He'd kiss his cheek or the knuckles on the back of his hand subtly as to not be too obvious. Yoongi would kiss the base of his neck while they stood pressed against each other on the train, knowing that it would drive the older wild, and that it would usually lead to a much more heated make out session when they two of them finally were alone. He'd kiss him goodbye when they couldn't hang out after school because of work, or homework. He'd kiss the top of his head when he found the older studying, or the back of his neck when he wanted attention. He'd kiss his shoulders when he gave him a back massage because work always wore him out. He'd kiss his hands as they watched movies, curled up on the couch together. Yoongi would kiss his neck and jawline when he wanted him, and down his chest to get his point across. But he liked kissing Han's lips the most because of how soft they were. He liked the way they felt against his own, how they molded nicely together with his. Like they were made for him. Yoongi could kiss him for hours if Han let him, and to his luck, Han usually did.

7. Min Yoongi liked to be dominated. Of course, there was always a part of him that wouldn't mind if he was the one doing the dominating either, but he didn't feel that way with Han.

8. He was loud in bed. And he didn't mean loud as in the sense that when he came it was one loud sound. No. Min Yoongi was vocal. Vocal to the point that Han would often have to tell him to be quiet otherwise someone would hear them. It never worked. The thought that someone could walk in on them while they were like this, with Han pinning him down against the mattress with his ass in the air, making him feel pleasure usually led to him getting louder. It was just a sinful thought and he couldn't help it. This typically ended with Yoongi either gagged while Han fucked him, or with the older's fingers down his throat.

9.Min Yoongi was kinda kinky

10. He enjoyed the feeling of security that Han gave him. He felt safe with the older. He felt loved. Han was home for Min Yoongi and he never wanted to let that feeling go.

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