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"a mute and an extrovert walk into a bar,"


JUNGKOOK FELT CLAUSTROPHOBIC. Surrounded by a plethora of people as he wandered down the hall to his dorm room, clutching a box in his hands, Jungkook felt as if he couldn't breathe. There were too many people crowded in the hall, unpacking and searching for their rooms. He wished Yoongi was here, but he had declined because he had something that he needed to do today, leaving Jungkook to fend for himself as he moved into his college dorm. (Well not entirely, he had his parents but he would have liked it if Yoongi could be here to help too)

His room was at the very end of the hall, and to make the journey from the car up to his room was too much for him. He wished he'd tried to bring more stuff up in one go so he wouldn't have to make too many trips. He had to squeeze his way through the crowd, and seeing as he was surrounded by strangers, he definitely wouldn't be able to talk.

He might have been a bit too aggressive when entering his dorm, slamming the door shut behind him with his foot. His grip loosened on his box, and he let out a deep breath. He had finally made it to the safety of his room. He took a deep breath and glanced around the dorm. He was standing in a kitchenette. It was a weird beige colour, with white appliances, and light coloured wooden chairs. It wasn't a pretty colour combination, but it was a dorm room, what did you expect? Off to the left was the bathroom, which was a need for Jungkook when he applied for residency. He couldn't do the communal shower, that was too awkward for him. He could do with the roommate - he didn't have to be social with them if he didn't want to and if needed he could lock himself away in his room - but the bathroom was a necessity.

Jungkook let out a breath, and set his box on the counter. He wondered if his roommate was already here or if they had yet to move in. He didn't need to wait very long to find out, because as he approached one of the separate bedroom doors, the front door to the dorm swung open, and a tall boy walked in, wearing a tight black turtleneck and jeans. Glancing up, Jungkook was greeted with familiar brown eyes and boxy smile.



Taehyung set his box down on the ground with an even bigger smile than the one he had before. "Hey! Well what'd'ya know, we're roommates!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Jungkook felt like he had won the jackpot. Not only was his new roommate someone he trusted, it was, of all people, Taehyung. A boy he'd been in love with since the first day they met. He felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of his chest, because he wouldn't have to go through the embarrassment of trying to explain to others why he didn't talk, or why he was possibly having a panic attack at 3 am. Taehyung knew about those, and he wouldn't judge. Nor would he expect any sort of explanation from him if it did happen. Taehyung was the best possible person to have ended up with, and it was just pure luck that it happened.

Jungkook couldn't help the goofy smile that crept onto his face as Taehyung waited for an answer. He chuckled to himself when Jungkook smiled. "I'll take it that you're happy to see me?" Taehyung mused, trying to hide the fact that he was internally freaking out over being in a dorm with Jungkook. He couldn't wait to call Jimin and tell him all about this. He no longer would have to wait once a week to see Jungkook. He would get to see him all the time.

Jungkook nodded, and without thinking, crossed the small space that separated the two of them, catching Taehyung off guard with a hug. Again, Taehyung internally panicked as he hugged him back, because holy fuck Jungkook was hugging him, he was actually getting a Jungkook hug!

Jungkook seemed a bit embarrassed when he pulled back out of the hug, not wanting to meet Taehyung's gaze. But the older didn't seem bothered, he only ruffled his hair. "Come on Jungkook, we have cars to unpack and a dorm to set up,"

The sun was beginning to set by the time they had unpacked most of their things. Jungkook didn't have as much as Taehyung, so he managed to unload and unpack quicker, making his bed, and hanging everything up. He set his desk up, got rid of all the garbage, and then went on to help Taehyung put away all of his things. Between the two of them, they were done by seven o'clock, and Taehyung asked if Jungkook wanted to get takeout for dinner. Jungkook could have sworn his cheeks turned a dark red at the request, but he nodded regardless. Dinner with Taehyung sounded nice, even if it was takeout food.

They sat, cramped at the small table in their dorm. Taehyung rambled on, supplying all of the conversation while Jungkook sat, and nodded or occasionally scribbled down his response. Taehyung told him all about his classes - he was taking fashion - which took Jungkook by surprise, because he would have never guessed. Sure, Taehyung was always well put together whenever he saw him, but he didn't think he was into making his own clothes.

"I used to make all my halloween costumes," Taehyung explained. "I always loved doing it, so why not turn that hobby into a career?"

That's really cool!

"Well thank you," he mumbled, red in the face. "Hey Jungkook?"

The younger paused from eating and cocked an eyebrow.

"I never told you, and I don't want it to sound weird or anything, but...uh...y-you have a nice voice," Taehyung said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I was going to tell you that day at the meeting, but I didn't get a chance too,"

Jungkook was confused for a moment, until he remembered that he had spoken that day, when he noticed Yoongi come into the room. He hadn't been thinking in that moment, it just slipped out. Jungkook picked up his pen.

Thank you

There was a spark in Taehyung's eyes, and the awkwardness vanished. He smiled again. "You're welcome,"

I'm sorry that I don't talk he added, feeling a bit bad about it. Jungkook spent most days wanting to talk, but it was a lot harder than it used to be. I used to be such a chatterbox before, a-and then...

"No, no, no, don't apologize, it's okay," Taehyung rushed out, gently placing his hands on top of Jungkook's to stop him from writing. "Please, stop apologizing, you have nothing to be sorry for. Especially to me, Jungkook,"

People only call me Jungkook when they can't get my attention...you can call me Kook if you want. And I'm sorry because you're my friend. I should be able to talk to friends right? Like you and Jimin and Jae. I want to talk to you,

"You are talking to me Kook,"

No. I want to talk to you like a normal person. I want to have conversations and laugh, but I'm not ready to talk

Taehyung shrugged. "So we take it day by day," he responded. "You have me, and Namjoon and Jimin, and what's his name- Yoongo?"

Jungkook giggled.


"Right, Yoongi. Him too. We're going to be there every step of the way, and we'll be here when you want to talk to us about what happened. But until then, what we're doing is okay,"

I'm really glad that out of all the strangers I could have gotten stuck with, it just so happened to be you

Taehyung felt like he was going to die from cuteness.

"I'm really glad you're my roommate to Kook,"

back at it again with calling Yoongi by the wrong names (:

just a cute Taekook chapter because why not. it's not great (i sound like a broken record rn but ya girl is trying to get her shit together because school is hard, so motivation is LOW. if I have young readers who have not yet graduated high school, make sure you have all your credits. it makes life ten times easier)

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