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"don't be scared of the dark,"



Namjoon glanced around the circle of faces, hands clasped together and propped up against one leg that had been crossed over the other. Behind him stood his husband, hands resting on his shoulders. Yoongi hadn't seen Jin in almost two months, He'd stopped by during Christmas with Namjoon to give them their gifts. But it was February now. Yoongi was amazed by how much time had gone by.

Yoongi had been dreading this day for almost two weeks now. Namjoon had warned them in advance to give them enough time to mentally prepare for today, and allow for enough notice that people could opt out of showing up today. Yoongi did not want to be there - he had a lot of fears that he wasn't ready to talk about in the slightest - and neither did Jungkook, but for the first time, Jimin asked Yoongi to come. He didn't "hope" he would show up, or that it would be "nice if he joined," like he usually did, he asked if he would come in that day. It sounded to Yoongi that Jimin needed him to be there, and deep down, something told Yoongi that Jimin needed to get something off his chest, and that he'd like for him to be there when it happened.

Their group was significantly smaller this morning. On a good day, they had twenty-five to thirty people, but today, they only totalled eleven - not including Namjoon, his husband Jin, Olivia, Taehyung and Jimin who were all there for moral support. Yoongi was a little sad that Jae wasn't present. Her grandparents had stolen her for the day. Jimin didn't want her to be present for this. She was still a baby, and he wasn't sure if she could handle seeing people at their darkest moments, which was reasonable. Jimin just wanted to protect her.

Namjoon took a deep breath and offered them all a reassuring smile. Yoongi could tell that Namjoon was trying to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Fears were a personal thing, and they were often hard to talk about. "Now, these fears can have nothing to do with why you come every week. I am by no means asking you to share if it is too personal, or if it will trigger something inside of you. These fears can be small, even ridiculous. For example, I don't like mirrors after dark because I've seen one to many horror films,"

There was a soft chorus of laughter. Hoseok, who was sitting next to Namjoon, shifted in his seat. "I don't like clowns," he said, giving his wife a disapproving look. "Because somebody decided to dress up as one and chase me around the house. S'not like I'm naming any names..."

Jimin snorted. He remembered that day. Hoseok had been ranting about it all morning.

"I'm afraid of ladybugs," Suki said, piping up from across the circle. She wore a brown sweater today, extremely oversized on her petite frame. "I went to a haunted house once and a girl in a ladybug costume scared the hell out of me,"

"I don't like blenders-" said a boy. His name was Lee and he looked like your typical computer nerd. He was new to the group, but seemed comfortable enough around everyone. "I read an article once about a guy who lost his hand to a blender," he shuddered at the memory.

One by one, that's how they continued, hoping back and forth between each other, sharing fears that were mostly attributed to Halloween or horror movies. If Jae were here, Jimin was positive that she would have said horses. It wasn't that she had a bad experience with them, she just didn't like how tall they were.

The tense atmosphere that once occupied the space as they joked about some of the things that frightened them. Jin joked about waking up ugly (world wild handsome as he liked to refer to himself). Jackson was deathly afraid of brussel sprouts because when he was a child, his mother used to tell him that if he didn't eat his vegetables the brussel sprouts monster would get him. Someone mentioned butterflies, which Yoongi thought was absurd, but to each their own.

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