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"touch me,"


THEIR FIRST TIME IS SOMETHING YOONGI WILL NEVER FORGET. It's a little clumsy, and awkward in the beginning, but seeing as nobody was home, they didn't have to hide how they felt with one another. Yoongi was free to be as loud as he wanted, and Han didn't hold back either.

It started with them on the living room couch, with Yoongi holding his notebook in one hand, and his science textbook balanced hazardously on his knee. He was confused and frustrated over the fact that he couldn't do basic chemistry, and he silently cursed Han for forcing him to do his homework. "I don't want you to fail science," Han had told him. "It's not that hard, I'll help you,"

And so there they sat, the two of them working on their science homework. Of course, Han completed his before Yoongi had even made it past question two. Han was just naturally smart and wanted to go into Medicine once he graduated high school, so it was no surprise that he excelled at science. As for himself, well Yoongi barely made it three questions into the homework before wanting to give up.

Han tossed his head back with a laugh, and set his books down on the coffee table and moved closer to Yoongi on the couch. Yoongi swallowed and did his best to not attack the older with a kiss. The way he moved closer to him was enough to drive him crazy and he hadn't even done anything. Han ran a hand through his hair and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, peering down at Yoongi's homework. He took the textbook off his knee and scanned through the questions.

Yoongi wasn't paying attention as Han began to explain question four to him. He was too busy staring at Han's lips, wishing that he could be doing other things with the older instead. Han went on for another twenty minutes before Yoongi decided he couldn't take it anymore and tossed his pen and notebook onto the table. He yanked the textbook out of Han's hands, tossed it away too, and pressed his lips against his boyfriend's. He pushed the older back against the couch, straddling his waist in the process. Han let his eyes closed briefly before breaking the kiss. "You weren't paying attention to anything I was saying were you?" he laughed, and Yoongi shook his head in response.

"No, and it's all your fault," Yoongi told him with a slight frown. Han raised a brow in amusement.

"My fault?" he questioned. Yoongi nodded his head.

"Yeah. How the fuck am I supposed to pay attention to what you're saying when you look like this?" Yoongi stated, eyeing Han's outfit choice. The older was in jeans that had enough tears in it that Yoongi wondered if they could even be considered jeans anymore, and a tight black t-shirt. Yoongi could see the small tattoo on the inside of his wrist, something he'd gotten on his 18th birthday, and Yoongi found it incredibly sexy. His hair was messed from how many times Han had ran his fingers through his dark locks and his glasses sat perched atop his nose. He looked like a cross between your typically bad boy and fuckboi ceo cliche tropes, and Yoongi wanted nothing more for the older to take him on the couch. It sounded better than doing science.

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