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HOUSE HUNTING WAS WEIRD. Yoongi never got to experience that part of life when he was with Han. Han had done that all on his own, and then asked Yoongi to move in with him after everything had been finalized. He didn't have to endure the stress of looking up rental listings or homes for sale, and going to open houses. All he'd done was pack his things and bring them over. So it was interesting to be able to partake in that experience with Jimin, even if the younger had done most of the work with Taehyung.

They'd narrowed their searches down to two houses, both of which they were torn between. Yoongi quickly learned how indecisive Jimin could be about certain things, and finding which house he wanted was one of them.

Jimin wanted something close to family, the studio, and the school Jae would be attending in the fall. He also wanted space and a backyard for Jae to be able to run around in. But he also tried to keep in mind that it should be close enough to Yoongi's work so that he didn't have to do a long commute, and that it would also be close to Jungkook so that if they needed one another, they didn't have to worry about it taking an hour to get to each other.

Both homes provided a little bit of something, but not everything, making it hard to decide. Yoongi didn't know how many hours they spent trying to come up with compromises and failing. There was something that always came up or something that made them doubtful. Jimin was quickly becoming frustrated and Yoongi was so grateful that he had missed out on this when Han had asked him to move it. "Taehyung had it so easy," Jimin whined to him late one evening. They'd just completed their first round of open houses, and Jimin was so sore, he didn't think he'd be able to make it into work the next morning. "All he had to do was say yes to his aunt, and BAM! He's got himself a place. Lucky bastard, my feet are killing me,"

Yoongi had laughed at his reaction, and pulled him onto the couch, propping his legs up on his lap so he could massage the younger's feet. Jimin had instantly relaxed onto the couch, sighing contently. "You are the world's best boyfriend," he told him. "-and you're all mine,"

"We'll find something," Yoongi had assured him. "It's just gonna take some time,"

It took a little longer than they had liked but as the second week of July rolled around, Yoongi and Jimin had finally found the perfect house. It was two storeys - which was a little bigger than Jimin was aiming for - but it had plenty of space, and was designed for a big family. There were two bedrooms downstairs, and another four upstairs. None of the bedrooms downstairs had a bathroom in them, but there was a rather large one at the end of the hall, meaning that they could put a guest room and maybe an office down there, although neither of them had any use for an office. The kitchen was modern, and attached to the dining and living room, leaving the entire right side of the house open concept. There was even a basement. It needed some work, but Jimin was already thinking of putting a home studio in there for him and Jae. The best part was the backyard, which was fenced in. There was plenty of space for Jae and Holly to run around. There was a small patio out back as well, and Jimin joked to Yoongi that he could get a barbecue and be one of those dads. He laughed, and said that was more up Taehyung or even Jin's ally. But he'd looked at the space, and thought of him and Jimin a couple years down the road, hosting a get together for all their friends. He could imagine Jae running around with Holly, and maybe Jungkook with a child of his own. It was so easy to picture himself living here with Jimin. They didn't have to talk about it as they got in the car and drove home. They knew, and the following morning they put an offer down on the house. Later that same evening, they got a call saying it was theirs.

It wasn't until Yoongi realized that it was theirs that he started to feel funny. It was a good kind of funny, he figured. The kind of funny you get when you know you're in for a change, and it'll be one of the best things in your life, but you can't help but still feel sad over it. Yoongi knew that it was the emotional attachment he had to his apartment. Jimin was right, it was going to make him upset to leave it. He'd lived there for three years, a home that had been designed for him and Han. It was their place, but at the same time, it had really only ever been his place. They'd lived together for three months, and those three months were oh so perfect. But Han hadn't been there long enough, and so maybe it wasn't the apartment he was attached to, but the memory instead.

He'd brought this up to Jimin one night while they were in bed, surrounded by unfolded boxes. Jimin could tell he was off - he knew it would happen, he didn't think that Yoongi could go through his whole process unaffected. He could see that he would miss his old place, but was surprised when Yoongi told him that it wasn't the case. "I'm not attached to the apartment," Yoongi told him, and he snuggled up to Jimin's side, one arm tucked under his head, and the other draped over his waist. "It was never the apartment that I was attached to. It was never our home, we hadn't lived together long enough for it to feel that way. It's my home, the place I've been stuck in for three whole years, haunted by memories of what was, and what could have been. I'm attached to the memory of seeing him on the couch, watching tv or reading, or hearing him sing in the bathroom, or making coffee in the kitchen. That's what's holding me back, knowing that I'll be waking up in a place soon, that I'm unfamiliar with, and knowing that I can't just go back to how things were. It won't be my place soon."

"And that's normal," Jimin had replied. "You like familiarity. You like knowing what to expect, and I'm ripping you away from the only sanctuary you've ever known," only to Yoongi, it didn't feel like Jimin was ripping him away. Jimin would never do that. He was giving Yoongi the time he needed. If he was ready, then he was ready, and if not, it wasn't like Jimin was going to say no when he was. "I understand how you feel,"

"You do?" Yoongi didn't understand how this surprised him, but it did.

"After Jaehyuk passed away, my parents wouldn't go into his room. Everything was left the way it had been when he had died. When I was upset or angry, or didn't know how to deal with the stress that I was feeling, I would hide in his room. I felt safer in his room than I did in my own, and when I was really out of it, I'd sleep in there. But when Jae was born, my parents packed away all his things, and turned his room into her room, and suddenly that one space that I needed was gone. I was very angry with my parents. I could have rearranged my room to fit her crib and we could have left Jaehyuk's room alone, but they changed it on me. I knew that they were trying to make things easier for me - I needed a bigger space for Jae, that's just how it is with children, but I'd wished they'd've talked to me about it, because they knew how much it meant to me to be able to lock myself away in there. It was the whole reason why my father never let my mother pack up the room sooner. He saw how much I needed it,"

Yoongi realized deep down that he and Jimin weren't so different in certain aspects.

"But you want to know something?"


"We get to create new sanctuaries, you get to mine, and I get to be yours," Jimin whispered, giving him a loving smile. "Is that okay with you?"

Yoongi rested his head against Jimin's shoulder, kissing his skin. "That's more than okay with me," he whispered. What Jimin didn't realize was that he became Yoongi's sanctuary the first time they met. He was already his sanctuary, and he was more than thrilled to become Jimin's.

there are literally only six chapters left for me to write ): I'm gonna miss this book so much
but on a side note I have soooo many more yoonmin books in the works and by that I mean I'm up to like six now

I might update again today...who knows

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