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"books shops, sad thoughts, and a trip to the therapist,"



HE'S 22 YEARS OLD, BUT FEELS 16 AS HE STANDS BEHIND THE COUNTER, BREATHING IN THE SCENT OF OLD VINYLS AND WHISKEY. It's nostalgic almost, working in a music store. Yoongi could remember when he would spend hours in them after school when he was still a teenager. There was an old music store a couple blocks from his childhood home that he would take Han to some days when they got new music. He could spend hours going through the albums that were there.

He hadn't been working here long; only a month and a half, but he enjoyed every second of it. He worked alongside a young girl. Her name was Joy, and she was the type of person Yoongi would have definitely hung out with if they had gone to high school together. She was Jungkook's age, with bright pink hair, and several earrings in each ear. She had a total of five tattoos, rode a motorcycle and was studying to become a Mortuary Makeup artist. Yoongi liked her. Joy was fun, interesting to talk to, and always had some sort of funny story to tell him.

He also worked with a younger boy named Kai, who was only fifteen. His uncle owned the place and let him work part time because he was still in high school. Kai reminded him a lot of Jungkook at a younger age. He talked a lot, about anything and everything, and had a very good memory. He'd dyed his hair an obnoxious green colour and was big on video games. Heck, sometimes Yoongi thought he was living in a video game whenever he clocked in because of how he dressed. Kid looked like he was ready to take on the world or something.

Yoongi likes the music store, and he likes Joy and Kai. The three of them are a little family that see each other at odd hours of the week. Yoongi is like the older brother, seeing as he is the oldest, and Kai is the baby. Joy has described herself as the wine aunt that shows up to parties dressed lavishly and gives the kids wads of cash to do with as they please.

It felt weird, at first, going back to work. He'd quit his job and went on unemployment when Han passed away, and virtually lived like that for three years. But Yoongi didn't want that life anymore. He wanted to get better, and the first step was to get a job that was decent enough to pay the bills. And so he ended up at Muse, a pretty popular music shop not far from the college. They'd gotten big enough that the man who ran it was looking for extra help, and offered Yoongi a job on the spot. Told him he could start that day if he wanted to. Yoongi had nothing on his plate that day, and asked where he wanted him to be, which is how he ended up unboxing vinyls all afternoon. Yoongi had to admit, it was quite therapeutic and made a mental list of off the different artists he thought would be interesting to try out. Now, whenever someone came into the store, looking at one of those artists, Yoongi would fire off a few facts about the group, making people interested even more. They almost always left with something. Yoongi gets a sense of pride when he helps someone find something new to enjoy. It makes him feel better about himself. In his own way, Yoongi is helping people, maybe not like Namjoon or Jimin or Taehyung, but he's helping find something that they might possibly come to love.

Yoongi waves goodbye to the little girl who had come in with her mother to find a birthday gift for her oldest son. She had chubby cheeks and was decked out in a slightly oversized pink winter coat. She reminded him a little bit of Jae, when Jimin had brought her into the store the other day. Her coat was big too, and a light beige colour, making her look like a lightly toasted marshmallow.

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