the in-between

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THERE WAS SOMETHING EERIE ABOUT THE WOODS IN THE EARLY MORNING. The way the fog laid low to the ground, and the early morning light peaked through the treetops in a cloudy white haze. Soft beams of light had broken through the leaves. There wasn't a lot of light coming down, but it was enough. It was so silent - it was uncomfortable, but as Yoongi slowly trekked through the trees, he felt a sense of ease.

His feet rustled the leaves beneath his, and snap twigs. He noted that he was barefoot. That was odd. He could have sworn he put shoes on. He stared numbly down at his feet as he walked, listening carefully to the sounds of nature. The wind blew quietly through the trees, whispering and singing in their tongue, a tone so low Yoongi couldn't quite understand it. The sunlight seemed to fade, it scampered away as he drew near, hiding from him. He was in the woods, alone, and at ease.


He wasn't alone.

"What did you do?"

His tone sounds accusatory, but it's rather disappointed with him instead. He can see it in his face. He shouldn't be here. He should be back with Jimin, but he's here, in the woods.

"I'm not quite sure?" Yoongi replied confused. He's glancing around his surroundings, taking in the forest. The trunks were dark, almost black looking, and covered in a dark green moss. Everything felt dark, and yet the light from the morning sun was streaming in, illuminating everything it touched. "Why am I here? What is this place?"

"It's limbo," he murmured. "The in between,"

Yoongi turned his attention back to him. Han was standing in front of him with sad eyes, and a frown. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his jeans. Even when he was upset, he still blew him away with how handsome Han was. Yoongi could see how conflicted Han was. He could see behind the sadness in his eyes that he was delighted to see him. The way he rocked back and forth on his heels told him that Han was trying to hold himself back from running to him. He could see the way the vines curled around his ankles, almost to hold him back. He stood amongst the trees, almost afraid to step out into what little light there was. Yoongi hesitantly took a step forward.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I wasn't thinking,"

"Clearly," Han sighed. Yoongi winced.

"Please don't be mad at me," he whispered, taking another step forward. "I-I just miss you...and-"

"I missed you too," Han whispered, with a small smile. It was barely noticeable in the dark. He held out his hand for Yoongi. An invitation. "Will you walk with me?"

"Of course,"

Han felt warm. It was so strange to Yoongi - it wasn't like the cold he was used to. It was almost as if Han was still alive. Alive and well in the in between. The trek trekked further into the woods, where the light didn't reach, and yet Yoongi still felt calm and safe. Han would never hurt him. They were silent as they walked deeper and deeper, there wasn't a need to fill the silence, Yoongi's company was enough for Han. He squeezed his hand with his to let him know that everything was going to be okay.

And then they were stopping. They stopped where the light couldn't go, and Yoongi was consumed with darkness. It was a little cooler now, and he could smell smoke. A hazy fog settled around them. Fire? He wondered. No fire...but it smelled like one had passed through here at some point. The trees that surrounded them were broken and dead - they were burnt almost. The grass was grey and ashy. Yoongi recognized the car that lay totalled in front of them, upside down and smashed to hell.

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