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oo6"I wanna spend forever with you,"

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"I wanna spend forever with you,"


HE'S 19 YEARS, AND HOPELESSLY IN LOVE. Jeon Haneul never thought it was possible for him to love someone as much as he loved Min Yoongi, but here he was. His mother always told him to be grateful for the things in his life, and to never take them for granted. Min Yoongi was one of those things.

There were a lot of things about Yoongi that Han had grown to love over the past few years. The list was quite huge and he always joked silently to himself that he could write a book about it. Here are some of the things he's grown to love about him.

1. Min Yoongi was a great listener, and thoughtful about others. It was quite clear to many who met them, that they were almost polar opposites. There were a few things they shared in common, but when it came to things like schooling, Han was clearly the one who valued his education. Yoongi....not so much. And he had no interest in subjects such as science or medicine in the sense that he wanted to go out and work in that field. That was Han's niche. But even if he hated science with a passion, Yoongi would always let him ramble on about something new he had learned or an interesting fact. He would sit for hours while he spoke and if he didn't understand, he would ask Han to explain it to him in a way that he could understand. Han loved it.

2. On the topic of how Yoongi would let him talk about his interests without fear of being put down, Han was always taken back when Yoongi went out of the way to learn something so that he could talk to Han about it. It surprised him. He'd never been with someone who would go out of their way to learn a few things so that he could engage in a conversation with him. Not once. It was quite a shock the first time it had happened, that Han had to take a minute to process what was going on. They'd been watching tv and somehow he had convinced Yoongi to watch a program about the elements of the periodic table. He'd been rambling on about how they came to be, and Yoongi surprised him by correcting him. He had to look it up and sure enough, Yoongi had been right. Yoongi seemed so casual about it, but the younger didn't realize how much it meant to Han. Yoongi found it funny by how dumbstruck Han was, as they watched the rest of the show. He didn't say another word, seemingly at a loss for words, and Yoongi kept stating the facts that he could remember to keep catching Han off guard. By the time the show was done, Han turned to him and all he could muster up was, "how?"  Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Han's cheek before getting off the couch.

"Jungkook had a project on Helium, and asked for my help because you were at school. We started a mini competition to see who could learn as many facts on the other elements as possible. I won," Yoongi replied. "Didn't know that it meant I could one up you though,"

And this wasn't the first time it happened. Han found that anytime he brought up something he was interested in, Yoongi would quietly do some reading on the subject so that he could talk to Han about it. It warmed Han's heart.

3. He put others before himself, even in times of need. Han could remember coming home from school being incredibly excited about what he had learned in class, and had gone on roughly a thirty minute rant before he noticed that Yoongi was both tired and incredibly stressed out. He had a textbook propped open in front of him and every so often would groan and rub his temples in frustration. "Baby, you okay?"

"I'm fine," had been the reply. His voice was low, and rough. It was quite clear that he wasn't fine. They'd been together long enough to know when the other was upset or not having a good day. Han immediately moved to his side, not quite touching Yoongi. He'd come to learn that Yoongi didn't like to be touched without permission when angry.

"No you're not. You're stressed. Why didn't you say anything? I would have given you some space so you could study,"

"I don't want space, I want you. Besides, you looked really excited when you came home, I didn't want to ruin your mood,"


"And anyways, I like listening to you talk. It's calming, so I'd rather you stayed,"

4. Han loved how patient he was with Jungkook and how inclusive he could be with him. There were a lot of times that they preferred that it just be the two of them, but occasionally, when Jungkook did hang out with them, Yoongi was always the one trying to make the most of the situation and make it so that Jungkook had just as much fun as they did. Han also loved how eager he was to help Jungkook. He could see how excited it made him when Jungkook asked for his help and not Han's. He knew that he sometimes struggled to believe that he was smart enough, so when Jungkook asked for his help with homework, Yoongi felt a little better about himself in the end. He also loved how Yoongi was quick to give Jungkook advice. Whether it was about dating or life advice, he always had something to say (not always helpful in Han's opinion) but it was adorable nonetheless. Overall, Han could tell that Yoongi really loved Jungkook, and valued his well being, which he found important.

5. He loved how Yoongi would "humour" him in a sense, and dress up all fancy so that he could take him on a date. Min Yoongi wasn't a romantic, nor was he cheesy, that was definitely Han's area.

6. Yoongi looked fantastic in a suit

7. He loved waking up next to him. With Yoongi still in high school, and him at University, they didn't have the luxury of moving in together. They were stuck doing some nights here, some nights there and some apart, so on the nights they got to spend with each other, Han loved being able to wake up next to him.

8. Despite loving his sleep, Yoongi had developed a habit of waking up before Han to bring him a cup of coffee in the morning. Nine times out of ten, Han could expect to wake up with Yoongi holding a cup of coffee for him in one hand and his phone in the other.

9. He loved seeing Yoongi blush. He also loved how easy it was to get him to do it.

10. He loved to praise Yoongi for several reasons. The first being that he thought Yoongi deserved it. Nothing made him happier than seeing Yoongi light up because of the simple phrase, "you're doing so good baby," he could tell it made him feel better about even the smallest of things. The second was because he loved watching Yoongi fall apart with praise like, "you look so pretty," or "I'm so proud of you," Yoongi would turn red in the face and become fidgety. He would then pull him into his lap and continue to praise him for almost nothing because of how adorable Yoongi would get.

11. Han loved touching Yoongi. And he didn't mean sexually. He just enjoyed having his hands on him, whether it was running his fingers through the younger's hair or placing a hand on his thigh when they watched a movie. He was always behind him, back hugging him while he did virtually almost any task, or his hands were on his hips. When they were out, he would like to hold his hand or have his arms over his shoulder. Sometimes it would be around his waist. Han liked to cuddle Yoongi in bed, and preferably like to be the one on top or with his arms around his lower waist, head resting too close to Yoongi's lower half which typically drove Yoongi crazy. There was something heartwarming to know that Yoongi was his and only he could touch him, and that made him happy.

12. Han loved how soft Yoongi's lips were. They molded perfectly with his, like they were made for each other, and kissing Yoongi was one of his favourite things to do. The younger was quite talented with his lips.

13. He loved how Yoongi simply didn't give a fuck. Sure, he had insecurities and Han could tell that sometimes he struggled with them sometimes but other than that, Yoongi didn't worry about what others thought of him. He didn't worry about pleasing others, because in the end, Yoongi did things for himself, especially if it made him happy. Yoongi didn't care that he wasn't great in school, because the younger knew that he tried his best to succeed and in the end of the day that was good enough for him. He wasn't crazy intelligent but he wasn't stupid either. Sometimes Han wished he could just not care about school. Maybe things would be less stressful.

14. He loved his gummy smile. Han could remember the first time he saw Yoongi genuinely smile, and it was the most purest thing he'd ever seen in his whole life. It was one of his favourite things.

15. He loved waking up before Yoongi. Yoongi always looked so peaceful when he slept.

16. Han loved to listen to him rant about his passions. Especially music. The younger talked about music like it was the air he needed to breathe. Something Han had learned rather quickly about Yoongi was how much the younger loved music. He was quite shocked to learn that Yoongi could play the piano.

17. He loved listening to Yoongi play the piano

18. Han loved sex. Sex with Yoongi was amazing. Being able to be that intimate with someone you care about was one of the best feelings in the world.

19. Han loved coming home to Yoongi after being away for weeks. There were long stretches of time where he would be so focused on school that he wouldn't be able to come home for a while. And when he did, Yoongi was there to pull him in for a tight hug that made him feel loved. Yoongi held him like if he let go Han would disappear again forever. He wouldn't be able to get a word in before he was pulling Han in for a kiss, and dragging him into the house.

20. And lastly, he just loved Min Yoongi in general.

i want someone to make a list of all the things they love about me...the joys of being single

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